Search results

  1. Jack Harer

    Tennessee Growers

    I could have SWORN there was a Tennessee growers group on the old site. Is there one now? I'd like to either join the existing, or start a new one. There certainly is a learning curve to this new site! Not necessarily a bad thing, but it IS different.
  2. Jack Harer

    Pics from old site?

    IT's been a minute since the change over, an I still cannot view any of my old albums or pics. Most of them are irreplaceable. Will they come back? Also, I am trying to start a new grow journal (actually, my first) and can make neither heads nor tails on how tro do this. I posted the initial...
  3. Jack Harer

    Marijuana grow myths

    Hmmm... I wonder if there may be a kernel of basis for this. I just had the thought that plants DO produce methyl jasmonine (which stimulates terpene production) in response to insect attack. I have always thought the nail was WAY wackier than the full moon thing, now I'm not so sure.
  4. Jack Harer

    I need a cannabis expert please

    Dude do not start over. I'd bet money your pH is fine. Use the Miracle Gro at 1/4 the recommended strength/dilution (With cannabis, less is more). What are you using for lights? You need either high output CFLs or HID (Metal Halide) Incandescent or mercury vapor will not get it
  5. Jack Harer

    ATL area?

    If anyone can give me and idea of what an elbow of Well cured, manicured and de-stemmed to the nth degree Widow or Jack Herer goes for in the ATL area I'd really appreciate it.
  6. Jack Harer

    regenerating flowered plants.

    Maybe just me, but I wouldn't replace cloning with revegging. Too much uncertainty.On the other hand, you can keep cloning clones till the cows come home.
  7. Jack Harer

    regenerating flowered plants.

    You got really lucky!! Last time I revegged some plants, I revegged some clones I took around 5 weeks into flower. They took a whole lot longer than that to start normal growth. There was some pretty freakish growth that occurred before they started looking normal as well. I'm wanting to say it...
  8. Jack Harer

    Best Lights to use

    Even tho you'll get more lumens from HPS, I'd personally go with a metal halide 600 if we are choosing one over the other . MUCH easier on the eyes.
  9. Jack Harer

    Is my seedling healthy?

    Stellar! It's doing wonderful, stop stressing.
  10. Jack Harer

    Anyone know this "strain"?

    Could be any of the above...the only words on the packet were "Magilla GLO"
  11. Jack Harer

    Anyone know this "strain"?

    Friend of mine ordered some seed from Cannazon, (a whole nuther story there!!) and received a 5 pack of "Magilla GLO" as a freebie. Is anyone familiar with this? Who is the breeder? Is it Sat, Indica, or a hybrid? Just kinda curious since I can find no reference to it anywhere. She seems to...
  12. Jack Harer

    The organic philosophy: How far do you take it?

    I quit using guanos a while back. The risk of contracting Histoplasmosis, Cryptosporidium, and a host of other respiratory infections is very real. Also, the same environmental impacts as Peat apply to Bat guano as well. It is NOT an infinite resource, and entire colonies of bats are affected by...
  13. Jack Harer

    Does molasses really remove chloramine?

    After about 5 years of research (reading other folks research papers, articles, etc) I have come to the conclusion that the only way to get rid of chloramine is to somehow break the chloramine bond, separating the Cl from the ammonia. The Chlorine will "gas off" naturally, and if you have a good...
  14. Jack Harer

    Are these Fertilizer and Pest control good enough? (pictures)

    Looking closer at the "Golden Flowers" bag, in the fourth paragraph from the top written in Thai/Sanskrit I see 3 sets if numbers that "appear" to be giving what I assume are NPK numbers. (NPK is pretty much universally used) 1-4, 3-6, and 10-15. I would safely assume that the NPK of that fert...
  15. Jack Harer

    Are these Fertilizer and Pest control good enough? (pictures)

    I take it from what I read that you wanna be organic, but wish to use "prepared", store bought organic nutrients that you can dose out and apply like chemical salt ferts? Composts and manures are available EVERYWHERE. From the from the northern Chiang Mai region of Thailand (I'm assuming you are...
  16. Jack Harer

    New grow facilities, and I'm back in the saddle.....

    May take a day or so...lots of pics to strip exif out and sort. I feel like a newbie here for some reason so I thought I'd reintroduce myself. 'Preciate that Snaps, but staying under a plant count doesn't even factor in here. I strip exif data from all images, use a VPN, and post virtually...
  17. Jack Harer

    New grow facilities, and I'm back in the saddle.....

    Hi everyone. Jack Harer here. (No, not the really famous guy...just a little bunny in a big field) I've been know to grow a few plants here, there, and yonder. I got an invite to this place, so I decided to check it out. I recently was given access to a newly built 24'x40' Barn, concrete floor...
  18. Jack Harer

    User Ranking System

    And it's good to be King....or at least in his court!
  19. Jack Harer

    PH Advice for soil grows

    Me too, Great post!!
  20. Jack Harer

    New site layout! What do you like? What do you not like?

    Hiccup #1, I tried ti "like" a post, and got an error message that said I didn't have permission to do that. I double checked that I was logged on (I sometimes get logged off after a few min of inactivity)