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  1. tSunami13

    Growing Without Roomate Knowing??

    It's not to hard to hide grow ops, but it's the people that know, there kinda hard to hide. lol. Just make sure the roommate understands to not mention it to anyone.
  2. tSunami13

    Some help with cloning please.

    They look like they are taking. They also look very wet. Try putting perlite in the soil next time to drain better. I do mine in good potting soil, and beer cups. Very rarely have to buy anything, and it is very easy to mark cups, move them, feed them individually, and move them around, and...
  3. tSunami13

    Can you extend your photoperiod by 30 minutes without stressing your plants?

    No worry's. Take everything with a grain of salt and see what works best for you. :peace:
  4. tSunami13

    Clone Nutes?? What Kind??

    Start giving them veg nutes. Low dose.
  5. tSunami13

    Can you extend your photoperiod by 30 minutes without stressing your plants?

    i've done it both ways and haven't had a problem.
  6. tSunami13

    3000K Orange Flouros?

    HPS's are the most lumans per watt. Then you get your CFL's, MH's, CF's. The 3000k t5's should do the trick for flowering. It's all about the lumans. Watt's cost the same so it doesn't matter if it is a 400w HID or 400w's CFL. They both eat say 400 units each. There is more useable light for the...
  7. tSunami13

    Growing Without Roomate Knowing??

    Work on the ventilation for sure. The carbon filter will do the trick, just keep it private.
  8. tSunami13

    Fan Not Bringing Heat Down

    Tweaking the light more might help some too. Say your peak temps outside are at 3-4pm so make that the midpoint of dark. So go lights out at 1-2 and back on at 7-8. The temps won't fluctuate as much but it generally will help keep temps down a few degrees.
  9. tSunami13

    Fluorescent light fixtures

    Just go for the correct spectrum of lights. 6500k veg, 2700k flower. But the fixture will work for sure.
  10. tSunami13

    do hermies produce seeds

    The pollen from the hermie is a good thing. Take that pollen and fertilize another female plant you like and that cuts the next gen hermie thing down and you'll have a bunch of lady beans for the next time.
  11. tSunami13

    transplanting soil to bubbleponics

    Carefully rinse the soil out of the roots. Try and get it as clean as you can without damaging the roots. Put bare roots in a pot cover with clay rocks, and full bucket up to the point the water is touching the roots if you don't have a feeder tube. Once the roots hit the water on there own your...
  12. tSunami13

    Drip ring filter

    What kinda drip rings?
  13. tSunami13

    Calibration Of Hanna Ph Meter

    Calibration solutions are good to have. I know somewhere in the stealth hydro thread there is a list of household items I just can't find it at the moment. The ideal thing is to get some 7.01 and 4.01 to calibrate.
  14. tSunami13

    Diy bubbleponics

    Hey just a reply to the filter bags for the pumps, fish stores sell bags that most pumps fit in, nice small mesh, done that for years and they also can be use to hold other media if needed. Petsmart had them last I knew, they typically hold carbon, peat, ceramic, and what ever else you can think of.
  15. tSunami13

    do hermies produce seeds

    Hermies do produce seeds. They produce feminized seeds. If it is a good plant it could be worth playing with if you need more seeds. If the plant is good producer, height, high and so on it would be worth it. There is the chance they will continue to produce hermies but not likely just a higher...
  16. tSunami13

    help a neophyte grower gal...1st grow lr2

    Some go all the way to harvest with nutes. Some flush. If it was not heavily dosed then keep giving it some nutes. If it was heavily dosed give it a flush for week. It is all personal choice. I feed up until the last week or so and then flush. Hope that helps you. Check out attitude for info on...
  17. tSunami13

    Advanced Nutrients

    oh yeah I use 50 gazillion gallons. gimme a break son. hey, son it's your bedtime. I heard your mommy calling ya. Do you hear a lot of echos? pull your head out of your A**! Good to hear you know everything about me, but it really does sound like your a little kiddie! Like I said you prove it...
  18. tSunami13

    Grape Ape!!!

    Damn bro I was wondering where my little ape was. Haha Just got some clones
  19. tSunami13

    Advanced Nutrients

    ok dingle berry what are you still around for? I thought I wiped better! sounds like your a mooch! yeah give product away go out of business. makes sense if your a kid and can't afford to play! And how long do your little freebies last you noob? The damn samples I get would last maybe a week. Oh...
  20. tSunami13

    Question About Flowering Stage

    No do not cut off the fan leaves. The fan leaves are stored up energy for flowering. They will yellow up and droop and fall. Pick em up then.