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  1. G

    Heat comparison LED UFO v.s. CFL

    Well i currently have 3 80mm 38cfm pc fans for the exhaust. For the intake i have 1 120mm 73cfm and 1 80mm 32cfm pc fans. Without the carbon filters and intake vent/light trap i was able to keep my temps at 68*F intake and 75*F exhaust with 2 80mm exhaust fans and 1 120mm intake fan. As soon as...
  2. G

    Heat comparison LED UFO v.s. CFL

    Hi, to start things off Ive read all the threads about using LEDs and if i had the choice i would run an hps. Unfortunately heat is a problem for my lil grow cab so no hps :sad:. I want to throw as many cfls as possible in my cab and after carbon filters and venting i have temp issues with...
  3. G

    commercial fertilizers

    I gave up on trying to find a decent fertilizer from a local commercial super store and drove quite a ways to buy fox farm grow big. To help anyone who may be looking for the same answer i was, were is jacks classic sold?
  4. G

    commercial fertilizers

    Hi everyone, Ive just spent over an hour trying to figure out if there is a decent fertilizer for vegetative growth that could be bought from a local walmart, home depot, menard, lowes, etc.... I understand that fox farm, earth juice and many more are optimal and what everyone recommends for...
  5. G

    Newbie 1st grow, need help.

    Ok sounds good, Ill stop with the epsom for a while, its just that the older leaves still show strong signs of magnesium deficiency. The new growth looks darker and doesn't seem to be twisting anymore(although all leaves are still slightly tacoed). The shorter plant that hasnt really grown in a...
  6. G

    Newbie 1st grow, need help.

    So just to clarify i shouldnt foliar feed MG for at least another 3-4 days?
  7. G

    magnesium deficiency foliar feeding question.

    I plan on stopping foliar feeding as soon as the leaves are in their proper condition. So just to clarify you suggest i hold off on foliar feeding mg today and just use normal water, then tomorrow once again foliar feed with mg?
  8. G

    magnesium deficiency foliar feeding question.

    The clones are only 2 weeks old since being transplanted into fox farm ocean forest soil. The pH got thrown off because my waters pH was to high, i have been watering with 6.0 corrected pH water. Hopefully its corrected soon. I dont plan on fertilizing till flowering but, maybe it wouldnt hurt...
  9. G

    magnesium deficiency foliar feeding question.

    Hi everyone, I am having some issues with magnesium deficiency from my soils pH being too high. While im correcting the pH of the soil how often should i be foliar feeding with 1/2 teaspoon of epsom salt per quart? I cant seem to find any info on this as i think everything i read is just for...
  10. G

    Newbie 1st grow, need help.

    Does anyone know how often I should foliar feed? Also does anyone know how long it takes for plants to start showing signs of recovery from foliar feeding? Thanks
  11. G

    Newbie 1st grow, need help.

    The soil was bone dry as far down as i could feel. Watered about 1 quart per plant with 6.0 pH water(hoping this should finally level the soil pH out). Then foliar fed shortly after with seltzer water and epsom salt. At this point I can only hope things start to turn around. Pretty sure i have a...
  12. G

    Newbie 1st grow, need help.

    After thinking about this non stop for the last few days ive come to a conclusion. I think the plants must have be over watered after transplanting. Big pots small plants/small roots that wont use a lot of water. Top soil layer probably dried out but the lower layers probably had plenty of water...
  13. G

    Newbie 1st grow, need help.

    I thought the lower the pH the more acidic it is? Anyway Ill water with 6.0 pH as 6.0-6.5 is what im shooting for pH. They are looking even worse today. More mid level leaves are yellowing/burning. Things arent looking good. I dont know the strain but the person i got them from said he flowers...
  14. G

    Newbie 1st grow, need help.

    For the cooling/ventilation i followed a ventilation guide. I kind of went over kill since i plan on adding a lot more light and a carbon filter later on. I estimate roughly 220w total inside the grow room multiply this by 3.16 = 695 divided by 81*F - intake temp (for me its 66*F) so to simplify...
  15. G

    Newbie 1st grow, need help.

    The second method you mentioned involved testing the actual deeper down moist soil. How does this work using the aquarium test kits or do you mean use some sort of a different device to measure the ph? Thank agian!
  16. G

    Newbie 1st grow, need help.

    After recently reading so much about ph is there any cheap test kits i could pick up to measure this? I am starting to think maybe for some reason my soil ph is to high. The new growth leaves look ok(other then still drooping) but one of the older leaves now shows signs of a magnesium deficiency...
  17. G

    Newbie 1st grow, need help.

    Just a little update... The plants are still droopy but are continuing to turn a darker green from the veins of the leaves out. I added in 2 more 26w 6500k cfls and readjusted the fans so the temps stick at 75*F. Hopefully they will get better soon so I can start flowering. Thank you everyone...
  18. G

    Newbie 1st grow, need help.

    Thanks for the advice ill be sure to water manually. Also i am able to add 2 more 26w 6500k cfls would this help at all or should i wait till the leaves start to look better? This would bring the total lumens up from 9,600 to 12,800.
  19. G

    Newbie 1st grow, need help.

    I currently don't have a camera to upload pics, plus i'm a little nervous about posting them online(im probably just a lil over paranoid). Like I said, I doubt I'm over watering. I bought those self watering pots with the reservoir at the bottom. You supposedly water just the first time from the...
  20. G

    Newbie 1st grow, need help.

    Hi everyone, I have just started my first grow roughly a week ago and it got off to a rough start. Im starting with 2 clones in a small grow box(2'wx1'dx3'h). For vegging i am currently using 6 26w 6500k cfls placed within 1-3 inches of the plants on a 24/0 light cycle. When i received the...