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  1. purplehazin

    Howzer's Cabinet Extravaganza. No Clowns Allowed

    Welcome back man; been awhile :)
  2. purplehazin

    Warlock + Sensi Star - 400W Indoor

    Thank you sir :D Yes I will post harvest pictures, don't worry :) Yeah man the Warlock does have those wierd calyx's like you mentioned earlier; definitely an interesting bud formation. Thanks boss
  3. purplehazin

    Warlock + Sensi Star - 400W Indoor

    Flowering Day 49 - End of Week 7 Lots of brown/orange hairs turning; Warlock is using up all that Nitrogen now, most leaves are turning light green, 1 or 2 are turning yellow. Sensi Star is still 100% dark green, no signs of any deficiencies whatsoever. Still feeding both plants 1-3-2 and...
  4. purplehazin

    Chris' New Perpetual Multi-Strain Grow With Weekly Updates & Ton of Pics

    Damn that floja is sure going to be a sexy girl in a few weeks :) Lookin good boss
  5. purplehazin

    WBW Indoor kush Thread!

    Hey man I already apologized for what I said; I was unaware of your circumstances at the time. All is cool my man :)
  6. purplehazin

    Anyone Interested In Cannabis Recipes?

    Oh man these sounds really good... and good idea with the thyme + eggs. Going to have to try this one soon. Thanks again!
  7. purplehazin

    [400 Watts]Season of da SICC

    TCurtiss you have some great looking girls man; just had to come pay some respect :D
  8. purplehazin

    WBW Indoor kush Thread!

    Yo just checkin' in; things sound like they're going good. :)
  9. purplehazin

    [400 Watts]Season of da SICC

    Fuckin mites... luckily I havent had to deal with them *knocks on wood*. I always wear clean clothes in my grow room though to help prevent that.
  10. purplehazin

    Warlock + Sensi Star - 400W Indoor

    Thanks :) Thanks man, I try to keep 'em green. Only feeding 1-3-2 right now with molasses. Yeah she is just starting to get darker hairs... thanks for stopping in man.
  11. purplehazin

    True Beginner / Poor Man's Grow

    Any light leaks in that grow area? Those plants should be WAY farther along in the flowering cycle for 47 days.
  12. purplehazin

    Warlock + Sensi Star - 400W Indoor

    Flowering Day 42 - End of Week 6 :) Everything is chugging along... no problems really. Warlock is really drinking water like crazy these last few weeks. Still taking the ferts easy on her because she is sensitve. Sensi Star hasn't shown any signs of overfeeding this whole grow. Still as green...
  13. purplehazin

    Water Questions

    I use FFOF too and tap water that has been sitting out for a day or 2 to evap the Cl. Works fine man. RO water you will have to substitute calcium and Mg
  14. purplehazin

    Just the Pistillate Primordia?..The Oval Shape that Pistils Pop Out

    Look in the first picture. The preflower on the right I am positive is a female calyx about to shoot out pistils. That's why I told him to wait a few days.
  15. purplehazin

    Just the Pistillate Primordia?..The Oval Shape that Pistils Pop Out

    Tough call... the first pic surely looks like female calyx's to me. Others do look like male preflowers though...
  16. purplehazin

    Best Vertical Growth Stopping Product?

    Hah, more like 50+. We were discussing it the other day... getting worse than Kush.
  17. purplehazin

    Best Vertical Growth Stopping Product?

    Can't you just lower your lights to stop stretching?
  18. purplehazin

    fresh air worth installing new fan?

    Definitely worth it... you'd be bringing in fresh CO2 which the plants will love.
  19. purplehazin

    Co2 question again...

    Won't be a problem.