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  1. TessaMaria

    Is it ok to change the lighting?

    Hello Rollitup (: I am growing a Pineapple Express#2 from G13 labs in a three gallon pot with soil indoor. The tent is crowded now and this girl is showing her female traits(white pistols) She has been on 20/4 lighting since the beginning. I planned to move her outside in two weeks 6/1...
  2. TessaMaria

    Seedliing is stunted in growth? And yellowing

    I wouldn’t give up, the roots grow too and the part above soil won’t grow a lot while the roots are growing when it’s this little. I think once you can PH the water your plants will be happier. Do you use any mycorrhizae? That would help too. (:
  3. TessaMaria

    One plant bushing out like crazy

    I agree, less is best right now. Sometimes it seems like they are stalling but stuff is happening in the soil (roots growing). I try to leave as many leaves as possible because I think the plants need them to develop. :peace: :weed:(:
  4. TessaMaria

    Is it too late to top the plant? Northern Lights x Ruderalis Auto

    Yes it took that long for the all the buds to ripen. The first buds I harvested were ready at about 12 weeks, then I harvest every week or so up to 15 weeks. It was such a pretty plant! The breeders tend to give the shortest time, this was my first autoflower and indoor(in a long time). But...
  5. TessaMaria

    One plant bushing out like crazy

    Is it growing indoor or outdoor?
  6. TessaMaria

    Is it too late to top the plant? Northern Lights x Ruderalis Auto

    I grew two plants of that same strain from Seedsman very recently. I topped one of them before it grew any branches and it never grew any branches or showed sex or flowered. The one I didn’t top grew up great! She took about 15 weeks with a staggered harvest. But the first buds were ready...
  7. TessaMaria

    Leaves sprout before root

    Can you post a picture please? Thanks :peace: :)
  8. TessaMaria

    Should I be concerned?

    You can learn a lot from the internet about growing. I love Rollitup, Autoflowernet, grow weed easy and a few others:peace:
  9. TessaMaria

    Identify this leaf problem

    Any nutrients we add to the watering usually change the PH of the mix. I add the Calmag then check the PH and adjust back to 6.5. Sometimes the Calmag builds up in the soil and raises the PH, that’s why I do a light dose:weed::)
  10. TessaMaria

    Identify this leaf problem

    Good Morning, I would give with a light dose of Calmag and make sure the PH is correct before applying. I have found that helpful for new growth. Sorry it took so long to reply:):peace:
  11. TessaMaria

    Identify this leaf problem

    I have flushed my plants before by pouring three times the amount of ph’d water per gallon of pot, for a five gallon pot I poured 15 gallons of water through it(it was an outdoor plant) My plant was NOT happy after all that water and it took forever to dry out. If I was you I would water with...
  12. TessaMaria

    What is the problem ?

    Can you check the trichomes with a loupe or some sort of magnification lens? My rule of thumb for harvest time is 50/50 amber/cloudy trichomes and curled/color changed pistols. I see a lot of pistols that are not curled yet In your pictures. The timelines that are promoted from breeders and...
  13. TessaMaria

    just general information needed

    They look good to me but I’m not an expert! I would thoroughly inspect them for insects just to make sure and I would also PH the water going in. The PH you want will depend on your growing medium it’s different for soil than cocoa coir. I think that’s my best preventative advice. Good luck...
  14. TessaMaria

    Is this a “hermie”?!

    Good Morning, It’s hard to tell with the purple light. Because it is from bagseed, if it hermied, it probably wasn’t something you did, unless the growing conditions or training really stressed out the plant or there is a male nearby. I would research a lot about male plants and look at...
  15. TessaMaria

    FFOF ( Fox Farms Ocean Forest ) made Simple - Autoflower

    Your simple method is awesome! Your plants look so healthy and happy!!! I hope shutting down doesn’t keep you from sharing your knowledge on this site (: We need smart people with great advice and grows to back it up!!! Keep up the good work and thanks for sharing:peace::peace:(:(:
  16. TessaMaria

    Mars Hydro Giveaway of Cree COB or 2'x2' Tent

    United States 331
  17. TessaMaria

    woke up to this! Help!

    If there is a hydroponic store near you you can find a great soil there for cannabis and great prices (in my opinion). They also have nutrients if you go that route. (:
  18. TessaMaria

    woke up to this! Help!

    I think this one looks healthy. I would transplant with good soil and bring the soil (Add mycorrhizae too) up to about an inch below the growth. The other picture looks like it won’t make it from my limited experience. they don’t need a lot of water at this stage. I water from the bottom...
  19. TessaMaria

    Enlighten Me

    If your not ready to transplant you could add a layer of new soil on top and water that in.
  20. TessaMaria

    Enlighten Me

    I had some yellowing In leaves in the early stages and I transplanted the pot into a larger pot (of course it got a lot more new soil) and the yellowing stopped. I trimmed off the yellow leaves. I think they need bigger pots and the new soil will feed them. Are you adding any mycorrhiza or...