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  1. Cereal box

    177W CFL Closet-Box Microgrow - Platinum OG 12/12 from seed

    Wow, haha, that's the exact reason I'm on riu! I was never on those sites long enough to figure out all the things you did. They just all felt, off. And damn, I wish I lived in the northwest haha! Northeast doesn't have much going for it, at least for growing. All the nurseries around me looks...
  2. Cereal box

    Cereal box's 12/12fs CFL Perpetual Grow

    haha if I knew a way! I could only imagine the smell being a problem in postage :) haha Yeah, if it looks anything like my last plant I'll be happy :). I pollinated the whole plant 2 weeks into flower. Probably only had about 40-50 pistils then. Your plants looking really good! Looks tasty...
  3. Cereal box

    Cereal box's 12/12fs CFL Perpetual Grow

    Haha, I thought you might like that pic :). She's definitely frosting up all over the place now. Even the all the fan leaves are starting to get covered! She's starting to get a stink going now too, very skunky smelling :). Just waiting on her to bulk up now.
  4. Cereal box

    177W CFL Closet-Box Microgrow - Platinum OG 12/12 from seed

    Congrats again! I'd be so stoked if I had a nursery around me hiring! There are just so many pros to it, it's hard to count! Haha, wishing ya the best of luck. :) Unfortunately, this is the only Mj related site I've used so far. If you got any suggestions to others I'm definitely open to them...
  5. Cereal box

    How much light cfl do i need for 2 plants??HELP PLZ!

    Wow, I totally missed that! That's all my fault haha. That looks like you have a decent amount of watts and lumens, I'd say it's enough for two plants. Typical rule of the thumb is about 100w per plant, and you exceed that, so you should definitely be good. Just might want to think about getting...
  6. Cereal box

    Cereal box's 12/12fs CFL Perpetual Grow

    Ahh, I see, I did the same thing with my autos. Chopped them down wayyy to early just to have something to smoke. I hear ya on smoking very little these days. I don't think I've smoked at all this month, which has been a very long time since I could say that! Luckily, I've experienced immature...
  7. Cereal box

    Is this buds forming or just new leaves?

    No problem man. I've never had a ph problem so I wasn't 100% sure, but I'm glad it helped! Never hurts to throw ideas out there!
  8. Cereal box is being reported as badware

    Any other ways to get around this? Adding it to my exceptions list didn't work. This is the only Mj site I use :(
  9. Cereal box

    How much light cfl do i need for 2 plants??HELP PLZ!

    Do you know that wattage of each bulb? 2700 and 5500 only refer to their color temperature, the color they give off.
  10. Cereal box

    177W CFL Closet-Box Microgrow - Platinum OG 12/12 from seed

    She'll probably perk up in a day or so. I've had plants not re act so well when transplanted in ffof, don't know if that's the issue. It definitely doesn't look like it'll be a huge set back or anything though. Oh, and in regards to your interview, good luck! I'm sure you'll nail it. You...
  11. Cereal box

    First auto

    It's looking good. I wouldn't say that it's too small for its age. Some autos grow a little faster than others, you may just have a slower grower. Looks healthy and that's most important, good luck!
  12. Cereal box

    Is this buds forming or just new leaves?

    Really hard to tell. Looks like you may have a ph imbalance though. You should figure out the ph of your water to fix that.
  13. Cereal box

    What was your ROOKIE mistake?

    Using tap water exclusively, on my second grow. And also not letting it out for 24 hours before use. The plant got salt toxicity which resulted in a cal mag deficiency. Back then I couldn't figure out how to fix it so I chopped early. So far it's been my worst mistake.
  14. Cereal box

    First grow help. Light warrior only?

    You could re pot I into oceans forest. I've never used light warrior so I'm not sure I'm not sure how bad it would be. I'd think worst case scenario is you'd have to water and feed more often. Although I'm sure someone on here has more experience with light warrior. Perhaps they could shed some...
  15. Cereal box

    Newbie(Old guy) needs advise

    No, I use a tap/distilled mix. The pro to using distilled is that there are no salts in it. Which is good because you don't want to get salts toxicity. The con to using distilled is it doesn't contain any calcium so you may have to supplement calcium with cal mag. I'd recommend using a 75%...
  16. Cereal box

    Is this a sign of a hermie? Or early stage female pre flowers? Advice anyone?

    Looking at pics 1 and 2 I would say female. But, pic 3 looks suspiciously like a pollen sack. Also, I've never seen a pistil dropping like that. It should only take another day for it to be obvious if it's a pistil or pollen sack. Even if it's a pollen sack, it's not over yet! I've successfully...
  17. Cereal box

    Odd question about Cannabis + Another plant.

    That's an interesting question! There's a chance it could work, but also a chance the new plant could kill your Mj plant. I don't think that's something id risk with 4 weeks left. If your dead set on trying it, I'd wait until your Mj plant only has a week or two left. That way you can observe...
  18. Cereal box

    I Think I Got Balls

    Sorry to say, that is the unmistakeable sight of balls. Hopefully that's not your only plant!
  19. Cereal box

    Any tips?

    All of this. These at very simple things to fix/adjust. It doesn't look to bad, just needs some tweaking. Lower those lights closer to the plants, if they're close enough the spectrum won't make as much difference. Like Vostok said, about 2" away is perfect. Pick up a fan, your plants use all of...
  20. Cereal box

    177W CFL Closet-Box Microgrow - Platinum OG 12/12 from seed

    Congrats man! That's really cool. Hopefully you'll get discount gear too! :) haha. I've been trying to get a job like that but my local nursery doesn't get much business, I'm their most loyal customer haha. That's really cool man! The girls looking a lot better too! She definitely took to the...