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  1. denverdolomte

    1st Grow Journal

    Reserva Privada Seeds Lohan :: Trainwreck x LA Confidential Real Sour :: Sour Diesel x Chem 4 Soil Mediums :: Started in FF Happy Frog until I put them in 5 gallon buckets and now using FF Ocean Forest. Water :: Filtered tap water. I haven't really worried about anything water wise, just paid...
  2. denverdolomte

    question on Colorada

    Reserva Privada :: DNA Genetics :: You can get some Dream strain seeds randomly here, I've seen Tangerine Dream around a few times. Check out those sites. I am currently growing the RP seeds and I am four days into flowering...
  3. denverdolomte

    question on Colorada

    Edit :: I'm retarded at the moment, yes you can buy both from some places but research them before hand that you are getting quality clones or seeds. Reserva Privada / DNA Genetics is legit for feminized seeds, still possible to get herms though. It's a huge risk taking things out of state as...
  4. denverdolomte

    Well Water(high in iron)

    I have access to loads of filtration technology, is iron your only issue? Copper, lead, sodium, and local VOC's? (volatile organic compounds)
  5. denverdolomte


    Filter : Activated carbon technology, I can't delve into details of formulas for the carbon, but we do not use ion exchange as that is an ineffective form of filtration. Sodium : No companies, beyond RO, are touching on any level of desalinization, filters will remove some amounts of sodium...
  6. denverdolomte

    2nd Day In Flower.....Is It Done???

    Kidding. Question is about intake fans and carbon filters. I am lucky enough to have amazing flatmates that are accepting of the increased energy costs and other such associated up charges, but they have stated they don't want to deal with the smell. I am in Day #2 of flower and can already...
  7. denverdolomte

    Typical first time grower with :(

    Here is what happened when I did nutrients, I instantly flushed them / soaked the soil with filtered water and luckily they perked right back up. This was the plants a few days ago and I am just starting to use nutes at this point. I personally try to keep as natural / organic as possible...
  8. denverdolomte

    Typical first time grower with :(

    I'm a new first time grower as well, but my two cents is that your nutes are causing your issues. Probably enough in your soil at the moment that the plant probably doesn't need the extra nutes. Also, at least on my grow, I start using 1/8 the recommended nutes to start and slowly increased...
  9. denverdolomte

    First time grow, advice/feedback greatly appreciated!

    Hells yeah! I think I made a huge beginner mistake haha, also don't know if people measure from the dirt/base of plant or include the 5 gallon pots, but measured with the pot mine are 42" tall at the moment in day 1 of flower. and about 29" from the base. I think I will run out of room and...
  10. denverdolomte


    I rock one of these, I am a rep for them as well. $75 for the filter and accessories, 3 minutes to install and boom pure water for 3-5 years. I don't worry about anything being in my water. Private message me if you want to matrix / catalyst lab test results. How much to much as...
  11. denverdolomte

    Sick :(

    I don't know about the lighting but I am guessing the droop and discoloring of the leaves is from the Grow Big that you added. I made the exact same mistake when my plants were that size and almost fried them up. Stick to water for a few days and see if they pop back and recoup as they appear...
  12. denverdolomte

    Sick :(

    How far is the light from your plant and what type of light? What kind of soil? Are you giving it nutrients already?
  13. denverdolomte


    Don't know where you are located but I picked up a 600W HPS on craigslist for $125 and it's night and day difference from my t5 setup. Edit :: Also if you are on a budget HPS may have some sticker shock at your first electric bill.
  14. denverdolomte

    Deeply Overdose!! over water!

    I agree with Bucees, the finger test is the best method. If you gently put your finger into the soil and it feels dry then it needs some water.
  15. denverdolomte

    Devestated- Last 2.5 Months growing Bagseed, ALL MALES

    Stick to clones and save yourself the frustration. If you can't get clones, I know it sucks but just keep growing and find a mother plant for yourself to clone from. Really sorry to hear about that.
  16. denverdolomte

    First time grow, advice/feedback greatly appreciated!

    Looks great!! Getting excited for mine as well, just flipped today into 12/12 after 9.5 - 10 weeks....haha now gotta probably wait another 10 - 11 weeks, but the fun part is now starting. How tall did she end up?
  17. denverdolomte

    100% sativa or indica. Non-hybrid?

    You can find clean ChemDawg 4 in Colorado with good genealogy.
  18. denverdolomte

    Deeply Overdose!! over water!

    Over watering and adding nutes in at to young an age. First grow. Same plant as of yesterday. (9 weeks later) I wouldn't worry about it, it will bounce back. Just check the moisture of the soil and give it love.
  19. denverdolomte

    screw couch lock

    Personally I flip out and get way into my own head with sativa's but Blue Dream was an amazing strain and super popular. ( Best of luck on your grow!
  20. denverdolomte

    How much more light will i need to make it an ounce?

    Damn that's rough. Move out here to Colorado haha. No I don't have any cooling system in my tent, I have a fan on them for a few hours a day and I am purchasing an intake fan / air filter this week. I just flipped to flowering tonight, so Day 1 of a probable 12 week process haha. I am going the...