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  1. Puffit

    Lighting issue, help!

    Last night I decided to re-arrange my plugs around so that it caused less of a hazard to everything else. Little did I know that in my stoned state I FORGOT to turn the plug socket back on putting the timer out of sync by 7 and a half hours. This means my plant has now had 20 and a half hours...
  2. Puffit

    First Grow, WW

    get them new pics up mannnnn
  3. Puffit

    my plant is 2 weeks before harvest but i want to sample her

    if you do this you may burn your house down... you will definitely burn your house down if you tape said paper to your hps.
  4. Puffit

    First Grow, WW

    Day 21 White Widdow Day thirty something.. Afghan Skunk All three re-potted, not doing too bad I say.
  5. Puffit

    First Grow, WW

    Day 15 Afghan Skunk day thirty something..
  6. Puffit

    over/under watering, accidental nute burn, burn from the lights?...

    I don't, no, I've not really looked into that side of it yet. I have two testers to check the PH value, but I'm not sure how to adjust it. Lemon juice or something I hear? I have a couple, though I've started using only one so far. Its just general garden store liquid fertiliser for foliage...
  7. Puffit

    over/under watering, accidental nute burn, burn from the lights?...

    So I can't diagnose this myself basically and it only seems to be getting worse on this first one. Any idea's on what this could be? It's growing under three 33 watt CFL's and has planted 1 day over a week ago. Everything was fine and it was excelling at a fast rate, its partner is at...
  8. Puffit

    over/under watering, accidental nute burn, burn from the lights?...

    So I can't diagnose this myself basically and it only seems to be getting worse on this first one. Any idea's on what this could be? It's growing under three 33 watt CFL's and has planted 1 day over a week ago. Everything was fine and it was excelling at a fast rate, its partner is at...
  9. Puffit

    First Grow, WW

    Updated photo's today of the White Widow. Plants not looking as good as yesterday, one of them in particular though both are quite droopy today. I'm thinking it is over-watering or light burn. I've lowered the platforms so as to take them further away from light, and I only gave them one dose of...
  10. Puffit

    First Grow, WW

    Day 12 for the White Widow, and we are on around day 25-30 for the Afghan Skunk. The nutes have really kicked the Afghan up the ass and as posted yesterday she is seeing a lot of growth. Unfortunately more of these yellow patches of either nute or light burn are appearing but I can't really...
  11. Puffit

    First Grow, WW

    Hi Guys, Everything is going smoothly thus far. Started adding nutes to the Afghan, two days on and two days off alternatively, today being the fourth day (watering day) and it has really taken shape. Seen some good development and growth in the cutting and the two babies so I'll have to...
  12. Puffit

    Subs 2010 Organic Outdoor Grow - White Widow, Hollands Hope & Schweed

    Awesome dude, looking wicked.
  13. Puffit

    First Grow, WW

    Day nine and little change, just under 24 hours with the new setup and they are looking quite perky! minimal change but with the re-potting among other things, I'm hoping to see some pretty good development over the next week or so. As promised, And the Afghan skunk of course...
  14. Puffit

    First Grow, WW

    Yesterday we did some major revamping of the grow room as planned. Spending just under £20, its now kitted out to suit the plants and my needs almost completely. Theres still one or two things needed to be done, (intake, and odor control) but it is pretty much there :) Behind the curtain...
  15. Puffit

    First Grow, WW

    Thanks for the reply, and glad they are looking alright. Ventilation is being sorted tomorrow with a good friend and frequent user and grower of this forum, we should be able to sort something out. Thinking of putting a shelf in there or something of the like to act as a distraction...
  16. Puffit

    First Grow, WW

    Seven days in now, looking better though one is beginning to fall to one side, is this normal? I moved the lights closer in hopes of not making the stems stretch out much so hopefully this will solve the slightly 'floppy' stem...
  17. Puffit

    Stealthy Ventilation - Can anyone help?

    I might be able to drill some in the bottom part if I can find a replacement sheet of wood for when the room is no longer needed. Have to be a damn near identical bit of wood though :weed:
  18. Puffit

    Stealthy Ventilation - Can anyone help?

    I will be yes, 70 watt HPS for flowering when the time comes. I just changed the lights actually, there's a new post now regarding the changes. Only added an additional two CFL's of the blue spectrum to enhance vegging time. Thats the point though, I'm not sure I can drill any holes to be...
  19. Puffit

    Stealthy Ventilation - Can anyone help?

    - Where is your grow? Attic, basement, bedroom? - House, apartment, larger building? Live alone? Neighbourhood? - Can you cut holes in the walls? - How stealthy indoors? That is a nice setup you got there man, I like it. Looks like the real deal. 1. Indoors, in a mobile home. 2...
  20. Puffit

    First Grow, WW

    Photo's from yesterday and today now, 09/07/2010 09/08/2010 Changed my lighting rig up a bit as advised by a friend, more suited to vegging now as I'm sure you would agree. Working on the ventilation on thursday, will post pics when that is up and running.