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  1. smokermore

    FFS all i want to do is grow! plz help

    dam i wish i knew that before i bought this cheap 1...
  2. smokermore

    FFS all i want to do is grow! plz help

    i have some distilled water, but i have no idea what ur taling about =( i have kno idea what or how to use calibration solution or storage there a link somewhere that can explain what all that stuff is and how it works? i dont even kno what to google search for.
  3. smokermore

    FFS all i want to do is grow! plz help

    Well i thought today was the day for me to finally get my grow on, i have basically been waiting for all my stuff to arrive in the mail. Well i finally got all my stuff, but now i find out (im such a noob) i still need to buy something for my ph tester. I bought a hanna ph tester online from...
  4. smokermore

    Question about shipping from china...

    ok thats exactly what my girlfiend said, and im not sure how it is shipped, buti think i remember seeing something saying it should take 5-9 business days, which it has been alot longer, ill just try to stay patient, my main concern was the misspelling of the address, thnx for the reply
  5. smokermore

    What are ways to get co2 cheap?

    u can always just throw your cat in there
  6. smokermore

    Question about shipping from china...

    Hi every1, i live in the usa, texas, and i ordered a light on ebay and it was shipped out on the 10th of october, it said its coming from china... so im just wondering how long it usually takes for shippingthat far away... Also, this kinda scares me, i just noticed i spelled my street address...
  7. smokermore

    Hanna Ph meter question

    uh oh, i might have this same prob....what is calibration? i should be getting my hanna tester any day now, i got it off ebayfor 32$, but i thoughyt all i would have to do is stick it in the water and it will tell me the ph lvl....but now im hearing about nthis strange
  8. smokermore

    I think I've found a paradox on ordering seeds?

    i shipped mine to my address...i even used my real name lol prob not too smart,but i didnt have any problems, as a matter of fact, im really impressed by how discreat they are...on my bank account, it showed up as "niceynice" and the seeds arrived in a white envolope with bubble wrap inside. On...
  9. smokermore

    24 days old cfls grow PICS !!

    i think she looks sexy
  10. smokermore


    all i kno is MG usually has a ph of 5 - 5.5 so u def wann bring up the ph
  11. smokermore

    This is getting annoying

    mehhh, ill just order 1 from ebay
  12. smokermore

    This is getting annoying

    didnt work xD
  13. smokermore

    This is getting annoying

    i have a soil ph tester that u stick in the soil, but i guess that wouldnt work for water lol im gonna go try that
  14. smokermore

    This is getting annoying

    ive seriously called about 10 different places, a few aqaurium places, and a few pool supply places, none of them carry digital testers, they all said they would have to order it
  15. smokermore

    This is getting annoying

    Well everytime i think i have all the stuff i need, surely something comes up. I am trying to find a digital ph tester, cant find one anywhere in town, i much rather go to a store to buy 1 rather than order it online. I just got back from the hydro store about a week ago which is over 100 miles...
  16. smokermore

    Where can i get a cheap ph tester?

    thnx man, very helpful post, we have quit a few aquariums here, but what section of wal mart did u get yours in, i asked the people in lawn and garden a few weeks ago and they said they didnt carry that stuff
  17. smokermore

    Where can i get a cheap ph tester?

    i have something similar to this, i got the 1where u basically stick it in the dirt for 60 seconds..... But im wondering how to check my ph for water, not soil. I didnt think i would have any problems finding this, thats why ive put it off for last, but now here i am almost ready to grow, and...
  18. smokermore

    Where can i get a cheap ph tester?

    Hi every1, i just got back from Lowes and got a soil ph tester, i thought they would have 1 for water but they dont....can any1 point me in the right diresction as to where i can buya cheap ph tester for water. Also, i wonder if the soil ph tester couldalso be used for water? thnx in advance
  19. smokermore


    oh, u guys were serious, my bad, idk anything bout making butter, but when u mentions crock pot i thought u were joking