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  1. thoumayest

    MOCC Farmers market (grand opening Feb 10, 2013)

    LMAO!!!! Shhhhhit. I might need to get that cloak off you bro. I got's me some ideas :eyesmoke:
  2. thoumayest

    Could extensive feed of molasses give harsh/bad taste?

    Good to know GK but wft bro...I can't find that shhh on eBay lol. Read your post then was like "dam GK is dropin knowledge...I'm buyin some of that" lol. Could not seem to find "chitin" or the other stuff on online. How is it used...must one grow organics or can we use it with our regular...
  3. thoumayest

    Could extensive feed of molasses give harsh/bad taste?

    Yea bro...that is High grade shit. Which is why they sell it in health food stores and not hydro stores lol. Yea it cost a bit more but DAM that shit is quality and strong. Just be careful with much will show Stellar results with the yeilds and density however it will make cured bud...
  4. thoumayest

    Calling all DYNA-GROW Nutrients Guys...How does this line Work in SOIL?

    Good look, Yea I check his thread and read that gold mine of info. He's a good man for posting that. My deal is DAM I wish there was just one uniform chart or mix. Most say not to use the "Boom" when in flower...shit goes against my intuition lol...I WANT to use "bloom" when I'm in bloom...
  5. thoumayest

    Calling all DYNA-GROW Nutrients Guys...How does this line Work in SOIL?

    I know a few other people that are looking to Give Dyna-Gro a chance but are having the same issues I am having with finding a uniform feeding scheduled as it seems like everyone has their own "dyna-gro formula". Hopefully this thread will help all of us pondering Dyna-Gro for soil less or soil
  6. thoumayest

    Calling all DYNA-GROW Nutrients Guys...How does this line Work in SOIL?

    wtf...that's all you use? I must have read it wrong lol
  7. thoumayest

    Calling all DYNA-GROW Nutrients Guys...How does this line Work in SOIL?

    So I should go ahead and buy the entire line...yea.
  8. thoumayest

    Where can I find....Connoisseur Genetics Seeds Grandaddy Purple S1

    huh...I hope your not referring to me.
  9. thoumayest

    Compensation from patients

    I concur. My question is with the new P2P court ruling can one charge for the delivery and give the med's away for free. When not "your" patient...but the person still has a ligit hard card. This seems to be the gray area me means...NO! lol
  10. thoumayest

    MOCC Farmers market (grand opening Feb 10, 2013)

    ^^^ Thanks bro...stellar post. So what's the consensus with potential vendors... -----> Oakland County :confused: Have the lawyer on standby?
  11. thoumayest

    Anybody making money online?

    "Sales Pitch" I clearly stated I'm not selling shit. Nor would I take any biz from RIU. I am trying to help others that may come across this post and see that eBay is real and that it can help them out. And to take the time to give it a chance....I learned everything on my own through...
  12. thoumayest

    Anybody making money online?

    Dude shut your face... I'm not selling any bullshit. WTF your just hating. I said UP FRONT I'm not selling nothing to no one. I tell people I'm not giving away that gold as a metaphor.... you douche. I never asked for his money or for him to hire did I? Nor would I take any biz from RIU...
  13. thoumayest

    Calling all DYNA-GROW Nutrients Guys...How does this line Work in SOIL?

    Thanks, yea, I found that yesterday but...many say that chart is no good. I have done alot of research I... didn't just post cause I was lazy...I researched this for a few days before I just said F it...I'll ask on of the Dyna-Gro gurus :bigjoint: lol I read one person called them...I was...
  14. thoumayest

    Calling all DYNA-GROW Nutrients Guys...How does this line Work in SOIL?

    I do not own a bottle...I asking others what their mix is? What they have found to be the best results...ect. I now about the ppm lol. Got a good proven Dyna-gro formula???? I was thinking of giving them a call tomorrow.
  15. thoumayest

    Calling all DYNA-GROW Nutrients Guys...How does this line Work in SOIL?

    After reading many posts about Dyna-Gro being cost effective and just effeective in general I have decided to give it a chance. The only issue I have found is there is...
  16. thoumayest

    Think your Bulb Doesn't matter? Hortilux comparison blowout ! Pictures say it ALL!

    Hortilux Super HPS is the best as of right now. Spend the extra cash it's won of those things that does show return on investment. Bulb does matter.
  17. thoumayest

    Anybody making money online?

    It's all love bro however...I'm a consultant for a reason lol. I'm not here to solicit customers...that's what the bad ones do. Dudes like me actually get to Pick my own clients due to the fact I give people what they pay for. I under promise and OVER deliver. I'm not happy unless the client...
  18. thoumayest

    Anybody making money online?

    Word. I'm about to get into the adsence game myself. I own a few domains that are catchy. Right now I'm focused on eBay consulting and yes I said youtube. Alone youtube makes pennies but when combined with sales knowledge it has the potential to be a gold mind. ie: "the dollar...
  19. thoumayest

    Could extensive feed of molasses give harsh/bad taste?

    While I greatly respect your opinon and deep knowledge of the plant....I have to humbly disagree. I ran side by side's, taste tests, smell tests...ect. I turned this Molasses thing over again and's one of the rare topics I will claim knowledge. I have found that it...thicken /...