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  1. H

    Your Advice Needed

    those look nice and healthy, but you have a long way to go still! its kinda hard to give an estimate, but i would wait at least 4 more weeks and go from there.
  2. H

    Help!! found hunting seat near my grow!

    go get them man! i'm just offering my opinion here but again, there is no evidence to support that anybody knows anything, you are just getting yourself all worked up. if you are that on edge, why not take the buds to a buddies house and leave them there for a few days so that you can calm down?
  3. H

    Help!! found hunting seat near my grow!

    did you at least save the buds man? again i applaud your approach to staying out of trouble but it takes alot for the cops to be able to come and search your house, and how would they know it was you? even in this day and age of shrinking civil liberties, there is still a need for probable cause.
  4. H

    Help!! found hunting seat near my grow!

    where i live, we have private property that backs up to township owned property that is allowed to be hunted on. it should always be the hunters responsibility to know where he can and can't hunt, but some people are lazy and some might just have made an honest mistake. property lines and...
  5. H

    How to make pot brownies.

    it will increase the absorption because all of the lower fat milk solids will be removed and only the pure butter will be left.
  6. H

    Help!! found hunting seat near my grow!

    well, i'm not 70 but i havent been arrested yet either so... its hard to read people through posts on a computer but it seems to me like the OP is young and this may be one of, if not his first grows and he is just super nervous, which there is nothing wrong with but don't let the paranoia train...
  7. H

    Help!! found hunting seat near my grow!

    i might be a little paranoid if i was at my patch and some hunter came up yelling "hey you, stop!" but nothing of the sort happened. nobody even saw the OP walking to his spot. and if he is so worried about someone finding them, why not go back and get rid of the evidence? this is just my...
  8. H

    Help!! found hunting seat near my grow!

    look, go back and get them man! it seems like you are getting way too worked up over this when its doubtful this guy knows anything. like i said, you don't even know if there are any cams! even if there are, so what? deer cams are not the police and cannot arrest you. also, deer cams aren't...
  9. H

    How to make pot brownies.

    maybe i should have clarified my answer lol! you take this step before even adding the pot!
  10. H

    Help!! found hunting seat near my grow!

    don't worry too much about a deer cam if you aren't even sure there is one. as far as the plants go, were they in containers or in the ground? how far along are they? if they are close or even a few weeks premature you should seriously just think about harvesting early as premature smoke beats...
  11. H

    Fan leaves only

    some people might say yeah, but the honest answer is no way. fan leaves contain very very little thc, and are loaded with chlorophyll, not good! to make a budder that would have any noticeable strength whatsoever you would need to use such a high ratio of leaves to butter that you would just be...
  12. H

    How to make pot brownies.

    yeah, you can substitute butter for most recipes that call for veg oil, just make sure that its the unsalted variety. to make it come out even better, clarify the butter which means to heat it over low heat and then remove the milk solids from it, leaving you with just clear golden butter. when...
  13. H

    SBW's "beginning of the end" a harvest log '12

    looks good man! i have a love/hate relationship with these harvest threads as i'm glad to see other people's hard work pay off but at the same time it just gets me more anxious as i have about another 2 weeks. having smoked nothing but a few small samples for the last 2 1/2 months doesn't help...
  14. H

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    you would think on a pro cannibis site there wouldn't be any ridiculous criticism of other people who have had any sort of misfortune involving cannibis, but apparently that isn't true. some people just wanna look down on anyone with bad luck to make themselves feel smarter or take the moral...
  15. H

    Mr. MJ's 2012 Guerrila Garden

    hey mr marijuana, do you know what strain the flower with the pink pistols is, as it looks almost identical to what i have(except way bigger lol!) and mine was just some bagseed, so i'm trying to figure out what strain although i know plants can look similar and still be different strains.
  16. H

    Colorado Medical Greenhouse

    invading your space with a smell, and a great one at that? get off your high horse and get real! with that stupid logic growing roses should also be illegal because the smell may carry!
  17. H

    Wisdom Teeth Removed... need a good tea recipe...

    glad that you enjoyed it, as it has been one of my favorites as not only is it potent, but it is very easy to make as its very quick. any idea on how much kief in terms of weight that you used? looks like it worked for you although the addition of the oil wasn't necessary, either way enjoy and...
  18. H

    plant stolen

    sorry to hear that but why keep the plant in an area where you know that someone spends time at, much less has seen your plant? i'm new to this site but the theme seems to be that if someone(friend or not) knows where you have a plant, that there is an extremely high chance that the plant will...
  19. H

    will a 35x magnification be good to tell when ready?

    all i have is a magnifying glass :(
  20. H

    Why am i not seeing any trichs?

    could be that your bud is darker and they aren't showing up that great to the naked eye. some strains are just very frosty, others aren't. don't worry though, it seems that you still have a few weeks left to go so let the plant do its thing!