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  1. snoyl

    The Main-Lining Thread

    Hey guys just putting it out there,but I could swear mainlining works much better if you use the very first node,then the very first node off that,if that makes sense?Ive run side by side comparisons and the difference has to be seen to be believed
  2. snoyl


    Hey man I like your avatar,I take it you like mainlining.I dont know if this is common knowledge but Ive noticed when mainlining if you use the very first set of leaves they grow much better,I dont know why but thats certainly what Ive found.Use the first leaves and the first shoots from them if...
  3. snoyl


    An hps 600.My other girls are good,and shes not closest to the lights?
  4. snoyl

    What soil should I use?

    Hey man,just to say,I mixed my soil with hydroton after getting a bit mixed up when given advice but its worked really well.Heres my first grow,a 50 day old auto,Im sure youll agree its looking good! I got mg soil that was "expanding",and due to not reading the label I duly killed four...
  5. snoyl


    Hey dudes and duddettes,was just wondering if anyone knew what was up with this plant,it seems to be clawingIG]2991180[/ATTACH] Thanks for any replies,may your plants be green and bushy :leaf: peace and love
  6. snoyl

    LED Grow Light-Thoughts Please

    Yeah,I mean as I said it was just a thought for a stealth grow.I was using cfls for flowering then it dawned on me I was going to end up spending more on bulbs,fittings etc than an hps would cost so I got one,needless to say the difference is phenomenal,and none of this moving lights every...
  7. snoyl

    LED Grow Light-Thoughts Please

    Howdy all my fellow farmers,I was just wondering about something.I bought a cheap 15w led board off ebay.Unfortunately Ive not had a "spare" seedling or whatever to try it properly,I just had it beside my cfls before I got my hps.My question is,can these be used to grow on their own,like if I...
  8. snoyl

    Should I just kill these and start over?

    Dont kill them!Start new seeds,but dont kill these.I know from bitter experience that the most shrivelled up,unhealthy looking mofo can come back to life. Id check your temps with that space heater.Leave it on for a couple of hours then check.Also,if your thermometer is sitting on the ground and...
  9. snoyl

    Ready for the Chop?

    Ok so another 4 weeks,and just leave the fan leaves,yes?They grow as fast as I can take them off so theyll be big bushes again by tomorrow.I never thought Id ever love a lady with a big bush lol ;-) ps.Thanks very much for taking the time to reply dudes and duddettes,may your plants be green...
  10. snoyl

    Ready for the Chop?

    Youre all wrong.The correct answer was "yes,start the two week flush,during which time they will quadrupel in size" lol.Ah well,4 or 5 weeks it is.Ill have to get some ganja to do me 'til then or Ill be harvesting twigs at this rate!!! @ISK,everywhere Ive read says to flush for two weeks before...
  11. snoyl

    Ready for the Chop?

    Ok here are my two girls,first ever grow.The one on the left is regular,right an auto.Im wondering if I should start my two week flush,or should I leave them longer?Will they pile on more weight if I leave them a bit longer?Neither has any orange hairs,theyre both still pure white.I keep taking...
  12. snoyl

    First Grow-Any Recommendations

    What makes you say that-they were vegged under cfl but are flowering under my 600 hps? Thanks very much for the complements,it has been a steep learning curve but its taught me loads,cant wait to get my mainlined girls into flower!Peace:leaf:
  13. snoyl

    First Grow-Any Recommendations

    Heres a pic of my first grow-"section 6" on the left and a pineapple express auto on the right.Is there anything you guys would recommend?The section 6 is a regular girl,shes been flowering for around five weeks.Temps are around 75,Im using bio bizz bio bloom and magne cal,fed with every...
  14. snoyl

    Nute burn??

    Nice avatar lol
  15. snoyl

    Electricity Bills

    I understand about the helicopters,but think how many people are growing-if someones got a big setup in a stupid place,thats asking for trouble but they just dont have the resources to bust everyon thats got a couple of small tents going;thats not to say you can rub their noses in it either...
  16. snoyl

    Electricity Bills

    Does that mean you can run a 1000w light per bedroom before arousing suspicion?Gone are the days of a wire in your meter eh lol
  17. snoyl

    Electricity Bills

    My baby brother lives in the UK,he runs a 250cfl and 600hps and hes like £3 a day
  18. snoyl

    how much weed i will get off one plant?

    Why do people on here like to belittle others?!?!I suppose y'all grew 6oz plants using 100w on your first grows? A rough guess would be a quarter of a g per watt of light,then anything else is a bonus..As long as youve learned plenty from your first grow youre doing great,I believe if done...
  19. snoyl

    Grow Diary - AK 48 & Super Skunk

    Mate youll get way,way more now that youre flowering under the 400w hps,that 200w cfl is just shite compared to that,although they do have their uses,i like to use mine for vegging as i like to veg in a small cupboard where mh wouldnt be plausible cause of the heat itd give off. Yes you can get...
  20. snoyl


    You can maybe see better on this pic