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  1. J

    OMG! Please help!

    Nobody? Anyone?
  2. J

    Help me keep my humidity at 30-40%.

    They got these things called damp rid. Theres 2 styles...1 looks like a clear bag on a clothes hanger. The other is just a small tub that you remove the lid and let it set there. I have used the ones on hangers in my basement and holy crap do they work! Within a couple days the bags get pretty...
  3. J

    Tap Root REALLY long,Help a hydro noob

    Hey Hellraizer... I need help bro...I posted a new thread in the hydro section with the title:OMG! Please help! if you could check it out if you get a chance that would be awesome. I dont know how to link you right to it sorry! Later
  4. J

    OMG! Please help!

    ok...have a waterfarm, using cfls, temp 78-80 RH 45-50%. Have been using the Lucas Formula0/4/8 with distilled water. I bought a mini RO filter and gave its first feeding with the RO water yesterday. I know I need a ppm pen but its on its way. I didnt even have to adjust the ph- after mixing...
  5. J

    RO system

    Hey...I just bought that same 1! So far so good! I use the Lucas formula and after I mixed up a batch o' nutes it PH'd exactly 5.8 Dont have a ppm pen so cant help you there. Just so you know.....dont expect this to be like your putting a glass under the faucet and it fills in seconds. I need...
  6. J

    Tap Root REALLY long,Help a hydro noob

    ok, awesome! Today was the first time I was feeding with my RO water. I mixed the nutes and after a while checked PH and bam! 5.8 on the dot. love this shit
  7. J

    Tap Root REALLY long,Help a hydro noob

    good lookin out man! But the 0/8/16 From what I have read said thats for high light levels like HPS. I am using 12 23w sprial CFLs and if I understand it correctly it says stay with half strength if going the CFL or "low light" route. What do you use for lighting? And that 5ML of G is per...
  8. J

    Tap Root REALLY long,Help a hydro noob

    Hey Hellraizer, good to hear from you again! When I first started looking into growing I kept seeing the Lucas formula but with all the info I was taking in it seemed way too hard. I'm glad you mentioned it to me because now I relize how EASY it is and I know I'll be using it forever. It could...
  9. J

    Tap Root REALLY long,Help a hydro noob

    Hey Slim, Since you are famillar with this strain.... I started the lucas formula and the plant loves it! I took some new pics and I can notice a huge difference from my first post! I am using the waterfarm and now that the roots are in the water Do I still have to worry if my Rapid Rooter plug...
  10. J

    Attitude Seeds failed me.

    They are VERY stealth and you will have to look for your seeds in the package. But please DONT EVER post anything about how its could ruin it for everyone!
  11. J

    Attitude Seeds failed me.

    Hey... I've dealt with them before and you wont be screwd. They are a great company and they will work with you. Just give them time cause from what they have told me they're a busy company and not alot of people work there. just gotta have patience but I know its hard when you are waitin for...
  12. J

    Need help with Lucas Formula

    so what is the target PH with the Lucas formula? is it the same 5.8 - 6.3?
  13. J

    Need help with Lucas Formula

    Thanks Dart. OK... I mixed up a batch last night with distilled water and let it sit about 2 hours. PH was around 5.3 I ph'd up to 6.0 and when I checked today PH was 6.6 How long should I wait before I add PH up/down to the solution? Whats a good rule of thumb with distilled & RO for PH? I...
  14. J

    Need help with Lucas Formula

    I know that the Lucas Method was designed for use with RO water. My RO set up is on its way now and in the mean time I am using distilled water. I have GH flora series. I understand what to use but no where have I seen it say that you need to adjust the PH. Is this correct? Just mix and thats it?
  15. J

    Tap Root REALLY long,Help a hydro noob

    All your guy's help has been awesome! One more thing though...I always hear about this "explosive growth" from seedlings. My plant has gotten to this size rather quickly but in 5 or 6 days there doesnt seem to be much more. It has a bunch of little leaves that seem to spring up all over the...
  16. J

    Tap Root REALLY long,Help a hydro noob

    so basicaly I have to suck it up and buy a ppm meter or check ph everyday. What about using store bought distilled water. I can get it for about 40 cents a gallon. I figure thats gotta be better than my crappy tap water. You guys have been great! Thanks for your understanding
  17. J

    Tap Root REALLY long,Help a hydro noob

    when you say you add water that was lost...plain water ph'd water?
  18. J

    Tap Root REALLY long,Help a hydro noob

    but is there a way to tell if you need nutes without a ppm meter?
  19. J

    Tap Root REALLY long,Help a hydro noob

    I really dont mean to be a total pain but I dont understand the whole topping off the rez. My rez holds 2.5 gallons. Lets say today my ph is 5.8. Hypothetically if tommorow it soaked up .5 gallons and the ph is 6.5. Do I pull all the water out of the rez and add more water and ph and nutes...
  20. J

    Tap Root REALLY long,Help a hydro noob

    now you getting me excited!