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  1. someone else

    Wilding on NBC

    That'll be a tall order, considering it would instantly be classified as 'snuff', which is generally not something people wanna get down with. But that's me. Rep to anyone? You're basically inciting people to get banned....not smart.
  2. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    Can't set your watch by it've got a lot to learn. :-) It'll be sometime next year, how's that?
  3. someone else

    Wilding on NBC

    She had "TV mini-series" and glory on her mind...dolla dolla bills ya'll. ;-) I'm probably kidding...hehe.
  4. someone else

    Upcoming shroom trip planning

    I seriously think I'm the only person in America that hates that show...hehe. Big Family Guy and Adult Swim fan, but cannot stand the over-saturation of Futurama on TV.
  5. someone else

    Wilding on NBC

    Yea, I mean, it's horrible, but sickly interesting at the same time. And that lady thinks she's some hero. I guess it's ridiculous to rationalize or understand insanity.
  6. someone else

    Wilding on NBC

    Man it sucks to get really super baked, happy and positive.... Then turn on NBC nightly news, and watch the video of the guy who shot school board members in Florida. Just watching a dude pop-off rounds like it was no thing was crazy...never thought NBC would have the balls to play that...
  7. someone else

    Upcoming shroom trip planning

    You know, that happened to my friends and I a lot back in the day. We'd be really tripped out and into a movie at first. Then not even 20-30 minutes later, we'd be totally disinterested, looking at everything but the TV, sometimes just lost in ourselves.....haha. I was gonna recommend to have...
  8. someone else

    Upcoming shroom trip planning

    Nice pull ANC....I love The Onion! ;-)
  9. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    Gotcha, well done. What you have is called a heatbox...that comes much later for me. Try to stay with where I'm at with the thread. Even though I do appreciate the participation, I don't want to mass-confuse anyone. Thanks. ;-)
  10. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    there is some confusion here: he used the word 'pasteurization'. What he was doing was far from pasteurization. So it's important to note, most especially for the newer growers trying to make sense of this thread. If you attempt to spawn to unpasteurized bulk substrates like he was doing...
  11. someone else

    Where the Pink Buffalo roam

    Ha! I just voted your thread 5-stars, and it moved up from 4-stars to 5! Nice job brotha! :peace:
  12. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    Wow, well you get better deals on rye grain than I do! But wait a minute, did you say you pasteurized the coco coir in the cooler overnight? Pasteurization happens at over 160 degrees F. Putting anything in the frig is gonna bring it to near freezing, but not nearly enough to kill...
  13. someone else

    Where the Pink Buffalo roam

    Just so everyone knows, MANY people who use the PF Tek with great success dunk their cakes IMMEDIATELY after birthing. The spawn is dry after using up any moisture in the jar during colonization. Mushrooms knot and EXPLODE when you dunk (and roll them in vermiculite) after birthing. Hell...
  14. someone else

    Where the Pink Buffalo roam

    That's perfect. Unique with the xmas lights, but perfect. :-)
  15. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    Definitely happy for you man. Stay tuned to my bulk sub recipe next week. With your chicken manure sub, you might need to cut in some gardening lime to reduce the acidity. I add gardening lime to my bulk sub mix, but with chicken shit being more acidic, I'd add a little more than I will...
  16. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    Hmmmm, now that's pretty damn interesting for you my friend. There's lots of possibilities for people with those kind of options...;-) I'm glad you're taking the patient and wise move in going the PF Tek approach first. I'll shut up about it after this, but I still use it because it works...
  17. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    Yeah, you can use coco coir in substution of manure (maybe this is what you were talking about redrum), but re-colonization times are gonna go WAY up. One of the more important things to know is that your bulk moisture levels are key. Too moist, and you risk contams. Too dry, and the spawn...
  18. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    In that case, you could probably make that work. Not sure what you feed the chickens, but depending on their diet, you could be sitting on shit goldmine...hahaha. You are so right many advantages to having access to a farm.
  19. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    Oh hell yes, rye grain works the best IMO. WBS is just cheaper and I'm so used to it by now though. :-) But use rye grain if you can, good call. I use coco coir in my bulk sub mix...I'll put up the mix list when I spawn the jars next week. You used coco coir as part of your spawn jars...
  20. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    That's cool man, I can understand that. Look up under the Yellow Pages for nearby 'Horse Stables'. There are horse stables everywhere, you'd be surprised. For people in major cities without access to the countryside or horse stables/ranges, there are other alternative bulk substrates. I...