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  1. schoolmeplz

    Doggies Nuts G-13 Haze

    And ps. Saints man, no Dallas is not Hahahahahah lol!!!
  2. schoolmeplz

    Doggies Nuts G-13 Haze

    Lol...yea the hubby thinks Im the perfect chic too, he's pretty perfect himself, allows my indulgence in this latest "hobby" of mine...I gotta agree with ya, these folks seems pretty damned smart so I think Im gonna sit back smoke some and enjoy the ride! thanks again for being so friendly, all...
  3. schoolmeplz

    Doggies Nuts G-13 Haze

    Im just gonna hush n hope better luck next
  4. schoolmeplz

    Doggies Nuts G-13 Haze

    personally I like Drew and think he's the best thing to happen to the saints, after all they did DO the superbowl....too bad my boys werent there...
  5. schoolmeplz

    Doggies Nuts G-13 Haze

    Lol, ok brother...but 1st things 1st.... Im a gal so that makes me sister, not brother seems not many chics either growing or on this site....Im trying my hand at it, raised a kiddo so how hard can a few plants be....ahhh, famous last words....lets see, Tom Landry, Jimmy, Tex shram...
  6. schoolmeplz

    Doggies Nuts G-13 Haze

    thats what Im thinking,they GREW!!!.... considering they are "bullshit" weed according to ol' know it all, lol...sorry cowboy, just had to throw that in, he got on my nerves from post #1...rep to you for allowing those of us to NOT make the same costly mistake like you IF they turn out crappy...
  7. schoolmeplz

    lol, me again, check out and under features tab is take cuttings a super...

    lol, me again, check out and under features tab is take cuttings a super awesome step by step i ran across tonight, i have a 4 week old lowryder that has been under 18 hr light n is showing tons of white fem hairs and this is one of the 4 that suffered SEVERE heat stress n its...
  8. schoolmeplz

    grasscity forums has an awesom picture arictle for topping pruing, lst n FImming....saw u ask a...

    grasscity forums has an awesom picture arictle for topping pruing, lst n FImming....saw u ask a q n get jerk off replies, hope this helps....more than the jerks did/didnt lol
  9. schoolmeplz

    leaves dying very fast - bud leaves curling?

    also at in the sick plant section is a great picture article for self diagnosing cannabis issues...
  10. schoolmeplz

    leaves dying very fast - bud leaves curling?

    i have a 400w hps/mh and its about 18 inches from the tops of the newer plants and the reflector is even with my colas of the 4 perimeter plants, i have side lighting cfls on them...those are almost touching the leaves, if i get to close with the hps the leaves get crisp and even burnt when...
  11. schoolmeplz

    leaves dying very fast - bud leaves curling?

    i had heat issues when i hit 85, this could be poss...mine were apparently use to cooler temps ..below at 87 they were stressing bad....just my opinion/exp...this seems to be when the n claw came into effect...
  12. schoolmeplz

    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    I looooove these pics, thanks, it makes me feel better about my ugly lil tree....I accidentally let it get WAYYYY to hot and I had pull dead leaves off, then remembering having read about uncle bens topping tek I went for it...and my lil plant looks like yours in the beginning stages...Im just...
  13. schoolmeplz

    TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?

    just dropping by to see Charlie, and say hi to you guys, merry christmas....can I say that here or is it "offensive" to someone....? if it is apologies, pretend u didnt read that! good day all....
  14. schoolmeplz

    BAD hair day for one of my girls, PLZ help her and me!

    I will def keep an eye on it and have cut out nutes for now and lightly watered yesterday compared to other amts given to other plants, she was very dry and light weight...appreciate the help!
  15. schoolmeplz

    leaves dying very fast - bud leaves curling?

    Look I dont know much but my plant is 4 weeks into flowering and leaves look a lot like yours, a couple ppl told me I have the N claw...too MUCH nitrogen....wondering if you got this worked out yet, would like to see what conclusion u come to because I have yet to come to one on mine, of 4...
  16. schoolmeplz

    BAD hair day for one of my girls, PLZ help her and me!

    really good to know these things, thanks guys!
  17. schoolmeplz

    How often do I give them nutes??????????

    Im told diff nutes in diff strengths can be used more/less often...but the recommended schedule is every other so they dont get lock out...if youre like me Im kinda the type that thinks if some is good more is better BUTTTTTTT...its not the case, I use half strength every other watering and when...
  18. schoolmeplz

    BAD hair day for one of my girls, PLZ help her and me!

    I havent watered since Friday, cause I thought it was overwatering as well, she has looked this way about a week now...the temp with lights on is 78, she was planted at the same time as other 3 and they are 2 ft she is 3 1/2 ????! Will go in for a closer pic here n a sec...thanks...
  19. schoolmeplz

    BAD hair day for one of my girls, PLZ help her and me!

    Thanks. It really didnt occur to me she could like things diff than her sisters they all came from the same I assumed whats good for one works for the others....