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  1. obsessionkills

    Question for Cali medicinal MJ patients

    as long as you're not getting drug tested at work, you dont have to inform them about your card
  2. obsessionkills

    Question for Cali medicinal MJ patients

    you dont have to tell the chiro what you want your records for, you just tell them you want a copy of your medical records. I used my chiro records for my recommendation. I have a lot of health issues but dont go to the dr for them cause I don't have insurance. Take your script and your records...
  3. obsessionkills

    so cal late fall grow maybe?

    I'm in central cali and I'm doing the same thing right now. I have huge bright shop lights in my garage, so when it starts getting dark, I'm bringing them in til 10 pm and then putting them back outside for a few months then gonna let the winter do its thing. just bring them in if its gonna be a...
  4. obsessionkills

    Only when the lights are off

    shhh... they're getting their beauty sleep :)
  5. obsessionkills

    Fuck friends

    right there with you my, I have tried my whole life to have some real friends, but no luck. im sick of bullshit, fake ass, SELFISH people! family included. i have one person that i could trust my life with, thats my sister, but not even blood (ex step sister) +REP for an AWESOME post
  6. obsessionkills

    Question about cell phones

    haha being a female, I don't wanna know
  7. obsessionkills

    Question about cell phones

    no there shouldnt be a way for her to
  8. obsessionkills

    outdoor growing 107 Degrees quick question

    we hit 110 today and my baby girls were in direct sun light all day, they looked happy and healthy when i was dyin lol
  9. obsessionkills

    Scissors or hand?

    thanks for the info +rep :) I'm still gonna try it, but I'll be really careful
  10. obsessionkills

    Scissors or hand?

    I heard trimming with latex gloves works, when you're done, take them off, put them in the freezer, and all the yummy stickyness peels off and you can get it all.... I have no clue, I'm in the middle of my first grow. I think I'm gonna give it a try, I've trimmed before, and it seems like it...
  11. obsessionkills

    Mixing Medicine and Marijuana?

    you probably have the tolerance for it, he said his dad USED to smoke, thats why i didn't advise it. I'm trying to give him advice off my dad in the same situation. now if he didn't take the pain meds for quite a few hours, then it would be a different story. hope you can help him feel better :/
  12. obsessionkills

    Mixing Medicine and Marijuana?

    I would advice against it. you get a crazy high from mixing them. I've done it just to get a different high. unless you think your dad could handle a crazy trip with the spins. my dad is a medical marijuana patient but doesnt smoke it because he doesnt like how the pain meds and weed mix. he...
  13. obsessionkills

    Outdoor grow 5 weeks since hairs appeared.

    mine look about how yours does. i saw white hairs about 6 weeks ago, but I didnt start counting til last week when they actually started looking like a tiny bud. so I'm counting mine as going on week 2
  14. obsessionkills

    Does anyone know what this is? Please help... nothings stopping it

    my babies are losing almost all of their lower veg, all of my bud sites are doing great, but everything under is dying. they all turn light yellow and fall off. this is my first grow, i've fed them and fed them, nothing changes. but as long as the top and my bud site stay nice and healthy, I...
  15. obsessionkills

    Show off your glass

    why thank you:) nice bong, love the simple, clear glass with the blue accent
  16. obsessionkills

    Show off your glass

    Clifford, Addict, Icee, Princess Blueberry, Twisted Lemonade, Skittles, Mary Jane, Hpnotiq, and Homer
  17. obsessionkills

    How much do you think I'll make?

    I hope not, that would be fucked... a race to see who harvests first lol
  18. obsessionkills

    Plants are TOO BIG to force flower outdoor. Alternative ideas? Stress Force Flower?

    where are you from? my outdoor are flowering on their own right now
  19. obsessionkills

    I just got this

    looks delicious :)
  20. obsessionkills

    All i can think about is pot!!!

    I'm on this site for hrs just looking at pictures, and reading about grow ops. my husband gets mad at me cause everytime he looks at the computer, its something about marijuana. he's just jealous cause he can't smoke cause of work lol