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  1. nizmo

    4 weeks in flower

    Looks pretty good so far. Always hard to tell how big they will get
  2. nizmo

    Help! Is she ready

    Yeah that does look a way off yet. In future turn off your lights when taking pictures. We can see the plant better in normal light
  3. nizmo

    will I get big buds??

    This assumes that you provide the plant good growing conditions, its not a hard and fast rule. There a millions of ways you can fuck up a grow, especially if you don't know how to distinguish between good and rubbish advice (which there is plenty of on here).
  4. nizmo

    ghb - this is how i grow

    I hate to burst your bubble, but i can guarantee you by looking at your plants that you are not going to get the best out of those plants potential and its because they are lanky and thin (i mean thin as in not bushy - not the leaves being thin). You realize that leaves are how the plant...
  5. nizmo

    I'm stumped guys. please help

    If there's one thing i've learned on these forums it's that people talk complete and utter shit. So no, we don't believe you so prove it with pictures and show us that we should take you seriously. As a side note; i see alot of people on these forums who post pictures of their grow and think...
  6. nizmo

    ghb - this is how i grow

    Looks pretty spindly, you want to aim for a thicker canopy than that at that stage. Leaves look quite thin i wonder if thats just the strain.
  7. nizmo

    First grow tips or advice welcome

    Oh god, what have you done
  8. nizmo

    Deficiency help

    Just some nondescript plant food i got from a local plant store. You don't need anything fancy. Any generic complete plant food will do. I use an npk of 8-3-6 in veg (although i barely used it) and 4-2-8 for flower. That stuff your talking about sounds whack. NPK is all wrong. Just use a...
  9. nizmo

    Deficiency help

    Its all good man. I don't take anything personally, im just offering you the same advice i wish had been offered to me. If you doubt the credibility of that site, then look at their gallery. The quality and health of the plants right up until late flower is nothing short of outstanding. These...
  10. nizmo

    Deficiency help

    Or because you haven't given it enough of what it needs? It sure wasn't getting much from the soil you used. My point is that if its showing signs of deficiency, then you are better off feeding it a complete plant food rather than just focusing on a few micronutrients like calcium and magnesium...
  11. nizmo

    Deficiency help

    I highly recommend you don't experiment with soil additives and i recommend even more strongly that you don't attempt to create your own. There are plenty of excellent brands that do a fantastic job. Best case scenario is that you will come close to matching the quality of a good pre mix, at...
  12. nizmo

    Deficiency help

    Your first mistake was buying a soil that is no good for growing weed. The second mistake was to take it upon yourself and add extra shit to a pre-made soil mix. I don't blame you for any of these mistakes - i've made plenty of similar ones along the way. It is very difficult as a novice grower...
  13. nizmo

    Is this nute burn? humidity problem? or heat issue?

    It does hurt for the reasons i explained. When you constantly add pH up/down to get your input water at the right pH, you end up fucking up your soil balance over time. I have first hand experience of this. The point is, if you water supply isnt terrible and you are growing in good soil (which...
  14. nizmo

    Is this nute burn? humidity problem? or heat issue?

    Your first theory is spot on in my opinion. Have a read of this page. The soil you are using is recommended by them so that's good, but it also contains a mention in the FAQ section of that page saying that it is a "hot" soil so even more...
  15. nizmo


    The idea behind flushing is to let the plant “use up” all the nutrients/chemicals contained in the plant/buds, so there isn’t any left over after harvest to cause harshness or chemical tastes. In other words, you are starving the plant of nutrients by not providing them everything they need...
  16. nizmo


    Recommended by who? Does anyone know of any credible articles which indicate that you need your plants to be starving and devoid of all nutrients at harvest time in order to produce the best quality product? Have you ever seen professionally grown marijuana? Have you noticed that their foliage...
  17. nizmo

    Any advice on how to proceed with getting a better yield

    Nope, always grown in soil
  18. nizmo

    Any advice on how to proceed with getting a better yield

    Have a look at the gallery on the mandalaseeds site. When someone grows buds like that - you take their advice.
  19. nizmo

    Any advice on how to proceed with getting a better yield

    I actually cant remember the brand exactly. You want a general potting mix for houseplants. Don't go for a mix which is designed for a specific plant type because Have a read of that. The information is specific to the strains they are selling...
  20. nizmo


    1) Looks like a classic nitrogen deficiency. What have you been feeding it up until now? 2) You should still be feeding it veg nutes until about the 3rd or 4th week of flower. 3) Plants need more N and K than P when flowering. 4) You are going to have a rootbound plant in that tiny pot if you...