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  1. westcoast420

    Does Overdrive Extend Flower Period??

    um no it doesnt extend your flowering period, if anything it shortens it. Dont know where anyone would come up with that..
  2. westcoast420

    Canopy growth reports 3rd quarter loss of 100 + million

    Hes actually "retiring" this quarter lol.
  3. westcoast420

    Canopy growth reports 3rd quarter loss of 100 + million

    Only lost like 100 plus million in the quarter, no biggie lol, expenses increased over 400% but dont see that in the headlines! Margins of 12% lololol Also never seen a company hold back there earnings report till legally the last minute and after extended trading hours because they know...
  4. westcoast420

    Looking for a designated grower

    The days are over for DG's providing for free for the patient. Personal licences are easy to get these days and you dont have to deal with the bs of providing for someone. If someone is willing to pay bm prices for their script every month I dont see that being to hard to find. I dg'd for a few...
  5. westcoast420

    40+ lbs with 12 Plants in 2 Rooms on a Flip

    Its the medical cannabis program in Canada
  6. westcoast420

    40+ lbs with 12 Plants in 2 Rooms on a Flip

    It’s a mini split heat pump with 2 heads and one compressor unit. See attached You can get mini splits in 1 to 4 head configurations. @diggs99 if your going to invest good coin in a setup why not get an acmpr...
  7. westcoast420

    Can someone help me figure out what’s wrong

    Need more info, and post pics of whole plants. Looks like nitrogen diff. What strength are you feeding, how often, how big of pots, what medium...
  8. westcoast420

    Greenpoint seeds!!

    Im up north as well and my tracking showed the same thing then one day said delivered. Depending on where you are it may be held up a bit longer than usual cause of the can post strike.
  9. westcoast420

    What have I done to her

    Poor drainage and overwatering.
  10. westcoast420

    Leafs turning brown as dying need some help

    Hot spots from your light. What light and How close is your light and do you have a fan on the canopy?
  11. westcoast420

    2 strains of cannabis recalled by Health Canada

    EPIC...fuckin right on man, those dummys have no clue
  12. westcoast420

    Interested in micro growing?

    No surprise the govt making it as difficult as possible for the small guy to get in the game. The big corporate lp's really dont want the small guys around cause we actually know how to grow quality. Just the fact you couldnt even apply for a micro licence till oct 17 is a joke in itself. Plus...
  13. westcoast420

    Can’t diagnose the problem

    Thats very close for a de 1000, most guys have them at least 3' if not more above the canopy.
  14. westcoast420

    3 plant, male or fem?

    Yup thats female you can see the pistols.
  15. westcoast420

    3 plant, male or fem?

    Pic one is a male for sure, hard to tell about the others as the pics arent clear.
  16. westcoast420

    Oh whale

    Not sure what your asking..cant see anything in those pics..
  17. westcoast420

    Soil-What to use?

    Are u trying to figure out what to use as a medium? There are so many different mediums out there, what is ideal for one persons grow wont be for another. Like i grow in 80% perlite 20% coco, works for me but i autowater with drip irrigation and feed 12x a day. Someone who wants to mix a res...
  18. westcoast420

    Are these plants looking okay? I think i flipped to early at 3 weeks.

    Dont bother counting your chickens man, just focus on getting a nice crop to the finish line. Plants look good.
  19. westcoast420

    Advanced Nutrients

    Just stick with the 3 part gh and add in some advanced additives if you want. Adjusting ph is just a part of growing, ph perfect by an is overrated, tried it and wasn't overly impressed. I would try some bud start or bud ignitor in the first week then switch to big bd for week 2-6.
  20. westcoast420

    Light Timer Interruption

    Yup just carry on, shouldn't have any issues.