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  1. E

    Mylar or White poly

    anyone please need help
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    Mylar or White poly

    Which one do you guys think is better Mylar or white poly?
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    Cut the tops and let the rest grow?

    but will an extra week be enough to let the bottom ripen?
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    Cut the tops and let the rest grow?

    I will be ready to harvest in 10 days. Would it be a good idea to cut all the main colas and let the rest of the plant flower for an extra week. Or would it just be better to get the next crew of girls started.
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    MH or HPS

    I have MH lamps and I use them throughout the whole veg and flower phase. I'm thinking of switching to HPS for flowering. Is it really worth the switch, and will my yields be much greater?
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    best way to sterlize a room

    I just had a bad round of spider mites. What is the best way to sterlize my room and prevent them from coming back?
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    Help with Final Phase clearing solution please!

    What kind of mollasses? and how much per gallon?
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    How do you know a bud is ready for picking?

    How do you know a bud is ready? I have read that once the cystals go amber they are ready. Does anyone have any pictures to show me?
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    Perplexing problem with ventilation portable ac unit and use of carbon filter

    I had the same issue about a month ago. I have a carbon scrubber also, but your A/C will suck that odor out and things will get really smelly on other side of that A/C exhaust pipe. I bought some ONA and set it up right beside my A/C. Now all you smell is Fresh Linen
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    has anyone used floramite before and how do you apply it
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    Pest strips

    can you use them during flowering?
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    Pest strips

    where did you buy it?
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    Pest strips

    I went to home depot to buy some pest strips. The only ones they carry up in canada are the the ortho home defense pest strips for flies and mosquites. Is this this one to buy?
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    Over Fertilized

    What do you do if you over fertilize? I am growing in soil in 1 gallon planters. I am using Dutch Nutrient Formula. When I bought the nutes at the store they gave me a feeding scedule. But I never read the fine print at the bottom that said if growing in soil gave half the recommend amount...
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    Anyone try predatory mites before?

    I have a bit of a spider mite problem. I am thinking about buying some Phytoseiulus persimilis mites. They are suppose to consume 20 young and 7 adults a day. Has anyone tried them before?
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    Misting Plants

    Is it ok the mist your plants with water. And should it be Ph tested water or regular stuff out of the tap.
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    I hooked up an Portable A/C yesterday and ran the duct pipe outside. This morning my backyard smelled like pot. Can I put a filter on this pipe without the A/C exploding on me. I have a Scrubber for the room, but it exhausts through a different hose. Has anyone used portable A/C unit in...
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    Lights - how close should they be?

    1000 watt MH
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    Lights - how close should they be?

    I'm 2 weeks into flowering. How close should my girls be to the lights?
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    Let us know how the smoke is once she's done.