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  1. smokermore

    Flying Insects?

    i think the spray works better han the sand. easier, less messy. just lightly spray the soil every day for a few days and get the bottom of the pot good, i think thats were aloot hang out, around the drain holes. if you use sand just make it a thin layer. i thought it made my plant look more...
  2. smokermore

    6 weeks into trichomes :(

    i would say you have a nute deficiecy, just guessing nitrogeon and magnesium. I think you have atleast another month to go. as for trichomes, maybe its not a good strain??? i think by now you should see a good bit of trichs on the buds. its not so bad if theres not many on the leaves but im...
  3. smokermore

    Question about auto-flowering plants

    i was thinking maybe desiel or hundu kush, but really not sure at all. Those are the 2 that seem to stand out most to me. ill try and do some research to see which ones are considered the best right now and go with that lol.
  4. smokermore

    Question about auto-flowering plants

    hello again. well i found somewhere that if you have two "stable" auto's than they will produce stable auto seeds. So what i think ill do is just order a 10 pack of seeds of whatever sounds best and ill go from there xD
  5. smokermore

    Question about auto-flowering plants

    bump................ any1 out there ever breed auto's?
  6. smokermore

    Question about auto-flowering plants

    Hello everyone. I was looking for an auto flower thread but couldnt find one. I was just wondering if you grow a male and female auto flowering plant, will you get auto flowering seeds? PRob a dum question but i just wanted to make sure. Seeds are so expensive, i just figured if i do one round...
  7. smokermore

    I need help surviving!!! lol true story

    Just want to say: You guys are awsome! Im so sorry it took this long for me to respond. I actually wrote a really nice(and long) thank you awhile back, but when i clicked post quick reply, everything disappeared! So here i go again. There are so many great idea's and also some pretty hilarious...
  8. smokermore

    Whats a good reason to have money

    theres only one obvious solution when you start dealing with large sums like that. You need a business front. Could be anything. But it needs to be legit. Landscaping company could work and you prob wouldnt even need anyone to mow or anything. As long as it makes sense on paper then you should...
  9. smokermore

    the craziest things you've done to attain? story time.

    when i was younger i would go into the most ghetto places in dallas tx and basically pull in there and get whatever you want. I would NEVER do that shit now. i had a gun pulled on me only 1 time there, and several encounters with cops. but hey, i was 16 and wanted to get high lol
  10. smokermore

    Breeding Super Lemon Haze

    i love SLH!
  11. smokermore

    Quick Question about clones

    thnx bird mcbride. i was almost sure 24 hour light was ok but not posative and you confirmed it =) Much appreciated XDDD
  12. smokermore

    Quick Question about clones

    Is it ok to give clones 24 hours of light a day? Or do they need sleepy time?
  13. smokermore

    plant yellowing?

    i think its safe to say its a diffenciency of some sort. I would recommend adding calmag.
  14. smokermore

    Where did I go wrong?

    i think maybe your watering to much? ive done that and thats exactly what mine looked like, exept the stem was darker.
  15. smokermore

    puffin on leaves

    im not sure fan leaves will do anything. Maybe if you very rarely smoke weed, they might do a little bit.
  16. smokermore

    I need help surviving!!! lol true story

    Sup every1. This may seem a bit stupid i realize, but i cant seem to grocery shop for shit. My gf and i been living together for bout 2 years now. before that we both lived with our parent and we our basically used to having someone else to the cooking and shopping. Grocery shopping was easy at...
  17. smokermore

    auto questions almost done ?

    i would say you still have atleast 1 more week, if it were me i would go longer. here some autos i just harvested like last week. Good bud but small harvest.
  18. smokermore

    RUI community please help me with my grow!

    Hey guys sorry i didnt have time to take a pic this morning, but im happy to say she looks like she is on the upswing. Top leaves are still a bit lighter green, and i thinki see spots coming in, but hopfully in a few more days all will be good.
  19. smokermore

    RUI community please help me with my grow!

    thanks moash! thats kinda what i figured at first when i gave it all the nutes earlier. Now what im hoping will happen is i wake up tomorrow morning and everything looks good again. I wonder if it can bounce back that quick. ill post more pics in the morning and keeps you guys updated. Thanks...
  20. smokermore

    RUI community please help me with my grow!

    ahh lights just went out ha. The underside of leaves looks pretty normal tho.