Search results

  1. Jack Harer

    Drying an extra large cola

    I let them dry out for a week before harvesting. With Colas like that (Gorgeous!), the less moisture inside the better. The only time I ever had Bud Mold was a grow when I cut really turgid plants. Warmer temps, RH around 60% or lower, and good airflow and circulation in the drying area and...
  2. Jack Harer

    Experiments in Organic Pest Control - Spider Mites

    IME, Spider mites are entirely preventable. They are (For the most part) an indoor problem. Not letting your plants get moisture stressed, keep your room RH around 40, and watch your room temps. They just THRIVE in hot, arid conditions. I had to level an entire table due to an infestation, and...
  3. Jack Harer

    Jack is Back Part 2

    Divorce, 2 strokes......all in all a pretty strange trip. Ended up in a good way tho. This is my getting back grow. I'll be posting soil making guides & a bunch of stuff I've been working on.
  4. Jack Harer

    Jack is Back Part 2

    Thanx. My 1K and 400w ballasts are re-purposed high bay lighting as well. I have about $30 in each light including reflectors!
  5. Jack Harer

    Jack is back Part 3

    Y'all will have to forgive the burned leaves on some of the girls, I SERIOUSLY underestimated the height of Flobelia. Those 1k lights are literally on the ceiling. I ran slap OUT of head room, fortunately they stopped growing when they did.
  6. Jack Harer

    Jack is Back Part 2

    more bud shots and shots of the clone table. as you can see, these 2 cultivars are huge yeilders.
  7. Jack Harer

    Jack is back Part 1

    Hi guys and gals, it's been a while since I have been on. How ever, after many trials and tribulations (Not to mention the wailing and gnashing of teeth!!) I have finally got my room and strains dialed in. I have an unknown Sat Dom we are calling "Flobelia" and Sannies Selene. I started out with...
  8. Jack Harer

    Back in the game!!!

    Back in the game!!!
  9. Jack Harer

    photo album's

    So......All pics from old site are GONE????
  10. Jack Harer

    What is going on with my Plants?

    Heat mats and domes are great for cloning, but I never use them for seed germination (At least not since I killed off about $200 worth of good Sannies gear!!!) Live and learn. You can tell it's a girl already??? You're better than I am, fo sho.....
  11. Jack Harer

    F@CKING Spider Mites.

    To date, the WORST pest I have ever had indoors was an explosion of fungus gnats!! They were a pain in the ass, but the plants didn't suffer any effects. I have NEVER seen anything devastate a plant as fast as these little fuckers. About 3 weeks ago, I noticed that the girls looked like they...
  12. Jack Harer

    Best money I've ever spent

    I paid over $60 for my last magni-visor from Bausch & Laumb, I found this jewel on Amazon for less than $8. The quality is as good or better, and there are NO accessories or extras to buy. I can see trichomes perfectly with the loupe...
  13. Jack Harer

    New Grow, New lease on life!

    I started my road to recovery after a horrific past 4 yrs. Busted in 2010, (beat the case!!) then divorce followed by a stroke in 2011, disabled, homeless and then another stroke in 2012. Like that, I went from being on top of my game to NOTHING!!! A humbling experience indeed. In Feb 2014, I...
  14. Jack Harer

    Help with my second Organic try.

    Soil sounds good, go real easy on the bone meal, get some kelp and EWC if you can. Forget the pH of what you put in or comes out of the soil. Whats important is the actual pH of the soil itself. Overwatering isn't about how much water goes thru the soil, it's about how long the roots stay wet...
  15. Jack Harer

    blood meal or earthworm castings?

    If you just need N, then top-dress Blood Meal (Sparingly). Worm castings should be a basic component of any soil recipe at the onset.
  16. Jack Harer

    High iron levels in water

    I just went back and did a temp fix until my fans arrive, temps are holding steady at 84 with 2400w of MH running! I thought about getting some silica blast, but as I've never had this prob before, I aint sure just how organic it is. This will be the last crop in that room anyway. In the process...
  17. Jack Harer

    High iron levels in water

    You are dead on about the heat stress. It's been HOT (95+) and I am just now getting a handle on that with 600cfm extraction, and a 10K btu portable AC. The Iron thing just recently happened, as the well seems to start drying up with heavy demand. Starting today, I'll be using rain water, as I...
  18. Jack Harer

    High iron levels in water

    LOL, Guess ya just have to be smarter than a rock!!! Here are the pics!! Sorry!
  19. Jack Harer

    High iron levels in water

    Just got back, and the 2 look WAY worse than they did yesterday afternoon. I gave them an emergency watering with Superbloom at 1/4 strength and left them on the back porch until later this evening. My soil pH is 6.5. and my soil mix hasn't changed at all in a lot of years, except that this...
  20. Jack Harer

    High iron levels in water

    I am in an area where the well water is almost orange with iron and am now developing a Phosphorus deficiency with a pheno of Black Widow. THe soil is all organic, Mushroom compost, Llama poo, worm castings, kelp and Espoma BioTone. I foliar with Nutri-Cal and add Epsom every 3rd water or so...