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  1. nizmo

    bad water, or just too much?

    Yep, its normal for them to droop after you water them. It's always happened to me. I always water heavily also. I usually get about 1 or 2 liters runoff to make sure the soil is saturated and it also works like a flush every time.
  2. nizmo

    First week flowering and still plagued by new growth yellowing

    This has been an ongoing problem for me for a long time. As you can see in the pictures, what is happening is that ALL of the older growth is perfectly healthy and normal. The problem is with the new growth ONLY. What is happening is that the is yellowing starts at the base of the leaf, and...
  3. nizmo

    Which ppm scale?

    When people on here are referring to ppm's - is it usually the x 500 scale or x 700 scale?
  4. nizmo

    How do I measure temperature correctly? GREAT ARTICLE

    You can easily convert between celcius and fahrenheit just google "26c to f" or "75f to c" (without the quotes). Yeah the hand test is good. How warm is "too warm" is probably something you'l have to work out yourself though. Plants grown outdoors under the sun are different.
  5. nizmo

    Do any strains actually produce crap buds?

    Yeah id say your right. Maybe ive just been lucky... Ive only grown from seed once before but it never made it to flower because we got robbed :/ Next time i get crap stuff which is seeded ill give it a go. I always wonder how they went so wrong when i get that stuff.
  6. nizmo

    Premature flowering

    This is what you want them to look like;
  7. nizmo

    Premature flowering

    Exactly. This is what it will look like if you have very little veg time. Less than a week after this clone rooted it went in the flower room.
  8. nizmo

    Week 9 Flowering...are they ready??

    I usually set an alarm for when my lights go off, and get in there with my desk lamp and camera. Once the lights go off, i have my desk lamp on so i can see what im looking at thru the camera, make sure the flash is on, and the photos that i take without the intense red spectrum light are...
  9. nizmo

    Can I use low odor strain and no tent??

    If you want max yeild you don't need to veg them for a long time. LST and topping will double or even triple your yeild in the same amount of growth time. It will take you a few grows of trial and error to get that perfect even canopy down to a fine art - but it is worth it. Grow smarter.
  10. nizmo

    Need some pro. help!~ Thanks a lot

    Erratic light cycles cause hermies (basically, you'l get seeds in your buds). You want a consistent light cycle. 16 on 6 off for vege. 12 on 12 off for flowering. Don't guess it either - use a timer. They are cheap.
  11. nizmo

    Need some pro. help!~ Thanks a lot

    Those plants are unbelievably stretched. What usually causes this is having your plants too far away from the light. What kind of light are you using and how far away from the light have the tops of the plants been up until now?
  12. nizmo

    Do any strains actually produce crap buds?

    I've done 3 grows. All of them were clones given to me by friends. I've probably grown at least 7 different strains (having no idea what they were). Every single plant i've grown has turned out to be as beautiful as the attached picture (which was my second grow - but of equal quality as all...
  13. nizmo

    How do I measure temperature correctly? GREAT ARTICLE

    This is exactly what i have been hunting around for. Thanks for posting.
  14. nizmo

    Where do you position your temperature guages?

    Found this great post which answers my questions;
  15. nizmo

    upside taco leaves and thin new growth

    Yeah actually could just be over watering, my bad
  16. nizmo

    upside taco leaves and thin new growth

    "Clawing" is almost always the result of overfert - and i may be wrong but i think the affected leaves of nute burn never fully recover.
  17. nizmo

    Where do you position your temperature guages?

    Under the lights, as in, at the same height as the canpoy but off to the side to avoid direct light contact - or directly under the light? Won't that get really hot? Do you see a major difference between the bottom one and the one with the light directly hitting it?
  18. nizmo

    New Growth Yellowing

    The general consensus seems to be that a ppm meter isn't nesassary for soil grows but i'm not convinced either way just yet. I'm yet to see anyone against the use of ppm meters provide any plausible scientific reasoning as to why exactly they are not required when growing in soil. If you are...
  19. nizmo

    upside taco leaves and thin new growth

    followed directly by You completely contradict yourself. First you suggest that we can assume something is true until something else proves it wrong. Then you point out your own fallacy with your god analogy. To reject anecdotal evidence for molasses usage in the absence of a controlled...
  20. nizmo

    Where do you position your temperature guages?

    I'm slightly confused about this. My first thought would be that the ideal place would be at the same height as the canopy - but that may give a false reading due to the radiant heat of the light. Your room might be 74 but directly under the lights is 90. When people refer to optimal temps...