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  1. smokermore

    What Does LST/COB Mean?

    i was just reading a post and the original poster kept saying LST/COB. i kno lst =low stress training, but i never heard of COB
  2. smokermore

    Not sure where to start?

    fuck the other growers! im tryin to get mine! cali has beautiful beaches AND mountains and i wanna experience that.
  3. smokermore

    Not sure where to start?

    damn. i was afraid of that. i was origonally gonna move to colorado with my gf, but we took a trip there last year and uh, well it didnt go so good.
  4. smokermore

    Not sure where to start?

    Hola every1, texas grower here ready to gtfo of texas and go to cali. My dream has always been to move there and open my own medicinal marijuana store, but im not familiar with cali at all, and im wondering what would be the best way to go about finding a good area to open a store. i will have...
  5. smokermore

    Really quick and fast question xD

    Well i went ahead and started using the 600 watter and omg...its way too much light for the one plant. baby puts off some heat too, but i was expecting that. Im looking forward to bigger buds now people =)
  6. smokermore

    Question about metal halide bulbls.

    oh, does it matter which one? ive seen alot of different kind.
  7. smokermore

    Question about metal halide bulbls.

    awsome thnx guys
  8. smokermore

    Question about metal halide bulbls.

    Does anyone know where i can get a good deal on a 150 watt metal halide and can i even use a 150 watt medal halide in my 150 watt hps fixture? Im also wondering if i could use a 175 watt mh in 150 watt hps setup?
  9. smokermore

    3 Word Story

    yes it is .
  10. smokermore

    Offical prop 19 after party thread- WE DID IT !!!!

    i dont keep up with politics. why should i be happy it failed? is it only cause they would tax it?
  11. smokermore

    Who Should I Vote For?

    well, i didnt vote lol
  12. smokermore

    Who Should I Vote For?

    i never really vote. i figured it would be a good idea to here some opinions and what not. i want someone who is the best canidate to the right direction of legalizing!
  13. smokermore

    Who Should I Vote For?

    i am also wondering who do you think is better? Rick Perry or Bill White?
  14. smokermore

    Who Should I Vote For?

    i keep seeing comercials that say to go vote but i have no idea who's running and what their running for but i feel like i need to vote. Any suggestions? I live in Texas
  15. smokermore

    Really quick and fast question xD

    Hello everyone. Im happy to announce I received my 600 watt hps system, mylar, and 8" duct fan today! Im wondering, would it be worth it to switch out my old light with this new 600 watt at this time? Ive been using a 150 watt hps on one plant, and im already over 5 weeks into flowering. The...
  16. smokermore

    Can someone help me better understand "Big Bloom"

    i think i put 4 tbl spoons of big bloom and 2-3 tsp of tiger bloom and 2 tsp calmag in 1 gallon which is heavy feeding i think and i started having problems ever since. and every one keeps telling me its a deficiency so i dont no what the hell is going on lol
  17. smokermore

    Can someone help me better understand "Big Bloom"

    Hi every1. noob here trying to figure out my nutes. right now im about 5 weeks into flowering and trying to decide whats best to use. All i have to work with right now is the fox farm trio pack and cal/mag. The top leaves began to look pretty bad a few days ago, and i was told on here it...
  18. smokermore

    any idea whats wrong here?

    i wonder if i should cut thos leaves off cause theres at the top and blocking alot of light.
  19. smokermore

    any idea whats wrong here?

    i got a ocillating fan pointing directly on the top of the plant too
  20. smokermore

    any idea whats wrong here?

    im using a 150 watt hps that really doesnt put out much heat at all, about 6 inches away, its in an open area i my laundry room, temp stays bout 79ish