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  1. someone else

    when tripping at home how do you like your atmosphere to be

    I like to be involved in pressure-filled situations where I have to react quickly or something bad will happen while I'm tripping....hehe...:-)
  2. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    Well the volume of these jars shouldn't be known honestly, hahaha. I'm not being difficult, I just don't want people to think using this large of a jar is a good idea. It's not. Why? Because it takes the mycelium (even under optimal conditions) so long to colonize such a large container...
  3. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    Like I said brother, I'll be spawning the jars of WBS to the pasteurized horse manure mix in the next week or so. When I do, I'll provide pictures and video, along with a detailed description of what's going on. If I do it now, without pics, the detail behind what's going on could be 'lost...
  4. someone else

    we pick it uo where we left off...

    Is 'Browndirt's Revenge' Indica dom? Love those colas. About how tall did that 'Field of Dreams' get, if you don't mind me askin'? I too am a big fan of your work BDW (I think pretty much anyone with any sense is). Really liked the soundtrack to your videos. 'Electric Ladybug' is...
  5. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    Not much to see, although the mycelium is slowly working it's way through the bird seed: The seed is obviously too dry, yet the mycelium still finds a way to break it down and reproduce. Nature is amazing in its adaptability in surviving less-than-favorable conditions. The effort...
  6. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    When working with horse manure, make sure you have pure little nuggets, with as little straw attached to it. You want horse manure that are dry little nuggets. It's ok if they're a little wet; just so most are fairly dry. Open range manure is what you want. You don't want horse manure that...
  7. someone else


    Google is your friend scotti. Use it.
  8. someone else

    2nd grow started, auto, cfl

    Firstly, I have to apologize on the behalf of the rest of the RIU community...more people should be tuned into this. Really impressive work! Few questions: -are those 5 gallon buckets? -what would you say the average height/width is? -have you noticed that they are excessively nute...
  9. someone else

    Thank you RIU

    To get to journal entries at any time, click MY PROFILE in the absolute top right part of any RIU screen. Then click VIEW JOURNAL ENTRIES on the left hand column. On the right hand side of the new window, you should see a button that says NEW POST. Click that to make a new post, then follow...
  10. someone else

    Thank you RIU

    In the message column here, you'll notice right above where we write, there is a long row of icons, like B, I, U, etc. Do you see it? (these icons stand for BOLD, ITALIC, UNDERLINE...options for text editing) Along that row, to the right of the icon that looks like a LETTER, you'll see a...
  11. someone else

    Thank you RIU

    Hey JOTIM, I can help sec
  12. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    Read about Liquid Culture's my friend. They'll take you to where you wanna go. ;-)
  13. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    Here's are some of my jars from last year's grow: Well I decided to not post the sterilization video, because the camera turned almost everything into a blue image. It's an old camera that's been through a lot, so I'm not surprised. The preparation of the grains, and their subsequent...
  14. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    I've got video of the sterilization process that I'll provide a link to in a little bit. I probably shouldn't even show it for fear someone will see a step I did wrong and do it....hehe. I'll just say this: when soaking your Wild Bird Seed, add either 1/4 cup gardening lime or gypsum. It...
  15. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    Well here are a few pics of the colonizing jars:
  16. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    Haha, I love those lunch-meat tupperware containers....That's exactly what I used to do with them! Btw, like your Martha setup...those cakes look really healthy. You're gonna have some explosive pinning. :-)
  17. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    that's a great question! You can, but then you'll always be in a state of colonization, and at anytime during colonization a contam can spoil the whole pot. I've heard there are also issues with declining genetics with each generation, just like marijuana. The reasoning behind it is beyond...
  18. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    Well it's just a simple bulk grow...only one large tub. Last year I ended up with 2 pounds, and that was off of only 2 tubs. The tub I'll be using is different than last years though, just something I found around the house and it's opaque...which isn't the best for pinning. Ideally...
  19. someone else

    Bulk Mushrooms - Wild Bird Seed Spawned to Horse Manure Mix

    Hey all, thought I'd put up a simple little mushroom grow I'm doing with Wild Bird Seed (WBS) and horse manure. I'm an old hand at growing boomers, and welcome any and all comments, questions, or concerns. I enjoy helping others with their mushroom questions (when I can!). With these South...
  20. someone else

    2010 Late Grow Deep South..

    Nice job, that's pretty decent off those plants man. Good harvest!