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  1. DroidBoy

    Help with choosing air pump

    went and got an hallea 9610 its really quiet
  2. DroidBoy

    Help with choosing air pump

    hi buds so i went to local hydro shop to ask about keeping mum plants as i didnt want to keep them in soil, he suggested an ikon oxypot so i grabbed 1 however the pump supplied is crap i can bubble more with a straw lol so my question which air pump should i buy and will i need airstones, I do...
  3. DroidBoy

    Guess my yield in soil with 3 plants hps

    My 1st attempt was 3 plants in air pots under a 600 watt hops i did about 11 oz............ but it depends on so many variables it will make your head spin bud
  4. DroidBoy

    Vertical SCRoG 70w hps

    I like this idea its awesome may have to mod some sort of sheeting for my tent and give this a go.......any update OP
  5. DroidBoy

    1000w HPS 20" away - still have light burn

    I would higher for now and then lower as time goes on to be fair they are probably only small to be even getting burned at 20 inch away i know peeps have lights feet away from top of plant depending on size I would try say 25 inch then move out further as needed its either that or u could get a...
  6. DroidBoy

    What Am I Doing Wrong (Seedlings faded & dull) ???

    seems from reading this post 1 of the things u did wrong is gave them nutes way too early
  7. DroidBoy

    police target uk growshop customers

    100% agree with above statement they are a bunch of lazy mofo's
  8. DroidBoy

    Tried a new germanation method

    paper towel and a cable box does it every time i tried which is only abut 5
  9. DroidBoy

    Meter only reads us/cm and I need ec, can I convert?

    The chart i use only does ec ,cf and the normal ppm conversions, im sure some 1 n here could convert for u tho
  10. DroidBoy

    So where did you hang while RIU was T/U ?

    I went to my grow room and contemplated some stuff
  11. DroidBoy

    500w of blue cfl light enougth for 2 plants

    I think blue is for veg and u want red for flower bud i think
  12. DroidBoy

    little help please with issue

    this stuff bud
  13. DroidBoy

    what wrong with my plants and how do i fix it?

    bud i have same issue what strains are they, I have 5 all in 1 litre airpots and i have just transplanted to 3 litre roots were abundant just slow starters i guess im thinking mine is caused by wrong ph using a cheapo china tester ordered new 1s other day good 1s this time tho i have some pics...
  14. DroidBoy

    little help please with issue

    Hi buds a few days ago my ec meter broke and now my plant ls looking sick, I did borrow a friends and my reading of what i thought to be 1.0-1.2 ec is really nearly a 2 ec cant be too sure how many feeds they have had at this strenth must be at least 3-4 so is this the cause of this or...
  15. DroidBoy


    that will do the job bud yeah
  16. DroidBoy

    Lime green color/short/droopy leaves

    agreed ph meter is more important than a nutrition meter if u ask me
  17. DroidBoy

    How to hook up a ducting to the ceiling?

    I dont think peeps will spoon feed ere bud something like this i think
  18. DroidBoy

    Carbon Filter Questions

    hahahaha guy above has smoked too much of his crop it can be washed lol
  19. DroidBoy

    Litres of food to feed plants

    Hi buds 1st time in soil how often should i feed my plants and how many litres, I have 15 litre airpots and have only been feeding every 3 days normally give each plant 2 litres each. Thanks for any advice
  20. DroidBoy

    G13 Pineapple express YIELDS

    just ordered some of them from g13 labs and pineapple chunk from barneys hope they are as nice as some of them pics lol when grown out