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  1. smokermore

    Question about fans

    ok thnx for the info ! ! I'll try to find a $80 inline fan =)
  2. smokermore

    Question about fans

    Hi every1, first time grower here :bigjoint: Im really excited that my baby sprouted last night and withing about 12 hours its grow 3 inches!!! Anyway, its a closet grow, 1 plant, i have it in a box thing i made, i am just wondering....Should i spend 100+$ on an inline fan? Or would it be better...
  3. smokermore

    Problems w/ PH level

    6.5 is ideal for soil i believe
  4. smokermore

    Question about fans

    Hi every1, first time grower here :bigjoint: Im really excited that my baby sprouted last night and withing about 12 hours its grow 3 inches!!! Anyway, its a closet grow, 1 plant, i have it in a box thing i made, i am just wondering....Should i spend 100+$ on an inline fan? Or would it be better...
  5. smokermore

    Educator of 39 years busted with 50 plants

    wait a minute...thats a bad example :wall: but u get my point right? Thats what they were always taught to believe
  6. smokermore

    Educator of 39 years busted with 50 plants

    im with u 100%, i think i have an answer for all those people who just wont let up about it. Its simple, they are BRAINWASHED, seriosly, they have been told there whole life how bad it is. Its just like religion, if ur parents tell u about, lets say jesus, and how wonderful he is, then you are...
  7. smokermore

    Do Not Vote For Legalization Or You Are Stupid

    me 2...i want to gtfo of texas I would vote for legalize, so i dont have to hide it from 75% of the people i kno, and dont have to be paranoid about it
  8. smokermore

    MY 90watt led ufo tri ban

    hey buddy, i just bought a 90 watt ufo... and im wondering how far am i suppose to keep it from the plant? 6"....1' ???
  9. smokermore

    Can som1 plz recomend a good grow journal for me with ufo leds

    =( no1 knows any good grows for me to look at??? i guess ill keep trying google :sleep::wall::bigjoint:
  10. smokermore

    Can som1 plz recomend a good grow journal for me with ufo leds

    Hi does any1 kno of any good grow jounals i might be able to look at. I have a 90 watt ufo, but im not sure how far to keep it from the plant.
  11. smokermore

    Light leak its blows!!!

    im not 100% about the total "blackness", but i use black plastic sheeting and it works really good
  12. smokermore

    led lights please help

    Well buddy, i just bought one of those cheap 90 watt ufo's on ebay for 144$, and so far its been working really good, it looks identical to those that are 500$+ and from what is says, it puts out the same lumens as those more expensive ufo's, so far i like, but im into week 1 right now lmao so...
  13. smokermore

    Another Question

    lol thnx guys, i can always count on you fellow forumers, i left about 5 minutes aftern i posted this and i was able to find everything i need. I love just walking around HD and looking at all the stuff so i actually found the poly in the paint dept by random luck. ! thing i still havent been...
  14. smokermore

    Another Question

    Can any1 tell me what that black/white plastic is called. Im gonna make a small grow box for my closet and i wanna use that plastic basically for the walls of the box. I wanna go out to home depot or where ever before i have to go back to work in 3 hours. So can someone please tell me where i...
  15. smokermore

    Question about my ph tester and how to maintain a certain ph lvl

    So when i turn that little screw, the number will go up or down?
  16. smokermore

    Question about my ph tester and how to maintain a certain ph lvl

    Man i have no idea what any of that means =( lol ... all i no is i stick the thing in the water and it tells me a number. For example, when you say " to calibrate" I dont no what that means lol. Is it some liquid i stick it into so that it does something? man im high... would it be a...
  17. smokermore

    Question about my ph tester and how to maintain a certain ph lvl

    Hi again every1, sorry for all these dum ass questions, im starting to feel like an idiot cause i ask a new question on here everyday. My question for today is how do i maintain a certain ph lvl? I bought a hanna ph tester online and had no idea how to use it, so i took it to the aquarium store...
  18. smokermore

    question about moving from US to Canada with warrant

    if i were u i would find someone, maybe a lawyer or umm som1 that can get u a really legit fake id and ss# ect... and have him escort u across?? be casual?? hmmm maybe this is really bad advice xD
  19. smokermore

    I think im ready

    well i took out my new ph tester right out of the box, stuck it in some tap water, and it finally stopped on 7.2 lol, im kinda worried now cause i dont think i was suppose to use the tester before soaking it in some storage solution ? ? ? idk anything about those things, but ive heard 6.8 is...
  20. smokermore

    I think im ready

    Hello every1, i just have a quick question. I have all the supplies i need now, i am gonna grow in soil, but i just got my ph tester in the mail today and i just found out i also need to buy calibration and storage solution =(. I already have some distilled water, and i just found out that it is...