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  1. W

    Calmag hungry plants.

    My problem started about 2 weeks ago with 3 chemdawg4 clones. I tried different fixes on the 3 different plants and the one that is looking healthy is the one I've been giving calmag. I'm guessing these chem4 are calmag hungry since the only one i fed with calmag is the only one that looks...
  2. W

    Mag/Cal Def cause of PH in soil???

    My babies also have some brown spots on some of the older fan leaves... And the new growth has purple veins and the stems are not very strong. Any ideas?
  3. W

    Mag/Cal Def cause of PH in soil???

    If there were bugs in the soil of my Chem4 then there should be bugs in the rest of my plants soil since they both came from the same bag. But only the chem4 clones look bad. I got some dolemite lime and top fed the chem4 which I had flushed about 5 days ago with 1 TBSP/gallon of soil. I'm...
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    Mag/Cal Def cause of PH in soil???

    Here are some pics of the clones when i first got them to show the color difference.
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    Mag/Cal Def cause of PH in soil???

    So its been 10 days since I first saw the problems and they are still there.... Here are some pics of the chem4s with problems and the gdp and chem4 from seed with no problems. These plants are very green and look fine. Can someone tell what is wrong with my babies??? I've done...
  6. W

    Mag/Cal Def cause of PH in soil???

    I watered one of my plants today and the water was PH 6.7. When i checked the runn off it was in the 4s....??!??!? What does this mean ?? my soild acidic?? How do i fix this problem? If the water going in the pot is 6.7 what should the run off ph be in soil.??? The weird this is I have...
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    Mag/Cal Def cause of PH in soil???

    I got some clones about a month ago. 3 chem4, 1 chem91 and 1 GDP. I have them growing under a T5 4 bulb florescent using FF happy frog for the first 2 weeks then into Fox farms ocean forest and perlite after that. Only my chem4s are looking sad. I think its some sort of Cal mag issue...
  8. W

    Help with drying!!!!!!!

    So this is my first season growing and while growing my plants all looked good and smelled wonderful Here is a pic of one of the buds that i harvested. Just showing pic to show I didnt grow garbage. I've read all these different drying and curing methods and still cant get things right...
  9. W

    first indoor grow room. questions.

    Hello. My grow room is 5.5 x 5.5 x 6.5 feet. I have an older 1000 watt hps with an air cooled hood. My air cooled hood runs from a hole in my grow box to duct to hydro farm blower to duct to air cooled hood to duct to hole in other side of grow box. I also have a 6 inch exhaust fan and an...
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    First grow veg time??

    I am currently doing my 1st indoor grow! I have 5 clones, 3 chemdawg 4, 1 chemdawg 91, and 1 kens GDP. I have them under a 4 bulb 4ft T5. My flower room is 5.5x5.5 with one 1000 watt hps. My question is how long should i veg my clones before i put them into my flower room so it fills out...
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    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Some close ups of my little babies.
  12. W

    new 65"x67"x76" grow room set up

    I just finished building and painting my new grow room. Its 65"x67"x76" I am planning to run one 1000 watt hps for flowering. I have never grown indoors and need all the help i can get. My grow box is in my garage and there are no outlets near by. Do I need to have two new circuits to power...
  13. W

    Foggy calm nights.

    Hello!. This is my 1st year growing outdoors and have been helped out quite a bit on this forum. I have one more question. My babies have just finished their 5th week since showing pistils. and the past few nights have been very foggy and not a lot of breeze. In the mornings my buds are...
  14. W

    Hermie? Did my baby grow some balls?

    I think my babie spouted some balls. Tell me what you think. Do I throw it out if it is a hermie? I have 4 other plants outside with that one. Here are some pics I'm pretty sure its a hermie. FUCK IT WAS MY FAVORITE ONE TOO
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    Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

    Here is my little outdoor fun.
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    Outdoor grow in San Francisco

    I went to a new dispensary today and asked the dude at the front about growing MMJ outdoors. He said in San Francisco it is ILLEGAL to grow outdoors. I'm gonna call a lawyer tommorow and see if I can get the truth.
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    Fucked since birth. rusty spots on fan leaves.

    My water ph is somewhere in the mid 6s.
  18. W

    Fucked since birth. rusty spots on fan leaves.

    This was my 1st grow so I did a lot of weird shit.... I started off just wanting to go as simple as possible. Just add water approach but as my grow went along i started reading about which soils are good and nutes and other shit.. Anyways all 6 plants started off in MG soil in the little...
  19. W

    Fucked since birth. rusty spots on fan leaves.

    I started 6 seeds almost 3 months ago. I started them under my skylight and then started moving them out doors. This one was the runt of the group. He was fucked since he sprouted but since it wasn't costing me anything to keep it growing i just left it be. It looked like it was going to grow...
  20. W

    Crazy looking bug.

    I got em too thought they were some sort of leaf hopper. The like one of my plants more than the other so about 4 days ago i sprayed it with insecticidal soap and it burnt some of my plant. I squish them and they dont seem to be harming the plants.