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  1. Squidbilly

    Few leaves yellowing

    i believe it is a slight mg deficiency. if it was nitrogen deficient, it would work its way from bottom up, not top down. I would resume your schedule if you recently corrected a n toxicity, sometimes it takes a few days to a week to see improvements. if new growth looks green and healthy and...
  2. Squidbilly

    Dr Greenthumb's Headband

    Amazing journal as usual. I felt the same way about the strain- At first I wasn't too impressed, but after a little cure I find myself reaching for it more and more. I had both phenos you mentioned and I'm also keeping the 'sour' one around. I would still describe both of them as 'spicy...
  3. Squidbilly

    Vape pens

    Hey what pen do you have/what have you tried? Currently I've been using the brand 'Vaped' with an eGo twist battery and I've been pretty happy with it. The only thing I don't like is how deep the ceramic bowl is-alot of bho melts down into it and gets slowly cooked into a reclaim like...
  4. Squidbilly

    Vape pens

    I find I still get waayyyyyyyy more stoned just taking a few small puffs of shatter or wax from my vape pen then smoking an entire joint, so lighter then taking big dabs maybe. In fact, I smoke my vape pen 24/7, I prefer it to taking dabs off a nail(I can't take big dabs, they hurt my lungs to...
  5. Squidbilly

    Drying Rack suggestions.

    In my experience a 5' plant chopped and hung in a minimum 50% realitive humidity environment would take at least 7-10 days. Drying screens or racks are ideal for larger operations because they greatly decrease drying time and practically take up no space. They are not the best for preserving...
  6. Squidbilly

    Drying Rack suggestions.

    It depends on a lot of factors. Hanging the entire plant considerably slows down the drying time. You don't actually want any buds touching each other so you may have to cut some branches off and hang them seperately, but these will dry faster and are usually my first 'samples'. I find that...
  7. Squidbilly

    Drying Rack suggestions.

    I stack bricks and old recycled screens from windows to make my drying rack if I need one. I prefer to hang entire plants for a slow dry, then trim right before they get jarred.
  8. Squidbilly

    Nutrient Burn or Deficiency?

    I am in coco/perlite. Using RO water and adding 100ppm cal/mag, 300ppm FloraNova grow. Only one of my plants is showing the same symptoms as yours, and ALL my other plants in veg are healthy. Funny thing is it doesn't seam to be slowing the plant down much, if at all. It's been doing it for...
  9. Squidbilly

    Nutrient Burn or Deficiency?

    I have leave on one of my plants in veg that look JUST like that. It's not burn IMO, and feeding it just water has made it worse. I've been experimenting and the 'darkness', as I like to call it, is spreading and getting worse no matter what I do. They are turning greyish and becoming...
  10. Squidbilly

    Rapists, only slightly better than atheists

    Be careful what you believe in, for your reality is yours. For all you chistians, are you sure you actually WANT to spend eternity at a family reunion? Can you imagine your grandmother asking you why you aren't married everyday for ETERNITY? I'll take the lake of fire, lol.
  11. Squidbilly

    Rapists, only slightly better than atheists

    Atheists say what everyone else thinks. The idea of heaven makes it easy to forget about all the sick and suffering all around of the world. Surely if there is a heaven their suffering will be rewarded with everlasting nirvana and all we have to do is say our prayers and be a good person and...
  12. Squidbilly

    serious work on current blow

    I shouldn't of opened this thread, I can feel my ears ringing!
  13. Squidbilly

    Let's do it. I'm free this upcoming weekend, the 2-3rd I think

    Let's do it. I'm free this upcoming weekend, the 2-3rd I think
  14. Squidbilly

    Emergency out of state trip -- have buds curing, need help!

    How long are you going to be gone for? If it's just a day or two leaving them closed shouldn't cause any issues unless your bud is still really wet, and if it's that wet they probably shouldn't be in jars yet anyway
  15. Squidbilly

    Anyone NOT a fan of BHO

    I share the same exact feeling. I am always talking sh@t on BHO, lol...and people always give me grief for it. I also notice that I dont' get the same medical benefits from BHO and if I'm only smoking that for a few days I bet fatigued, and 'blue'. As soon as I smoke some really good flower I...
  16. Squidbilly

    is this too hot?

    Remember, it's just a guidline and it's not plant specific. I still keep it under 50% in flower these days, just to be safe, but the chart is a great reference. In my experience, plants in veg really thrive in higher humidity.
  17. Squidbilly

    Drying @ 77f and 58% humidity

    I agree with this too. The numbers the op listed aren't that extreme, shouldn't be an issue.
  18. Squidbilly

    Drying @ 77f and 58% humidity

    Dude, I'm in the same position as you-almost the exact same numbers, about 75degrees and 58% humidity. It's probably too late now, but what I do in those circumstances is leave more leaves on and hang as much of the entire plant as I can. Obviously I have to chop some branches off so they...
  19. Squidbilly

    day 25 flower what everyone think am i doing ok

    I've kept stuff green until harvest, and I preffer to let the plant run it's natural course and yellow up. I liked your comment because I respect other people's growing styles and experiences. I also pluck a TON of leaves and lollipop branches, but I just pulled well over a pound with a 600w...
  20. Squidbilly

    day 25 flower what everyone think am i doing ok

    Your probably good then, I would keep doing what your doing. Everything looks great, IMO. A couple yellow leaves here and there is definitely normal during flowering, and IMO is better than overfeeding. Unless it starts to rapidly progress, I would just keep an eye on it.