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  1. schoolmeplz

    BAD hair day for one of my girls, PLZ help her and me!

    why wont anyone help me, Im begging here guys...what am I further doing wrong, geesh!
  2. schoolmeplz

    BAD hair day for one of my girls, PLZ help her and me!

    so this girl has always been different than the others, shes always looked spindly and thin and a bit sickly....but WHY? I give all the same nutes/distilled water...400w HPS soil grow 3-4 weeks into flowering... you can see the others are happy and content but not her her leaves have really...
  3. schoolmeplz

    SOMEONE PLEASEE HELP! tall & spindly seedling

    this is a great link thanks!
  4. schoolmeplz

    OMFG!!!!! HELP! Got myself in serious trouble

    wow, thanks for the offer,fab...I honestly do try to read and read and read some more to learn as much as I can I am fairly new at growing so I am like a sponge trying to soak up the knowledge and learn from others do's and have a pitiful looking lady and cant make her happy no...
  5. schoolmeplz

    which nute would you rather get

    Im new too and have pondered this question much myself, it seems the soil I use has enough N for my 6 week veg cycle but not enough of the PK yourself, Im trying to do inexpensive grows yet still produce decent plants for my pleasure....I love ebay and so far have found a...
  6. schoolmeplz

    BMO flower power?

    wow, all brawn no brains today? surely a fellow grower can give some input....
  7. schoolmeplz

    BMO flower power?

    Hey fellow growers, was wondering if I anyone has used BMO flower power nute? I have some N additive already that seems to work great but its not BMO, is it "okay" for the girls if I use a diff brand for N and then use their FP for extra P and K? Are the bloom enhancing nutes really worth it in...
  8. schoolmeplz

    OMFG!!!!! HELP! Got myself in serious trouble

    I did all that, I was looking for opinions actually of what worked best and was gonna go with the general consensus, but thanks for that lil tidbit!
  9. schoolmeplz

    OMFG!!!!! HELP! Got myself in serious trouble

    Yea well Im learning lol, ask me about Farmville and I can tell ya....I am also headed to the forums as well, thanks for your reply!
  10. schoolmeplz

    OMFG!!!!! HELP! Got myself in serious trouble

    thanks for the info, am going to read about it ur humor!
  11. schoolmeplz

    OMFG!!!!! HELP! Got myself in serious trouble

    so Im wondering, since he has little decency, may I thread jack here and ask a few fellow expert growers, which I am not a question about nutes? I posted a thread no replies and yes guilty...Im a bit impatient, Im looking for OPINIONS on the best nutes reasonably priced for a lil ole country...
  12. schoolmeplz

    HELP.... leaves wilting and I dont know why!!

    2010 now and I have wilting leaves on 2 of my 12 plants....LOTS of reading and research brough me here and to the conclusion I am overwatering, so even if this is from still helped me lol....
  13. schoolmeplz

    TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?

    would love to read up if u find the article, I went to school wayyyy back when for horticulture and lover air layering and propogation so maybe I can do some cloning/breeding...
  14. schoolmeplz

    TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?

    Breeding, well that all depends, can I get some kinda govt check/assistance if Im a breeder...lmao....have a good day at work...but as for breeding, ewww Id like to but sounds complicated, although I hear its the way to go...maybe I can learn a few pointers here on that, in fact Im sure I...
  15. schoolmeplz

    TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?

    hey all, wow 2 days ago u were at 40 pgs, 71 now...charlie and the cola factory now huh? congrats again, my lil dwarf went male...guess the stress was too much...(sniff sniff..wiping tear) so its up to charlie now to carry out the message!
  16. schoolmeplz

    Oh man I feel like a dork...I dont know what a thread is I just now figured out the journal, Im...

    Oh man I feel like a dork...I dont know what a thread is I just now figured out the journal, Im a noob so forgive my ignorance, ask me about Facebook and Farmville and I got your back lol but this thread stuff is GREEK to me...I posted pics in journal ARE THESE BALLS? got about 6 answers ALL...
  17. schoolmeplz

    Hey Rene, need to bug you 4 a hot sec, think I got a male plant but worried it MIGHT be new...

    Hey Rene, need to bug you 4 a hot sec, think I got a male plant but worried it MIGHT be new growth and Im gonna kill it too soon, ya know after seeing Lime save Charlie Brown I feel ALL plants deserve a chance posted in journal...thanks !
  18. schoolmeplz

    hey dude, its me from Limes Charlie Brown tree grow...was wondering if you can help me determine...

    hey dude, its me from Limes Charlie Brown tree grow...was wondering if you can help me determine a sex Q got pics up, think its a male but dont wanna start hastily chopping on it...THANKS!
  19. schoolmeplz

    TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?

    thanks for the very warm welcome everyone, looking forward to hangin' with you fine folks, finally got a journal going, I think? too....gonna be a sad day soon as Im thinking 3 of the 10 seem to be males, so arent the best due to light color but will try for better later...
  20. schoolmeplz

    TOPPED Seedling! can it still live?

    so I stumbled upon your post 38 pgs ago with your lil Charlie Brown xmas tree/Basil...been here thru it all I have a plant that had something fall on it then my cat ate part of it and its the ugliest lil thing but I just dont have the heart to toss it....Im glad this worked out for you, it was...