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  1. someone else

    JealousGreen's Latest Bud Shots.. Pics and descriptions

    Wow man, I mean you try so hard to convince not only yourself, but RIU that you know what you're talking about....and you clearly don't. First of all, RIU has an entire Hallucinatory section, not sure if you noticed. Yeah, it's funny because everyone else seems to have found it, and...
  2. someone else

    JealousGreen's Latest Bud Shots.. Pics and descriptions

    Yea, like I said and you just repeated: half an 1/8...which is 1.75 grams...and like I recommended....2 grams. Stick with things you know before you start doling out dosing advice kid.
  3. someone else

    JealousGreen's Latest Bud Shots.. Pics and descriptions

    It's possible, though not probable. It depends on how much you trust where you got those strong mushrooms, but they could be Liberty Caps, Psilocybe Azurescens, or maybe Psilocybe Mexicana. The Azurescens are the strongest Psilocybe strain, strongest by combined psilocybin %. The combined...
  4. someone else

    JealousGreen's Latest Bud Shots.. Pics and descriptions

    Yea, most people don't eat an entire 1/8 when they trip...just so you know. It's a gung-ho thing to do, but once the childish enthusiasm for 'let's get fucked up!' gets old, most people average just over 2 grams, especially if you're making tea. A little dab will do ya, you might be surprised.
  5. someone else

    JealousGreen's Latest Bud Shots.. Pics and descriptions

    That would be outstanding use of printer ink. :clap:
  6. someone else

    JealousGreen's Latest Bud Shots.. Pics and descriptions

    No, that's a non-biodegradable gardening supplement called vermiculite. It holds enormous amounts of water, as it's very porous. This is horse shit:
  7. someone else

    JealousGreen's Latest Bud Shots.. Pics and descriptions

    Cool man. At this point, I've rode the giant wave as many times as I can handle, so I generally like a more tame, yet still raucous trip, so I go with 2 grams right away, and that's it. Last fall when I was testing out a fruit from a big bulk tub, a friend and I sat on our couches and dosed...
  8. someone else

    JealousGreen's Latest Bud Shots.. Pics and descriptions

    You'd be surprised, your body chemistry can change substantially, depending on what you eat, sleep patterns, hydration, etc. Maybe the next time your trip will be different. I often find that's the case personally. I generally wait at least 2 weeks before I trip agan, just so I'm completely...
  9. someone else

    Wilding on NBC

    I nominate this "Post of the year" ....hehe. Well done per usual doc; thanks for the perspective. :clap:
  10. someone else

    any1 ever use 5gal buckets?

    That's interesting, I've never heard of anyone using anything besides molasses with any measured success. Maple syrup is a new one for me! How much did you use each watering? I'm surprised you didn't have major insect/bug problems using it....not to mention nutrient lock or some sort of soil...
  11. someone else

    JealousGreen's Latest Bud Shots.. Pics and descriptions

    Hehe, it probably is a tad arrogant, but I also see egregious butchering of the English language on a daily basis here, and I'm constantly disappointed. I mean, we all make spelling mistakes, but the 'they're, their, there' thing was something I was taught in a small hick town when I was in...
  12. someone else

    Wilding on NBC

    As did we with this thread. It's just too bad a few have to act like attention-starved children.
  13. someone else

    JealousGreen's Latest Bud Shots.. Pics and descriptions

    Nice job! Anytime people try to tell me they yield more with casings/bulk over cakes, I tell them they're crazy. It just takes an insane amount of effort to prepare all those little jars, but look at that explosive pin set! Psilocybe Cubensis are unique in that they don't need a huge...
  14. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    For sure, I'll peep 'em out in a sec here. Happy to help, just PM me with specific questions as they come up; I'll try to help if I can. :-)
  15. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    Here's a 4 minute video of me showing off the jars. The camera blows, I know, but that's what we've got here:
  16. someone else

    Sharksbreath and Qwerkle

    Swear to God, there were direct links from TGA's website to Cali Connection. They weren't sold under the same company umbrella, but the linked web-pages for each company seemed to have a similar look and design. Again, sorry to deviate from the Querkle and the Sharksbreath. :weed:
  17. someone else

    How often to water?

    Keep going, you're on a roll.
  18. someone else

    Sharksbreath and Qwerkle

    Hope you're right; don't think so many companies should merge...competition is good. Sorry for hijacking your thread a bit here rzza. kiss-ass
  19. someone else

    Sharksbreath and Qwerkle

    If you got to TGA's website, you'll see links to Cali Connection seeds man. EDIT Gosh that's weird, I don't see it anymore. He must be revamping his website (and maybe his affiliations), because there was clearly Cali Connection links on his website before.
  20. someone else

    Sharksbreath and Qwerkle

    Yea, here's TGA's 5-pack selection at Attitude: