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  1. J

    Green crack plant dying, droopy/curled leaves, yellow and brown tips

    also give that thing some water 1 root or not that's bone dry dirt there . death to no water not overdose
  2. J

    Green crack plant dying, droopy/curled leaves, yellow and brown tips

    I just introduce'd the green crack to my grow a while back im now flowering it . It's a PITA to root as said above dwc or bubble cloner best bet . Even then she's slow run yourself some mango, or a diesel , the fake cookie's or real cut if you can get root fast every strain is different some...
  3. J

    WHAT'S going ON HeRe?

    Would a p booster b wise or is base 3 part, with liquid kool bloom,floral plus,sweet raw enough ? 1000 ppm feeding's that's with 180 tap ppm already every other watering
  4. J

    WHAT'S going ON HeRe?

    Is a de chlorinator bad to use? i doubt it just hook's to end of hose was told my tea's would brew better but they didn't BOOGIE BLUE good for like 50k gal's of water .Seem's when i ran like 1500 ppm i was petter off . I gave it a shot at under 1000ppm wasn't happy with result's from grow
  5. J

    WHAT'S going ON HeRe?

    I did feed them 1000 ppm, let em dry out still look'd ill if not worse also the next watering was just ph'd 6.3 to 6.5 water with silica,cal mag . I am told cal mag is more for hydro , r/o water but my buddy told me even in soil he run's it 3 ml per gal up until wk 7 has N in it reason for...
  6. J

    WHAT'S going ON HeRe?

    also grow before this had same problem let it ride and nothing changed that's even with flush , lite feed,dry out ,ppm ,ph check nothing help'd . Not enough food when 12/12 flip? i use base expert schedule from gh no nectar i use sweet raw,gh 3 part , floral plus,silica ,cal mag, 6.5 ph...
  7. J

    WHAT'S going ON HeRe?

    run off ph in check its like 6.2 or higher i think 5.8 i would have problem's root's look killer not dead or water log'd . I have somewhat a grasp on what's up with growing seem's to b one thing after the next had trouble cloning for week's That's dial'd in now 14 day's cut to dirt not to bad...
  8. J

    WHAT'S going ON HeRe?

    I will let photo's do the talking . Someone help me out here ,i have made every adjustment possible to correct issue only 3 outa 23 plant's have this issue .They have been in soil longer only difference .All other in same room same strain's on track looking lovely. last pic is week 4 day1 flower...
  9. J

    On going problem Yellow top to bottom /purple stalk's /leaves

    Hey alex yes i do use a filter boogie blue . It's supposed to remove chlorine yes city tap is 180 ppm on dot 7.1 ph alway's i usually use about 2 to 3 ml per gal cal mag and half tsp silica per gal . Thing is over 10 grow under my belt not many but cal mag seem'd to never b a issue i believe i...
  10. J

    On going problem Yellow top to bottom /purple stalk's /leaves

    Hey all first time poster here . I will eventually start a journal but am in a cycle as we speak . I seem to be having a on going issue in veg /flower . My plant's,not all ,want to yellow top to bottom evenly? I also notice they will eventually go purple as well very purple stalk's, veins ...