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  1. brainwarp

    Joy of the Joint

    YEE HAH! I found half a film can of schwag. Taste test revealed it was decent, but nothing special. I'll just mix this into the fuck-U-up skunk, to get us an ass-kickin joint.
  2. brainwarp

    Don't water with Sugar/Yeast water

    The First one in the sick mother. To the left you can see a healthy bud from a lower branch, also on the mother. The other pic is one of the clones, part of a sea of green. More like a "pond of green." My mistake, will certainly reduce my yield by about 25%. Not worried. My cup is 3/4...
  3. brainwarp

    Has Anyone Ever Puked from Smoking?

    My wife pukes once in a while, if she takes too big a hit off the bong. She'll run into the bathroom, and I'll be laughing my ass off, trying not let her hear me. I puked at a Pink Floyd stadium concert back in '78. I had some beer, but not enough to puke. Smoked a shitload of weed that day...
  4. brainwarp

    Hardest Thing You've Laughed At While High?

    My first grow was all floro's, so the buds were light and fluffy. I gave my friend a bunch of it. It was damn good shit, and he was raving about it one night. Then he joked, "but a 30 gallon garbage bag full of it would only weigh an ounce." And I couldn't argue with that. I did roll on the...
  5. brainwarp

    Don't water with Sugar/Yeast water

    Not sure how much the baking soda is to blame. First, it was only 1 tablespoon diluted into 4 cups water. Think about a 2 liter soda bottle about 2/3 full. All the solids were on the bottom, and I only poured off the top 1/3 or less. I add a little molasses and fish emulsion/kelp fertilizer...
  6. brainwarp

    Don't water with Sugar/Yeast water

    Thanks Johney. Hadn't thought of that. It doesn't matter that you're new. Everyone has something to contribute, experience or not. And you have to sort thru the BS no matter who it is.
  7. brainwarp

    Don't water with Sugar/Yeast water

    Yeah, I flushed it right away, then again 2 days later (this morning). I hope you are correct about 4-7 days. I'm hopeful, but not optimistic. Doing some reading on RIU, it would seem what happened was like over-fertilization. Water get sucked out of the plant into the roots to dilute the...
  8. brainwarp

    random questions about mj

    Oh yeah, safe candles. How stupid of me. You brought it up. I commented, hoping to help you. No need for name calling. I guess I better shut up, because I'M WAY OUT OF LINE to suggest that burning candles is not a good idea near your grow op.
  9. brainwarp

    random questions about mj

    Candles won't do shit. Why risk burning down your house. The fire dept will find the source of the fire in 2 seconds, then call the narcs.
  10. brainwarp

    questions about a 4x2x8' growspace (mites)

    NO to pyrethrum bomb. You may kill the plant, or make yourself sick smoking it. Use flypaper strips.
  11. brainwarp

    12 plant stealth-ish setup

    The setup is nice, but It seems like the lack of height will not give you much of a yield. Doesn't seem worth the effort. If you could add a foot or two, then you'd have something.
  12. brainwarp

    Trying to add co2

    First, if you make the concoction below, DO NOT pour sugar/yeast water on plants. You will KILL them. I have a thread going on this right now. I've seen differing opinions on whether adding CO2 is of any benefit. That just breathing on plants will give you the same effect. On a dollars and...
  13. brainwarp

    Querkle Breeding Thread

    Are you saying TGA is working on a new strain "Lavender" ?
  14. brainwarp

    Using rain (or melted snow) for plants?

    Pot plants have evolved with nothing but rain water for eons. You should not have to add anything. Am I missing something? The only issue might be that rain now is tainted a bit by pollution, but no more ppm than in the air.
  15. brainwarp

    Don't water with Sugar/Yeast water

    Not sure what you mean by chlorine in your well water. Well water around here is pure, and needs no settling time. No change in plant health this morning. I have two options here.... 1. Leave it alone and HOPE. Bottom half will likely be "okay," but 90% sure the top half will die and/or...
  16. brainwarp

    Don't water with Sugar/Yeast water

    Thank you everyone for the well deserved kick in the ass. No, it was my own doing. I had the jug in my hand and the plants were there. Figured, what the hell. It was only the top 1/3, which was mostly water. All the junk was on the bottom. It was not the weekend without. I go 3 days...
  17. brainwarp

    Soil has white furr on - Pics

    Wild guess. Not enough ventilation. If its mold, it could make you sick. Be safe, and get a mask from the hardware store. Scrape off the top 1/2 to 1" of soil .
  18. brainwarp

    Joy of the Joint

    Thanks Bongjuice. I didn't mean to sound like I didn't appreciate the suggestion. Just saying I love the taste of pot too much to mix in tobacco. Canadians are cool. They suck at Hockey, though...LOL.
  19. brainwarp

    Don't water with Sugar/Yeast water

    Also.... The problem gets worse the farther away from the base you look. The main colas are the worse, but the lower branches are not too bad. I could clone the healthier lower branches, cut off the bad ones, and re-veg the mother?
  20. brainwarp

    Don't water with Sugar/Yeast water

    I think I killed my mother plant. This is so nobody else makes the same mistake. But, if anyone has an ideas on what to do next, it would be greatly appreciated. Vortex. 2nd Grow. Soil. Small closet grow space. Everything was going perfect 3 weeks into flowering. Lush, healthy, green...