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  1. brandon727272

    Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

    You have done a beautiful job throughout the year, DST :D Can't wait to see how they finish up in these final weeks, I'm subbed for the finish :D. I can't even imagine fighting all that humidity, I see the condensation on all of the leaves!
  2. brandon727272

    Louie XIII OG in Dual Monster Plant System (3rd Scrog)

    Things are looking great Jin my man :D Two of my three plants have been harvested and everything, but sadly I am no longer living at home with them :( Now that I can't grow anymore for awhile I'll prob be creeping threads more often to get my fix XD Can't wait to be smoking on some home grown...
  3. brandon727272

    The Budologist's 2012 Outdoor Grow (TGA Forest)

    Lucky! Can't wait to see how that Royal Flush plays out :D
  4. brandon727272

    The Budologist's 2012 Outdoor Grow (TGA Forest)

    I couldn't resist and took a branch of my Vanessa (Vortex) last week and vaped her, real nice and energetic :D. Everything is looking fantastic man, that sucks about the mold. This fog is crazy, we never get anything like this in Sac, but it's great to bike in!!! :D Maybe to SJ one of these...
  5. brandon727272

    The Budologist's 2012 Outdoor Grow (TGA Forest)

    Damn, dude you take some beautiful shots :D! Everything is looking fantastic, the end is near... :mrgreen:
  6. brandon727272

    Round Two, 2012!! Vortex and Plushberry in Super Soil

    The plants are doing well, very very well! Today I took about an hour and cleaned out below them and put in some stakes attempting to support branches. I also pruned many branches under the canopy that weren't going to produce anything. The Vortex stems are so long and thin, they're almost...
  7. brandon727272

    The Budologist's 2012 Outdoor Grow (TGA Forest)

    Dude that Grape Stomper OG is looking amazing! Beautiful pictures too, you're right your photography has gotten A LOT better in the past year :D I need to start reading on indoor growing, I'll probably get a shot at it in the semi-near future :mrgreen:
  8. brandon727272

    Round Two, 2012!! Vortex and Plushberry in Super Soil

    The plants are looking great! They are huge compared to last year's, so they're a bit harder to spray down and get good pictures. I have been feeding them molasses with their water every morning and they are really beginning to stink :D! No signs of mites or bud worms thus far so I may be...
  9. brandon727272

    Round Two, 2012!! Vortex and Plushberry in Super Soil

    Hey all, this afternoon I snapped a few pics of the gals during my after work burn sesh. Low quality, I took them with my phone and the capture image button is kind of broken so I couldn't focus lol :sad: Group Vanessa Vivian Phoebe
  10. brandon727272

    Angryblackman's Carport AfroGro 2012

    Glad to see things are looking great! Things are going to be interesting in another month :mrgreen:
  11. brandon727272

    Round Two, 2012!! Vortex and Plushberry in Super Soil

    Thanks everyone for the courteous comments :mrgreen: I really love going and just hanging out by them lol, they're so huge they put my RD and DV last year to shame!!! Right now they're probably 6-7 ft tall, but bushy. In the pics above they're probably around 4 ft, those posts are about 4 ft...
  12. brandon727272

    Round Two, 2012!! Vortex and Plushberry in Super Soil

    Hey guys, sorry it has been so long since I have made a post. Things have just been so busy in my life lately making important decisions without ample time and working seven days a week. The plants are looking fantastic! I have been spraying them with Caterpillar killer about every 3 days to...
  13. brandon727272

    The Budologist's 2012 Outdoor Grow (TGA Forest)

    Wow everything is looking awesome dude!! Things are going to be HUGE in your backyard in another month lol. That Timewreck is beast mode, LD50 looks amazing too! I'm loving the videos :D soo sick that you smoked some Matt Rize hash WITH sub! Any cool pics from the cup? :mrgreen:
  14. brandon727272

    kk42 outdoor log 2012

    AWESOME!!! I love how much room you give your plants both above and below the soil! That is my biggest mistake in my grow so far this year, extremely poor spacing!!! Oh well, there's always next year... :D
  15. brandon727272

    having sex outdoors

    My TGA beans showed sex about 8/9 weeks from initial sprout. By the look of it maybe a week or two? Males usually show first. What he said! Also, last year on my first time this pic really helped me realize what I'm looking for and the differences visually although basic. On top of this...
  16. brandon727272

    having sex outdoors

    Accidental double post.... By the way, this thread title was very misleading. I was a little disappointed, to be honest :(
  17. brandon727272

    The Budologist's 2012 Outdoor Grow (TGA Forest)

    Woohoo! 12! Are you still going to do the big 6 or add some smaller ones into that yard as well? Looking forward to the updates! :D
  18. brandon727272

    Why do people grow in soil?

    I grow in soil because I grow outdoors and it's much easier and natural. I literally check on my plants every few days and just water them, wont' have to feed anything except molasses probably :D Even if I could grow some indoor I feel like I would just want to do a perpetual scrog/mainlined...
  19. brandon727272

    Nugbuckets Lab

    Damn look how fat the leaves are on that cheesequake! Hovering's smoke report made me want some of that SO BAD I will definitely keep my eye on it :D! This pic almost looks too pretty to smoke, if I had it I would probably save it and smoke it on a special occasion lol, amazing job nugs!
  20. brandon727272

    Super Lemon Haze in a Phototron

    Wtf why did rollitup do that? What a douche, we should have more rights than that, POWER TO THE PEOPLE. Don't leave :sad: