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  1. Badbackguy

    Cal/Mag Question: RO Water GH Flora Series

    Well, first off, when we switched to RO water, I was told by local hydro shop that it is a definate must because the ro process removes these agents from the water. So I tried it out, and have never looked back. Most of the people I know who use RO water, they all swear by it as well. And my...
  2. Badbackguy

    HeLP!! my plants are budding and there only 8 inches tall!

    I would think that they would atleast spread out a bit...I gotta ask, how far is your light away from them? Perhaps they might stretch out a bit more if you distance your light from them ever so slightly... Just a thought... :joint...
  3. Badbackguy

    Why does PH Rise after Brewing a Fresh Batch of Nutrients?

    Ive noticed the same thing, and always thought that its because the source water has a pretty high PH. I try to skip (unless its really crazy) altering the PH right after adding ferts. Because as you said, pretty much the next day it comes right back. I cant do it that way all of the time, but...
  4. Badbackguy

    Help old lady pord bleach on my clone

    Dude that sucks.... If I may here? Was this intentional? :shock: Cause if so, she's got to go, or youll end up going (to jail). If shes not down with it (the plant), then (a) dont do it, or (b) set her free and do like you like. sounds like your trying to have your cake and eat it too...
  5. Badbackguy

    big plant.... little pot?

    5 inch net pots work wonders in the right set up... Some people say it's too big, but Ive seen em do very well... Doh! You are talking about netpots,right?
  6. Badbackguy

    Hygrozyme and SURE TO GROW ?????

    Hygrozyme is good stuff and a must if you were to ask me..Keeps your medium clean, and prevents plant disease, why wouldent you want it?
  7. Badbackguy

    what is the best cycle timer for aeroponics system +rep to those who help

    encore makes a decent repeat cycle timer, it aint cheap, but it does the job
  8. Badbackguy

    Anyone Use FF Soluble Pack? Are they Really Needed

    I do not know of any cheaper, to answer your question. How ever, if you break that soluble pack down, its an insane amout of dosages vs. price per dose, that will last you many grows. Also, just my two cents, but that soluble pack is well woth its cost, and you end up using so very little of...
  9. Badbackguy

    Are HORTILUX bulbs worth the extra money???

    also check out the eye hortilux 430 :clap: Its good stuff :)
  10. Badbackguy

    new aero/hydro system need help with timing

    45 seconds on 5 min off, and dont over water them..
  11. Badbackguy


    I also hate cleaning it. Usually, I just bury the used and grab some new.. But the new is always mega dusty and needs a decent cleaning / rinse and usually at that time that I wonder why I didn’t just clean the old, then I remember, BECAUSE IT SUCKS to clean that stuff when its already...
  12. Badbackguy

    pH swings and temperature/humidity question

    Good, solid info (nothingtodeclare) Thanks thats a killer post---good stiff :)
  13. Badbackguy

    Aeroponics PH help!!!!!!!

    Ph always gets crazy for a minute when feeding, but then it seems to iron out after about 10 hours.. I agree 5.6 -6.3 is where you need to be. How does everything look? Any spots or discoloration? How do you roots look?
  14. Badbackguy

    Timer for Aeroponic Waterings?

    they call them repeat cycle timers encore make a pretty good one but its not cheap.. Good luck
  15. Badbackguy

    pH swings and temperature/humidity question

    ph should be kept from 5.6 to 6.3 So if ph is dropping when it gets to 5.6 add ph up till 6.3 and let it drift slowly back down..Same thing for ph up, when it gets down to 5.6 up it to about 6.3 and let it drop.. So your asking about temp/humidity probe placement? Id place it near the highest...
  16. Badbackguy

    Aquaponic PH 5.9, Leaves Show K Def

    Jeeze man, I can do both separately but I cant imagine all the headaches that must come doing it all in 1 tank..Sorry I can t help you but I saw your thread and was curious. Good luck
  17. Badbackguy

    flooded with 60 deg water

    My understanding is that 60 degree water is not really a bad thing at all. I heard somewhere that lower temp water actually carries or holds more oxygen. I think your gonna be ok J
  18. Badbackguy

    any suggestions welcome

    yeah: Keep doing what your doing, man. It looks great
  19. Badbackguy

    Digital Ballest suck!!!

    2 Lumitek 400 with hortilux 430's and Ive never had a problem (knock on wood) for years..Sorry men, but these lil babies have done me solid..
  20. Badbackguy

    HELP!! Algae or root rot...lots of pics (posted in plant problems also)

    I’d clean out that res as best as you can a.s.a.p.. There are 2 products that I would highly recommend.. They would be instead of that hydrogen peroxide… 1: Hygrozyme... It cleans the medium and helps prevent disease. Used throughout the entire grow—except during flushing. 2 Roots...