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  1. H

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    hey colo, do you live in an area that is known for crime/gangs?
  2. H

    airy buds

    could be a few things... #1 maybe they were dried too fast although a doubt this would cause a great deal of difference rather than slowly as drying seems to effect taste more unless they wee heat dried which isn't the case here. #2 some strains just aren't that dense, no matter what. #3 they...
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    Leave on or take off

    are you talking about trimming? in that case i doubt anyone would want them to stay on, plus just think of all the goodies that you can make with the trim.
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    the problem is, that sometimes nothing goes wrong but bad luck. it goes deeper than what some asshole in the "my plants got stolen thread" said. the whole "if your plants got stolen, then you didn't work hard enough to keep them hidden" line of thinking doesn't apply to that many situations...
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    thats terrible, hopefully the other half will still make the season worthwhile. this is imo the biggest reason why outdoor growers harvest early, the threat of losing it all verses some premature smoke. this has me seriously considering just pulling asap as i only have one plant and the thought...
  6. H

    My first harvest soon!

    i only have one plant left, only started with 2 though. lost one to termites, which i didn't even know were a problem, but now i do. its hard to estimate yield as i still have another week or two but my estimate would be a little more than an ounce, which for me will last a long time, maybe 3...
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    My first harvest soon!

    don't let an imperfect yield get you down at all! whats important is that you even made it this far and learned alot. hell, you even got some free smoke outta the deal so thats a win-win! look at all the recent threads on here about people who told someone and were jacked, so as far as i'm...
  8. H

    how long does cannabutter cookies stay good for.

    don't give any kind of drug to anyone or anything not expecting it man, it might seem entertaining for you, but animals don't know how to react to that. sure, the weed itself won't kill the animal, but what if he went crazy and somehow injured himself? on the topic of the cookies, if you are...
  9. H

    Anxious to taste

    in terms of hurting the plant, taking a small bud is unlikely to cause any damage. i have taken a few small samples this year with no ill effects. one thing i will say is this, don't expect it to taste very good as pretty much any quick dry method is likely to leave you with very harsh smoke. by...
  10. H

    Best weed strains for anxiety?

    gotta agree with the last 2 posters. the mindfuck high that strong sativas can produce will make anxiety worse imo! what you want is a strong indica, something to slow everything down. i have had problems with anxiety in the past, and i found it to be more of an issue at night while lying in...
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    My First Grow ever!!

    listen to this person. for anyone attempting a first grow, if you are able to make it to harvest then that is more than a success imo! not only will you have some bud to reward your hard work, but you will have gained so much in terms of knowledge that next year you will be able to do great...
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    Monster Marijuana Tree Harvest In Nepal

    hey man, what are the laws like over thereregarding cannibis? are they strongly enforced?
  13. H

    Help!! found hunting seat near my grow!

    hey man, i just don't wanna see all of your hard work go to shit on an assumption. like i said before, if i were you i would salvage what buds i could and leave them at a friends house for a few days if for nothing else then to give you some piece of mind. paranoia can quickly work you up into a...
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    Newbie with Pictures, Help Much Needed.

    looks like you are well on your way my friend! although its never free, and i'm not even talking about the money spent on soil, nutes ect. i'm talking about the amount of planning, research, and work that goes into even a few plants, not counting the emotional investment and having to worry...
  15. H

    Someone Stole my Plants!!!!

    bingo, sorry to hear that. how did he find out? whether or not you told him if he knew and you knew that he knew then you should have moved them. people, don't let anybody know and if someone finds out through no fault of your own then its on you to move them because as we have seen time and...
  16. H

    Help!! found hunting seat near my grow!

    why would anybody set up a deer stand to let someone know they knew about pot plants? that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. why not just confront the person instead? maybe the OP can clarify but it seems that he has a fair bit of land that borders this farmer and the farmer or whoever just...
  17. H

    Someone Stole my Plants!!!!

    did anybody, and i mean anybody know? close friends and family included.
  18. H

    Newbie with Pictures, Help Much Needed.

    seems like it just represents a change in the weather. have temps dropped recently? the plants look pretty good, so don't worry and ride it out.
  19. H

    Getting high before work

    like others have said, it depends on the job. i had worked in kitchens for years and i would enjoy taking a hit or two in the morning after i got out of the shower and would head to work with my coffee and be in a better mood for the most part. while at work i would burn a decent amount, but...
  20. H

    How long until i harvest these?

    for me, being my first grow and all, it has helped me learn and get somewhat of a correlation between what the buds look like and the effects by sampling, although all strains are different. you just have to keep the word "sample" in mind though, as to me that means a bowls worth, not a nug that...