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  1. westcoast420

    Clones Not Rooting

    What temps do you have in your cloner? When you clean your cloner do you run it with heavy bleach or physan in it for a while? Most people that have stem rot issues only surface clean their cloner and dont run bleach in the water with the cloner running. I run mine for 12 hours with heavy bleach...
  2. westcoast420

    Canna AB in soil

    Nothing wrong with just giving it the 2 part.
  3. westcoast420

    Clones Not Rooting

    Those root plugs were looking way to dry in that picture, should be soaked to start and keep a bit of standing water in the bottom of tray to keep them moist but not soaked for the rest of time. Once you take your cuts put the dome on and shouldnt need to touch anything for 4-5 days.
  4. westcoast420

    Drip emitters vs open flow

    Yup thats definitely an easy and efficient way to do it. Can you open those drippers ? I used to do that with the drippers in the poly line but switched it up to 1/4" tees into the poly then dripper on the end of the spagetti line, makes changing out drippers way easier. Hope i dont regret going...
  5. westcoast420

    What sex?

    number 4 might be starting to show but very hard to tell with those pics still. The purple lights are making it even harder. Every strain Ive run has shown while in veg, never had to flip. At 2 months they should be showing, never had to wait that long. I think you have delayed them showing...
  6. westcoast420

    What sex?

    None of those pics would show sex, maybe do a bit of research on how to sex plants. Lots of good info and pictures by doing a google search.
  7. westcoast420

    Male or female

    Cant see with those pictures so far away.
  8. westcoast420

    Drip emitters vs open flow

    Are you running open lines or drippers?
  9. westcoast420

    Why this isn’t happening? I’m scare

    Those are starving
  10. westcoast420


    Instagram. And i would be a bit weary of the gavitas these days, my local hydro shop has seen a ton come back lately.
  11. westcoast420


    Sounds like LMG when I left
  12. westcoast420

    The names of licensed producers for each sample were not included in the data

    It’s all a farce, the whole “clean and approved cannabis “. I fucking laugh when some idiot try’s to tell me they buy legal cause they know what there getting and it’s clean and tested hahahaha, clowns just drinking the coolaid.
  13. westcoast420

    Heads up guys watch your power consumption

    What a first post, “outdoor crops grown close together emit an electronic signature that is like a beacon to the fly boys”. This has to be the dumbest shit I’ve ever read on here, and I’ve read some dumb ass shit over the years. Welcome to the forum btw, congrats on the dumbest post ever award...
  14. westcoast420

    Heads up guys watch your power consumption

    Time to get the old tin foil hat out of storage!! lol
  15. westcoast420

    Canadian Suppliers

    Dont know if mentioned already but has been good for a few orders so far. They do take a bit of time to ship stuff out, sometimes up to a week depending on if they have stuff in stock. But they do have good stock on irrigation supplies and other growing supplies.
  16. westcoast420

    Drip emitters vs open flow

    You would run a mainline, 1/2" black poly is the easiest and cheapest to work with. Right off your pump, then depending on how many plants you would be doing you would T off that line for your rows. If only doing a small grow just one mainline would be fine, then you run your spagetti line off...
  17. westcoast420

    Drip emitters vs open flow

    Sounds similar to what i used to run before going to pvc with manifolds. Pressure compensating drippers are a must and then it doesnt matter the length of drip lines for each plant or distance from pump. Also for clogging you can add an inline filter in your poly mainline. Some drippers are...
  18. westcoast420

    Home owners policy

    So what did you find out?
  19. westcoast420

    Nutrient burn or under feed.

    So what are you feeding them right now? Do you know the ppm or ec? Also you said your still in veg, are you running 18/6? You mentioned lights out temps get down to 17c, you really need to get that temp up.
  20. westcoast420

    PK boosters

    No you cant. Your plants need nitrogen and micro and macros in flower.