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  1. T

    Cuttings w/Heat Mat Not Cloning

    I'm getting mixed messages on various forums. Some people say I should ditch the heat mat and the humidity dome and limit the light and other people say to keep the heatmat and dome and double the light..
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    Cuttings w/Heat Mat Not Cloning

    I would not say they're hot. The mats are kind of hot, but the cubes are definitely warm. My clone box is at around 85F, and the results without a heat mat were identical. I'm using Clonex. I dipped the cuttings in it after I scraped the sides and then placed them in the cubes. They're...
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    Cuttings w/Heat Mat Not Cloning

    I seem to be doing everything right, but I'm having no luck. I have 35 cuttings and not has rooted. This is my 5th attempt and so far only two attempts have worked, both with 50-60% of the cuttings having rooted. I keep them moist, not wet, I have a heat mat which keeps the bottom warm.. I...
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    Mold & Maggots!

    My local hydro grow store sells something called orius laevigatus for thrips. So, that is an option. I also found neem oil and spinosad.. Which do I choose? I understand that spinosad works faster but are there side effects to this speed?
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    Mold & Maggots!

    Amazon Prime is not going to help me when it takes 2 weeks for anything to arrive from the US. Maybe. Is it better than Neem Oil? One of the reasons I wish I still lived in the US. Though, if I did, I'd be forced to sell for much lower prices, I think.. so it's still worth it. How long...
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    Mold & Maggots!

    It was too late for the cuttings. The infestation was too severe. I had to toss them out. As for the rest, especially my flowering plants.. I can't wait for the delivery from Amazon. Anything else I can use besides Spinosad?
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    Mold & Maggots!

    Don't live in the US, unfortunately.
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    Mold & Maggots!

    Thanks. What about Neem Oil.. is it better than Spinosad? All I can find in terms of Spinosad are for head lice..
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    Mold & Maggots!

    EDIT: I found the same thrips maggots on one of my large flowering plants. For some reason, they haven't spread to the plants around it, but I'm in DIRE need of a method of getting rid of them. I read that there are some pesticides and predatory insects you can unleash on them. Anyone have any...
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    Mold & Maggots!

    You mean Hydrogen Peroxide?
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    Mold & Maggots!

    I guess I should have mentioned that the pictures are of several plants in a few rooms.. which one are you referring to?
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    Mold & Maggots!

    It seems the mildew I found the other day wasn't enough. Upon checking on my rockwool cuttings, I noticed that they were literally covered in little tiny maggots! So, first question - what are they and how do I prevent this from happening again?! I threw all the cuttings away and cleaned the...
  13. T

    Bubble Cloner Issues

    But yellowing leaves are a sign of low nutrients. If what you're saying is true, I would be seeing nute burn around the edges of the leaves.
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    Bubble Cloner Issues

    But then wouldn't the nutes help the roots grow faster once it actually does root? Also, I put plenty of nutes in my soil. Is that possibly the reason why the rooted clones aren't growing in my soil? Why is it that everything hates nutes so much?
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    Bubble Cloner Issues

    How come pH and nutrients aren't a factor? I thought the whole idea was that the cuttings need to suck up as much nutrients as possible, hence why the cloner kits come with nutrients solutions.. And to suck up as much as possible, the pH must be balanced because at 8.0 pH, they're not going to...
  16. T

    Bubble Cloner Issues

    Okay, so I had my DIY Bubble Cloner on for 6 days and 8/12 of the clones rooted. Since this was just a test run and I took some of them off the middle of the stem, I decided to repeat the procedure. Except this time, some issues have risen.. First off, it's been 4 days and there aren't even...
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    Thinking about Hydro

    How does the plant keep up when it's in coco, perlite or with no medium at all? If my water is above 70F, I need a water chiller of some sort?
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    Thinking about Hydro

    So, I've successfully built my first hydroponic bubble cloner and after spending 3 hours repotting my plants in 5 gallon pots with 100 liters of soil.. I thought maybe I could move to growing in hydro as well. I've been doing some research on the subject and this is what I've figured out...
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    Carbon Filters - Short or Tall

    Yeah, but less restriction = less carbon the air has to travel through.
  20. T

    Carbon Filters - Short or Tall

    Why? I thought less surface area is better.. that way it has to go through more carbon before exiting out.