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  1. smokermore

    When Is A Good Time For Topping?

    hmmm if i cut it from the 3rd node on the bottom, i will basically cut my plant in half... and i kno im not suppose to cut too high either. can i get a more specific answer plz
  2. smokermore

    When Is A Good Time For Topping?

    srry i am a total noob, 3rd node from the bottom or top?
  3. smokermore

    When Is A Good Time For Topping?

    Howdy, I have a plant that is almost 1 month old, and im thinking it might be time to top it? Or am i suppose to wait until i start flowering? And im wondering how far down i should cut. here are some pics, srry for the bad quality
  4. smokermore

    My first Grow

    hi thnx for the reply. I noticed i have about 7 nodes altogether i think. So i wanna cut off the top 2 or 3 nodes?
  5. smokermore

    My first Grow

    I am thinking about topping soon, not too sure where i am suppose to cut, or if it is time, when do people normally top their plants?
  6. smokermore

    My first Grow

    oops some of the pics didnt show up, i must have done something wrong. Let me try again Week 1 pics Weeks 2 pics
  7. smokermore

    My first Grow

    Well here we go. This is my first grow. I am currently growing 1 Super Lemon Haze. I ordered the seed from worldwideseeds, but when i got it, it said it came from Green House xD, fem seed. I have been vegging for 3 weeks and 3 days now, and it has been quit an experience so far. I'm just going...
  8. smokermore

    Does my plant look right?

    its a feminized seed. I just have the 1 plant, first grow, i was expecting alot more from the ufo, but i think its trash, thats why i ordered the HPS. I would think my plant would like the hps more, even for a little veg time. She seems to be getting more stalky tho. this is what she looked liek...
  9. smokermore

    Does my plant look right?

    It is 13 day old super lemon haze. The first week was hell, was streching like crazy, and got so bad where i thought i might just start over. But i think she is starting to pull through and looks healthy to me. But im a noob so what do i kno. I have been giving it light 24/7 with one 90 watt...
  10. smokermore

    just some pics

    just took them
  11. smokermore

    Why is my baby plant growing sideways? please help

    ya i was giving them nuts as directed from the fox farm feeding schedule, but i decided there is prob enough nut's just in the soil, so ya its just been distilled water. So flushing meaning to basically drench it with water? i g2g out of town now =( ill try and log back on later tonight and see...
  12. smokermore

    Is this too much light?

    well fuck me, no advice, i g2g out of town now, thnx riu
  13. smokermore

    Is this too much light?

    bump... can any1 help me? any advice? too much light? too much watering? help me help my baby!!!
  14. smokermore

    Why is my baby plant growing sideways? please help

    i stopped giving nut's like 4 days ago, i only watered it 2 times with nut's
  15. smokermore

    Why is my baby plant growing sideways? please help

    i kno my camera sux! but i hope u might be able to see what im talking about with the spots on 1 leaf and the other leaf looks like the whole hal f of it is burned i think. Im using fox farm ocean forest. I just spoke with my dad and he thinks maybe too much watering or nuts?, but he is a...
  16. smokermore

    Is this too much light?

    My plant is only 9 days old, the first 6 days she has been streching like crazy, so i came to the conclusion my ufo sux and isnt putting out enough light. So i put a 68 watt cfl and lowered the ufo, and now she has yellow/light green spots on one side, and on the other half the leaf has turned...
  17. smokermore

    Why is my baby plant growing sideways? please help

    ya i have an ebay and paypal account. I nvr sold any1 anthing online tho so i really dont kno what to do lol. Update, im really worried today, after i put that 68 watt cfl in there, and after lowering the ufo about 1-2 inchest from the plant, i think i might have given it too much light...
  18. smokermore

    Why is my baby plant growing sideways? please help

    nice picture lol, so u think i should go with the floralux mini? do u have a fan in there? im thinking about also buying a 4" inline fan from them, but im not sure if i need it
  19. smokermore

    Why is my baby plant growing sideways? please help

    ya 2700k good guess lol. I was looking all over trying to find 6000k but the highest they had were only 2700k =( i thought i would be able to get 6000k no prob but oh well, ill look some more tommorow. hey can you give me your opinion, im going to order a 150 watt set up from htg supply, and...
  20. smokermore

    Why is my baby plant growing sideways? please help

    well heres another update lol : I went to lowes earlier and bought a 68 watt cfl and a reflector for it i replaced the UFO with the cfl, went to the post office to mail it back to china, and the dude said it would be like 55$ to fucking mail it back. so its not even worth it to return it. So now...