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  1. 6

    600w Indoor 4x4 Tent

    April 25th AK started to flower. I stand corrected I was looking back in the journal and she broke dirt march 31st was germed on the 27th. So shes half way through week 5, and a week and half into flower.
  2. 6

    600w Indoor 4x4 Tent

    Looks like a trip to the hydro shop is in order tomorrow. Seems like one of the guys was suggesting just a bloom and one guy is saying a bloom with like a quarter strength grow. I was realllly hoping not to have to get into nutes this early haha, atleast finals are over Friday n I can give em...
  3. 6

    600w Indoor 4x4 Tent

    no worries. she broke dirt 3/27 so.....5 weeks give or take a couple days? Do you know of a soil/water pH tester that does both? I'm not sure such a thing exists.
  4. 6

    Multy Farmers for Multy Strains

    Does anyone use a pH tester that does both water and soil? If so whats the name/brand. I'm checking out ones on ebay and they all either seem to be strictly dirt or strictly water. Was wondering if I was missing out on something....
  5. 6

    600w Indoor 4x4 Tent

    pH of the water is about 6.8, I currently only have the dip strips for pools I regret to admit. I have been drawing tap water and allowing 24-36 hours to breath and let the cholorine evaporate off. I've been to lowes, wal-mart, home depot, and still haven't been able to find a decent pH tester...
  6. 6

    600w Indoor 4x4 Tent

    Im not using nutes which is why im at a real loss for whats going on. I was thinking a difficiency of some sort. Been slammed with finals and havent had the time needed to do some research. None of the other girls are showing these signs they are all a very nice green. As you can see from the...
  7. 6

    Club 600

    Hey guys could use a little help. My auto AK 47 in FFOF has gotten some yellow on her leaf tips. Watering every other day. Its in a 7 quart pot. Broke dirt 3/8/11. No thing done except water (no nutes). Light is approx 12 inches away from top. Temps are nice at 77-79. Humidity has been around...
  8. 6

    Multy Farmers for Multy Strains

    Hey guys my auto Ak-47 is showing some signs I don't like very much. Took some pictures, hope you can help her.
  9. 6

    600w Indoor 4x4 Tent

    Had some time after class today so I took the opportunity to do some glam shots of my girls :weed:. The first few pictures are of the SCs and then there are 2 shots of each auto. The first being a full plant shot and the second being a shot with a couple leaf spreads to see better. My AK-47...
  10. 6

    600w Indoor 4x4 Tent

    It is my understanding that the ideally autos like between 18/20 hours of light. The autos have had a solid 2+ weeks of 18/6 and just got through 1 week of 16/8. I think with the gradual drop in lights I won't see much effect. I will be interested to see how this works though. This is due to...
  11. 6

    Multy Farmers for Multy Strains

    Thanks gumball. hows your NL auto doing? I was looking at getting some auto NLs from the 'tude when they get em back in stock.
  12. 6

    600w Indoor 4x4 Tent

    Alright guys, as promised heres some pictures. Only took pictures of the autos that actually have something to "look" at. Was rushed taking the pictures, between finals week at school and work I haven't had the chance to do a nice photo op. Hopefully around Wednesday or Thursday I should have...
  13. 6

    600w Indoor 4x4 Tent

    2c's noted. Thanks for dropping by whodat.
  14. 6

    Multy Farmers for Multy Strains

    Thanks. I'll have to break it out today or tomorrow n check her out.
  15. 6

    Club 600

    How big was she when you LSTed her over like that? I am considering this for my SCs, I believe they will be too big for my tent.
  16. 6

    Club 600

    I will try and dust the cover off of it sometime tomorrow. Love comparing similar grows of people who have more experience (which is anyone who was a grow under their belt ha) and see what I need to strive for to increase yields. Look forward to it thanks.
  17. 6

    600w Indoor 4x4 Tent

    I believe I did some more adjustments since those pics, that was like 3 or 4 days ago now. I just checked the temps and took a measurement. 78.3 and the light is just under 1 foot above the top of the autoflowers. Is that too close do you think? Edit: New pics by Monday night, but I hope tomorrow.
  18. 6

    Club 600

    Hey guys, been laying in the weeds past couple weeks while I was getting my grow journal going. I'm in a 4 x 4 tent under a 600w HPS (why else would I be on this thread, right? heh) Got 11 plants in total going. 4 Strawberry Coughs (I hope, bagseed I found. either way was nice smoke) and then an...
  19. 6

    Multy Farmers for Multy Strains

    Hope this doesn't come off as too much of a noob question. about how long into flowering can the tricome be seen? I got a 30x loupe, should be able to easily see them with that right?
  20. 6

    Multy Farmers for Multy Strains

    Okay need some help. So I've been battling with my temps the past few days, and I'm happy to say I kicked its ass. But here's the kicker, I did it too well perhaps. Its difficult for me to fine tune it into the 77-79 degree temp I feel most comfortable with. I can easily keep the temps within...