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  1. MJCanada

    Purple stem genetics?

    Oh one other thing that has changed is the outside temps, which means my AC hasn't been kicking in as much. This raised the temp from 70 -> 72, and the RH from 50% -> 56%. I would thing that would be a good thing...
  2. MJCanada

    Purple stem genetics?

    Interestingly enough, now my Double Glock is starting to look a little worse for wear... First real leaves have a few brown spots on them and all the leaves are super droopy. Looks like overwatering, but she was light as a bone today, and the top inch was turning super light and dusty... Last...
  3. MJCanada

    Mainlining vs Scrog for noobs

    Waiting not-so-patiently for your elaboration!! :D
  4. MJCanada

    Purple stem genetics?

    Based on wikipedia Sun gro horticulture owns fafard. They also own Scotts. It isn't like Scotts owns Fafard. Anyway. I am sure if you look up the food chain most companies are owned by parents that are connected to bad related products. The Fafard I used was one of the black earth blends...
  5. MJCanada

    Purple stem genetics?

    The ingredients dont list fertilizers as separate like most of the other stuff available. My area kinda sucks. Out of all the different soils at our nursery 99% of them were available at big box and had time release based on a quick google. This was the only one that didnt.
  6. MJCanada

    Purple stem genetics?

    I figured as much. That's why I titled the thread "genetics?" as I'm assuming this is all happening from there. It was sitting pretty low in the pot, so like I said, I cut the pot down a bit to expose it, and the top of the soil to a little more air circulation... well wouldn't you know it... I...
  7. MJCanada

    Mars LED lighting

    All depends on the driver. Most DIYers use constant current/constant voltage drivers now. This prevents runaways.
  8. MJCanada

    Mars LED lighting

    Well the half cutting out could be from more failed LEDs or shitty soldier joints. Which is all the more reason to pay 20-30% more and get a good quality cob setup.
  9. MJCanada

    Purple stem genetics?

    Didn't have much to choose from where I live. Promix potting soil Fafard gardening blend (earth, composted manure and lime) Vermiculite ~1:2 ratio and then added 25-30% vermiculite. Watering with PHed tap water (30-40 PPM) no nutes. Temps are 68-70 Humidity 48-60
  10. MJCanada

    Mars LED lighting

    Can't look at voltage and # of LEDs in isolation of the drive current and circuitry. Series adds voltage and parallel adds current. They could have any number of the LEDs in series and each series in parallel etc etc. I am pretty sure they are 2 parralel circuits of half the LEDs in series...
  11. MJCanada

    Purple stem genetics?

    Here are a couple more pictures of the Special Kush about 12 hours later. Both leaves are turning down and twisting a bit. I cut the cup back because it's about 1/2 - 3/4 " lower in the solo cup than the Double Glock. Color of the leaves are darker green than the Double Glock, and like you can...
  12. MJCanada

    My growbox build....1st

    Control it in the room you are pulling air in from. If you get that rooms ambient temp and humidity close, it is a simple tweak here and there in the grow room to dial it in.
  13. MJCanada

    Side branching

    The top node looks fine in the picture. Take a look at the mainlining tutorial... look at how much foliage is removed during the first few steps... the plants are almost leafless! So long as the picture isn't hiding anything drastic in color for the top of that plant... I have faith she'll...
  14. MJCanada

    Mars LED lighting

    When it comes to lights, my research shows that a true watt(from the wall) is a watt. Now, you need to be careful with all the sales lingo and (in my mind) devious/false advertising. Those Mars lights are junk, not because LEDs are junk, they are under powered, and over stated. If money is a...
  15. MJCanada

    Side branching

    Never too late to try... Transplant it into some nice rich soil with lots of aeration (perlite, etc). Trim all the dead stuff, and be gentle for a week. Given the top has still got some healthy green color, I bet it'll bounce back in about a week. Make sure you remove the dead, or past the...
  16. MJCanada

    My growbox build....1st

    Think of how air flows, and make sure your venting follows the physics. Hot air rises, Cold air wants to sink. Exhausts should be pulling from the top of the grow space, and intakes should be coming in on the bottom. If you are sealing the grow space to prevent smells, you'll need to ensure...
  17. MJCanada

    Side branching

    Hard to tell with just a single picture and no other details. If I had to guess, given the way it looks, how dark the grow medium is, and how big the plant is vs it's pot: over watering and/or root bound. Seedlings you don't saturate the soil. Small circles of water for the first 7...
  18. MJCanada

    Side branching

    From my understanding of how most plants like cannabis grow, if you want the plant to put energy into those side branches, you need to make them the highest top. The plant's chemistry will take over and start pushing it's energy into the highest top. This is evolution at work. In the wild, the...
  19. MJCanada

    Purple stem genetics?

    In 2x3 room with 2 cxm22 gen3's about 16" away.
  20. MJCanada

    Purple stem genetics?

    First grow. Soil mix of a few organic soils and perlite. This is day 12. No nutes yet. The non-purple one is Double Glock from Ripper. The purple stemmed one is a Special Kush #1 from Royal Queen. Both in the same soil mix. Both popped at the same time and to date needed the same amount of...