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  1. Cereal box

    Autoflower nutrients? Advice anyone?

    Well, a little late but here it is. 1. No, that is NOT the reason you got nute burn. You got nute burn because you gave 1/4 of grow nutes for a first time feeding. You want to give it Big Bloom before you give it Grow Big. It's much less likely to burn if you feed it in the right dose and helps...
  2. Cereal box

    Is This A Pollen Sack?

    As everyone said what you have circled there is just a swollen calyx. Looks like it may have been pollinated. Like Robert said, pick one off to see if it's a seed growing or not. I don't see any male sacks in sight. They'll typically be in clusters rather than by itself like what you see there.
  3. Cereal box

    Leaves curling down on seedling

    I've read peat moss can hold moisture a bit. Just make sure it dries out really good before you think of watering it. Seedlings that size don't need much water anyways. Be light with it and it'll be okay.
  4. Cereal box

    5 day old seedlings help !!

    You are totally fine!! You better than fine actually, your good! Those are just trichs starting to form already. Good sign that you've got yourself a good, healthy, thc rich plant! Nothing to worry about yet.
  5. Cereal box

    CFL for veg and HPS for flower

    No, you won't be able to use your hps bulb in your cfl hood. You'll need a whole other hood and ballast for the hps. But you can grow some really nice buds with CFLs. So it's definitely worth it to use CFLs for a whole grow, especially if you don't currently have a hps hood/ballast.
  6. Cereal box

    idk what

    You'll want to use your 6400k for veg and 2700k for flower. But I'd recommend picking up a 125w 2700k bulb as you'll benefit much more from it in flower than your 125w 6400k. It's good to have mixed spectrum during flower but you want the majority of the spectrum to be on the red side(2700k) for...
  7. Cereal box

    Cereal box's 12/12fs CFL Perpetual Grow

    Haha yeah, I've been in that same boat! None of my pots have size labels on them. I used a food dehydrater to dry some bud quick dry some bud, tasted horrible. And it took like 3-4 hours so it wasn't really all that quick. How long did you microwave for? Seems like the better route to go for...
  8. Cereal box

    12/12 Question

    They still have a short "veg" period. But they will show sex much, much sooner. I do all 12/12fs and one of my plants just showed sex at 17 days old. If you veg under 24/0 then it won't really be the same as 12/12fs. You can check out my journal in my sig to see a few examples of 12/12fs...
  9. Cereal box

    Cereal box's 12/12fs CFL Perpetual Grow

    Unfortunately, it's just a little 1gallon pot. I only have around 3-4ft height space to work with so I have to keep them pretty small. It's pretty sweet to see what can be done with just a little space and a few lights though :)
  10. Cereal box

    177W CFL Closet-Box Microgrow - Platinum OG 12/12 from seed

    I hope for you it's a female but, if it's not I'd be more than happy to have some Platinum OG pollen :) She is looking a lot better though! I'd definitely recommend cloning also. The last plant I harvested in my avatar pic was such a keeper! But I didn't get to clone her and now she's forever...
  11. Cereal box

    Cereal box's 12/12fs CFL Perpetual Grow

    Thats really, really weird :-? I was having trouble with PMs last week. I kept getting captchas every time I tried to send one :-? Hopefully they get that fixed. I am, doing full 12/12 fs but it took the Bubba Kush around 20 days or so under 12/12 to show sex. Some take a bit longer than...
  12. Cereal box

    177W CFL Closet-Box Microgrow - Platinum OG 12/12 from seed

    Glad to hear she's looking better! Can't wait to see how see looks. I always do a bit of LST to my plants. Did you cut you the miracle grow with anything? I've read of some people getting N tox in flower from miracle grow from the time released nutes. You've probably heard that too though...
  13. Cereal box

    Cereal box's 12/12fs CFL Perpetual Grow

    Thats a good idea about the hash/butter!! Didn't even think of it! So far he's pretty frosty, gonna let him do his this for a while. See how frosty he really gets. Totally forgot to mention the bubba is only 33 days into flower. I think she's about 50-60 days old in total. And thank you for...
  14. Cereal box

    Cereal box's 12/12fs CFL Perpetual Grow

    Yeah I think I'm definitely gonna do a bit more pollination. I'm probably not gonna get much bud, but at least I won't have to worry about seeds for a while! I also am gonna try to save some for future crosses. I checked him out with my scope and was like DAMN, SO FROSTY! Seems like he's...
  15. Cereal box

    *Yeah, I'm still running the same 12/12fs method using CFL only. No mh or HPS unfortunately, I'd...

    *Yeah, I'm still running the same 12/12fs method using CFL only. No mh or HPS unfortunately, I'd love to use hps if I could. *Yeah for now just those two bulbs, I do plan on picking up another 56w soon though. I can fit 3 plants in my space but to get the most out of my watts 2 plants is best...
  16. Cereal box

    Cereal box's 12/12fs CFL Perpetual Grow

    Thanks, me too! At 17 days old my Lemon Diesel showed its self. It's a male :( but it's so frosty looking already I'm thinking about moving it away from the Bubba to collect its pollen. Still a bit of a bummer though. I'll post some up in a little bit.
  17. Cereal box

    Cereal box's 12/12fs CFL Perpetual Grow

    Haha yeah its just easier to be a bit more anonymous. Didn't know there's no girl on the internet though, learnt something new :) haha Ill probably be posting some new pics later on tonight, if not tomorrow. She's getting super frosty now :).
  18. Cereal box

    Seems like we have a pretty similar grow. Besides mine being 12/12fs. You've got some nice...

    Seems like we have a pretty similar grow. Besides mine being 12/12fs. You've got some nice looking plants there. Keep hearing good stuff about GSC. Your plants are looking really good though, the only thing I see is you can definitely move your lights a bit closer to your plants. CFLs do best...
  19. Cereal box

    plant sexing

    How do you mean it will be stressful for the plants? I ask because I do 12/12 from seed and all my plants are extremely healthy and successful. I'm curious as I've never heard of 12/12 being stressful before pre flower occur.
  20. Cereal box

    Newbie(Old guy) needs advise

    Your right, there's no such thing as a stupid question! How big do you want your plants to get? If you want them to get fairly big then I'd suggest using the LED light to extend there daylight to about 16-18 hours a day. If size is not an issue then you don't necessarily need the light. You...