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  1. W

    Bringing outdoor plants Indoors

    I got two Girl Scout cookies growing outdoors In San Francisco. Everything is going okay I was wondering if I could bring those in doors and finish them off in my 5x5 room under my 1000watt hps. The only other time I’ve grown outdoors here I had to deal with a lot of bud rot. In my 5x5...
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    Yellowing bottom leaves 3-4 week of flower

    Thanks. Just wanted to hear it from. Somebody
  3. W

    Yellowing bottom leaves 3-4 week of flower

    Hi! I’m in the 3rd-4th week of flower outdoors growing in soil using fox farms grow big big bloom and tiger bloom. 95% of my pants looks fantastic but have a few older bottom fan leaves turning yellow. Last feed I went with 2 tsp grow 2.5 tsp bloom and 3tsp of micro nutes. Water ph 6.3...
  4. W

    Defecencies during flowert

    I have striped some of the bottom branches and new growth that wouldn’t ammoumt to much at the end. I left the big fan leaves down there cause why not? The plants could eat them up later on in flower.
  5. W

    Defecencies during flowert

    Hi till it up. This is my first grow in 7-8 years. thi gs are looking good except a little defency Hope somebody could tell me what’s going on. It’s an outdoor grow maybe 3 weeks flowering. been giving my plants both a little grow and bloom bites with some micros and some cal mag every now...
  6. W

    Do fuck ups during flower extend flowering time??

    well fuck me. Thanks for the replies.
  7. W

    Do fuck ups during flower extend flowering time??

    So lets say your strain has a 8-9 week flower time. If you fuck up like I have will that make the flowering time longer? This was my first indoor grow and ran into a few problems. 1st was putting pots on concrete which made the roots to cold as caused lock out. 2nd was leaving town for one...
  8. W

    Droopy Leaves and weak stems. RH too low??? 25%

    OMG thanks.... Cold cement, how stupid of me. I will make a little table and get them off that cold ground. Thanks for the input. I'm gonna raise them up right now. Hopefully this will help. I have the 1000 watt hooked up to a air cooled hood. I will take the glass out and turn the fan...
  9. W

    Droopy Leaves and weak stems. RH too low??? 25%

    67.3f That temp was taken at night. Its been getting into the high 30s at night and my box is in my garage with zero insulation and lots of draft from outside. I dont really want to put a heater in there.
  10. W

    Droopy Leaves and weak stems. RH too low??? 25%

    Its not a PH issue or an over water issue... last time i watered that plant the PH was 6.7-6.8 I do not over water my plants.... Any other ideas??? That plant was growing fine under my T5
  11. W

    Droopy Leaves and weak stems. RH too low??? 25%

    I have 4 Chemdawg 4 plants that I have been vegging under a t5 florescent. 4 days ago I put them into my flower box which is powered with a 1000watt hps. I have the light on 24/0 and have noticed droopy leaves and weak stems on one of my babies. The temps range from 65-78 but the RH is...
  12. W

    what are you running now ?

    DHN Chem 4 clones from harborside oakland. Dr. Greenthumb Chem4 from seed. GSC clones from a friend.
  13. W

    Grow Shop Rip Off

    I went to lowes for some pots since its closer to my house than the hydro shop. They wanted $10 a pot. The hydro shop wanted $5.50... City prices at lowes. ARUBA GI JOES
  14. W

    Veg with t5 and flower with hps.

    Johndee Thanks for the quick response. I am doing the lst so i get wider shorter plants. I'm kinda limited on the height of my grow room so I'm hoping they dont get to tall on me. Its all learning. I plan to grow the same strains next go round so hopefully I'll have a good idea on how long...
  15. W

    Veg with t5 and flower with hps.

    Im vegging under a T5 and was wondering when i put my babies into my flower room with hps can i set the lights to 12/12 as soon as they are in the new room or should I do a week or two 18/6 or 24/0 before i switch to 12/12 so my babies get used to the HPS. ??? 1st time growing indoors with...
  16. W

    Help nutrient deficiency !!!!!

    Looks like a problem I'm having with 3 of my babies. I fed one of them calmag and she seems to be recovering. Here is before and after pics. The red/purple veins have started growing green on the new leaves after about a 10 days and 2 feeding of calmag.
  17. W

    Calmag hungry plants.

    Pics of what? the plant that got healthy again? or the sick plants that I haven't fed any calmag?
  18. W

    Calmag hungry plants.

    My clones were planted into foxfarms happy frog on the 1st of October in solo cups. 2 weeks later i transplanted them into 1 gallon pots with fox farms ocean forest. They have been fed only the nutes that were already in the soil.