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  1. T

    Any way to curb plant width?

    Seems like there's an Uncle Ben cult around here.. :) I will try to find that book.
  2. T

    Any way to curb plant width?

    No, I get that if you cut off a branch, you're throwing away whatever energy the plant had to use to form that branch. But I think the thought process here is that - if you cut off a branch (regardless of its size) BEFORE it begins to flower, you're still saving a lot of energy because the...
  3. T

    Any way to curb plant width?

    Wait, I don't understand. How would it allow me to squeeze more plants together? I'm only cutting the lower branches and they're not nearly as long as the top ones.. I cut the lower branches as soon as the plant starts flowering.. when it's about half of its final size. Is that good? When you...
  4. T

    Any way to curb plant width?

    But it is true that if you cut some stems, off the bottom, the rest of the plant will get bigger, no? Lollipopping is supposed to take the energy the plant would have yielded to those little popcorn buds and give it to the ones on top.
  5. T

    Any way to curb plant width?

    You mean like a reverse Scrog? I'm not entirely sure how to bend them.. I suppose I could tie them to the trunk but it would take a lot of effort. I'd really rather just place a screen on the edges of the pot.. but that would inhibit light, right? Yeah, exactly. It just grows right through...
  6. T

    Any way to curb plant width?

    I'm Googling what you guys said, but.. Can someone link me to something they actually recommend?
  7. T

    Any way to curb plant width?

    I grow my plants in a 4.5 Gallon container and they get to be about 1-1.2 Meters tall. However, they always branch out about 55-65cm and it's taking up too much space. If I could contain each plant to around 45-50cm, that would be perfect. Is there any way to do this? Thanks!
  8. T

    More Bubble Issues

    No, I built a brand new cloner. I cleaned it yesterday with H2O2 but it hasn't stopped the mold. Isn't it too late? Can it recover from mold?
  9. T

    More Bubble Issues

    Well, I hadn't buying your house, but it's not a bad idea. I'd watch out, if I were you. As for the seeds, yeah.. it seems that way. How? Add H2O2 to the water? Wouldn't that kill the cuttings? It's kind of like adding bleach, isn't it? No, my water temps are low. 75-80F. I check every day...
  10. T

    More Bubble Issues

    Okay, maybe someone can tell me what's going on here.. *sigh* Two problems. The leaves are curled and browning. And I think there might be mold on the stems. Those don't look like stems, and that white blotch looks like mold to me. Also, there is a slightly odd smell. This started...
  11. T

    Bubble Cloner Issue

    No, I threw it out and bought a brand new one.
  12. T

    Bubble Cloner Issue

    I never knew there was such a thing as plant circulation.. yeah, they're pretty damn tight. But like I said, I managed to clone just fine with the same pucks. It looks like you don't even have any airstones inside that thing. Odd. My temps are now around 73F. I'm being told 77F is optimal so...
  13. T

    Bubble Cloner Issue

    I managed to clone pretty well with just bubbles, but not this time around.. What temps and pH you got?
  14. T

    Bubble Cloner Issue

    Not from my experience. Cuttings look lively 4 weeks after cutting but refuse to root. Also, PMSL? Really? Don't be a douchebag. But they still won't root, so who cares if they live. Can't. Like I said, I've already taken about 80 cuttings and only 3 of them have rooted. That sentence...
  15. T

    Bubble Cloner Issue

    Well, I got it down to 75F. How do I know if it's too late or not?
  16. T

    Bubble Cloner Issue

    Around 80F. I think it might have gotten to 85F once.. does that mean they're dead.. just because of one time..?
  17. T

    Bubble Cloner Issue

    Yeah, I know. I had no choice.. But why are the bubbles hitting some of the cuttings and not other..? I can't understand this.
  18. T

    Bubble Cloner Issue

    So, I built a second bubble cloner. Only problem is.. it's not working. For some reason, the cuttings are dry.. The bubbles are also smaller, for some reason, even though I purchased the same exact air stones.. And overall, the cuttings are not happy. So much so that I've had to drench...
  19. T

    Cuttings w/Heat Mat Not Cloning

    When I do that, I get some serious mold..
  20. T

    Cuttings w/Heat Mat Not Cloning

    What if I cut an entire stem and leave it outside for 10 minutes, then cut it into individual parts and directly put them into water? Will that work?