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  1. smokermore

    Should i be feaking out?

    I think i might have a major problem here. I had to go out of town yesterday moring, and wont be able to get back until tomorrow night. Yesterday morning before i left, i notice some MAJOR drooping on the entire bottom half of the plant. So i start feaking out, and my first thought is its not...
  2. smokermore

    Trusted Locations To Order Seeds From

    i ordered some super lemon haze and red desiel from them awhile back. Got the seeds in less than 2 weeks, cant remember exactly how many days, but i was very happy. Was totally descreet, on my bill it showed up as "nicey nice" and it arrived in a white envolope with bubble wrap inside, and the...
  3. smokermore

    Should i be freaking out?

    I think i might have a major problem here. I had to go out of town yesterday moring, and wont be able to get back until tomorrow night. Yesterday morning before i left, i notice some MAJOR drooping on the entire bottom half of the plant. So i start feaking out, and my first thought is its not...
  4. smokermore

    First Time Grow 1 Killer Bag Seed, DWC, 2 x 150 HPS - TONS OF PICS

    wow man that looks amazing so far, ill subscribe :weed: Maybe....... u can help me along my way lol, i have 1 plant that is now about 1 week into flowering(first grow) and i am using a 150 watt hps that looks just like yours. Everything has been going very smooth so far except, yesterday morning...
  5. smokermore

    My first Grow

    I came into bit of a snag this morning. The bottom half of the plants leaves were drooping really bad. Over thepast few days i will see a few leaves droop here and there....but the whole bottom half!!!! I felt the leaves and they felt very much alive, not dry at all, and the color is the same...
  6. smokermore

    Walmart Soil

    ive heard on here that Black Gold is some of the best stuff u can buy, along with fox farm
  7. smokermore

    Helpful germination technique

    i like to just drop them in a glass of distilled water
  8. smokermore

    Plz help fast

    Im praying it was under watered. I am trying my hardest not to water it too much, and i think maybe i just went a lil too long w/o watering. When i was vegging, i used four 23 watt cfls, one 32 watt cfl, and a 90 watt ufo(i seriously think the cfls did more than the ufo...). But the entire time...
  9. smokermore

    Walmart Soil

    lol.... i wish :hump:
  10. smokermore

    Plz help fast

    thnx for the advice. I dont have time to put a pic up right now =(, i am praying it will still be alive when i get back. Light was another thing i was hoping was NOT the prob =( But it might be. I am only using a 150 watt HPS, but its just for the 1 plant. I vegged it for about 5 weeks. Topped...
  11. smokermore

    Plz help fast

    I have to go out of town in a few minutes, wont be back until monday, and i just noticed today alot of my lower leaves are wilting/ drooping. It has always looked healthy intil today. The past few days i noced ajust a few leaves wilting, but now majority if the lower leaves are starting to wilt...
  12. smokermore

    Where can i learn more about LSTing?

    Im on my first grow here and im attempting to do the LST method, but i really dont kno much about it, other than tie string around the stem and bend your plant. I have a "very healthy" 6 week old plant that i topped about 2 weeks ago. Now i have bent both tops down, and i bent a few branches...
  13. smokermore

    My first Grow

    Thnx alot bongsmilie. Ya my fingers are still crossed. Im guessing i will kno for sure if its male or female in a few more days. Well now that i have switched the lights to 12/12, i noticed the plant looks slightly strained. Some of the very bottom leaves have turned yellow, and some of the...
  14. smokermore

    Fu htg supply!

    i think the mail man stole it :fire: he prob growing too . yeah overall it wasa shitty ordeal but now that i have the light im happy.
  15. smokermore

    My first Grow

    I finally got around to putting in the 150 watt HPS. I just started the cycle to 12/12 yesterday. I might be posting pics everyday now depending on how fast she she grows everyday. Oh god i hope its a she. The seed was feminized, so my fingers are crossed.
  16. smokermore

    dumb question

    Does noise bother a plant while the lights are off?
  17. smokermore

    Fu htg supply!

    i ordered a 150 hps setup from them Nov 15th. I just got the light 2 days ago.... The first time they sent it, i waited like 2 weeks, then called tem and they said it was reported "delivered" from UPS....So they had to reship it.
  18. smokermore

    My first Grow

    lol dude thats what ive been thinking! I cant believe how good its growing. I have been comparing it to other SLH's and this 1 just looks so good lol. I prob just jinxed myself. Im already trying to guess what ill yield haha. Its only gonna be that 1 plant, but the top is still alive so i might...
  19. smokermore

    Adding Organic Nutes To Fox Farm Soil Question

    im using FFOF too and i bought the trio pack of FF nutes. My plant is at day 33 in veg and i used just plain distilled water for the first week when it was just a little seedling, then for the second week i started going by the FF nutes schedule feeding with every other watering and its been...
  20. smokermore

    My first Grow

    Dec 07. Day 33 veg I will be adding a 150 watt hps tomorrow and switch the cycle to 12/12.