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  1. Brimi

    Help! Mold?

    Does it smell like mushrooms? Mold does. I have made BHO from a little bud with a little mold. BHO came out top quality, but who knows what nasty stuff is in there. Now - if i ever smell mushrooms in the bud i thoroughly discard everything that is damaged - and the stuff touching.
  2. Brimi

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Thanks - i'll try that. So that is a screen to put on top of the oil/budder to protect it from the flame? Another question - yes i read your're right. I hold the flame as far away as i can. But when the budder is melted into the ashes i do use to have the edges slightly burning into the middle...
  3. Brimi

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Don't know - that's why i said "don't think so". I don't think it's as simple as you explain. When taking a bong head with bud you combust a lot more plant material that burns away. But when i take my budder on a bed of ash in the bong the budder almost melts away first and then yes - combusts...
  4. Brimi

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    That looks very dark. What did you make that from and how?
  5. Brimi

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Since you mention it i would like to take in the budder without combustion. I have a Volcano - anybody tried an effective delivery method there? - if the ash bed in the bong is not the best i was thinking about one of those light bulb vaporizers. Some Volcano trick would be cool. I will test...
  6. Brimi

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Don't think so.
  7. Brimi

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Guys - anybody know the health risks of smoking BHO in a bong from a bed of pure ash. It's a very clean smoke i feel, but anybody know if it's as bad as for instance smoking bud joints? This is by far the healthiest feeling smoke i've tried.. other than the vaporizer.
  8. Brimi

    Volcano Vaporizer Tip To Save Money

    We do it often. Here's a couple of other herbs that do really well. My favorite is a bottom bed of great bud and above that freshly roughly ground peppermint leaves. Swiss mint works as well but is not as sweet as candy like peppermint. Lavender is a favorite of mine too. The smell of lavender...
  9. Brimi

    week 18 flowering chop?

    Arghh - got my nose too deep into the honey jar not seeing how old this is ;O) - and i think you are right about the vegging. Does look weird - hopefully vaped or smoked by now ;O)
  10. Brimi

    week 18 flowering chop?

    A pure sativa can easily take that long to finish of. I have a Jack Herer pheno that i harvest at 130 days - all trichomes are milky at that point.
  11. Brimi

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Don't know, but my outdoor strain Durban grown indoor gives an amber colored oil that is very fat and oily in the smoke. Jack Herer so far mostly white/yellow, but not untill buddering up which it does very fast.
  12. Brimi

    Does it look ready?

    By the overall looks of your plant i'd say maybe two more weeks. Plant just still looks very virile.
  13. Brimi

    Does it look ready?

    For the very most times the one safe way to ensure the plant is at peak potency is to harvest when as many as possible trichomes are milky white. They start up clear - then go milky - then go amber. At amber some cannabinoids have turned into other cannabinoids and are said to have more of a...
  14. Brimi

    additives with lucas formula anyone tryed??

    I have been using Luca's Formula for many years. It works like a charm. In flower i just dump a little bit of green in. Seem to make the plants keep fan leaves all the way to harvest like that. I did try one additive once in a cloner - added fulvic acid which definitely didn't hurt the clones...
  15. Brimi

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Ah okay - thought grinding it up might expose more other stuff/oils to the butane or something.
  16. Brimi

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Oh! - that fine? Is there any connection to how fine the trim is and how oily the BHO will be (i love to make it into that white yellow budder i know the "not crushed" jack herer gives.) Will that budder become just as nice if i crush the bud a lot?
  17. Brimi

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Packing is probably my worst sinner here. I will try to pack it more. These times i did not pack at all - just let it fell into the pipe and shake a little to make it fit.
  18. Brimi

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Thinking about grinding up the bud a bit more next time? - just when i did this with my durban it became very colored oily instead of the white/yellow budder stuff i get from Jack Herer
  19. Brimi

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    With only coffee filters in one end how can pressure build up? - but tane went all way through. About 15-20 gr. But no butane escaped anywhere else but through the bottom filter And trim was only cut to get into the tube. Size of tube about 1.5-2 inch x 1 foot or so.
  20. Brimi

    Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

    Hi Guys So i made my own extractor from a pvc tube (it's not PVC but PP). Put coffee filter on one end and a lid and hole in other end. Stuffed the tube with great trim and ran 3 bottles of gas through. After that i got only about 1/10 of a gram of budder. Looked at the trim after it dried and...