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  1. W

    New growth light green, lime green

    Hello. I started 6 plants indoors under a sky light. I put the 2 healthiest plants out doors 2 days ago. The two plants are now getting very light green new growth out of all the tops and some of the under side branches. I read online that it might be a sulfur def. I also read that it might...
  2. W

    Miracle grow pots transplant into fox farms mix?

    Thanks.! Well i transplanted all but the most healthy one(gonna leave it in the MG and see what happens). The others seem to be doing fine. When transplanting I got rid of as much of the MG soil before seeing any of the roots. They all seem good and even one of the shitty plants looks like...
  3. W

    Miracle grow pots transplant into fox farms mix?

    Hi. I germinated my seeds and then planted them in the only soil i had. It is miracle grow. 2 of the plants are not doing to hot while the others seem to be doing ok. I've been looking around the world wide web and a lot of people say MC is bad and i should be using some sort of mix with...