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  1. snoyl

    3 weeks in flower, how are we looking?

    Theyre looking fucking tip top,but if I could grow like that outdoors I wouldnt be spending a fortune on electricity for an indoor grow!
  2. snoyl

    What size pots for Main-Lining?

    I start mainlining in half gallon pots-that usually does till theyre trained for four,then I transplant into 3 gallon buckets,where I go ahead and mline for eight.Once theyre tied down and have 8 healthy shoots I put them in to flower. Dont put them into flower till a week after youve done the...
  3. snoyl

    help with clones drooping

    When you take clones in future put them in the dome and put it in beside whatever you happen to be vegging,but just stick them in a corner they dont even need direct light.And dont leave big leaves on them,cut them in half.Good luck! Ps.You just need to spray(mist) the inside of your dome...
  4. snoyl

    Why no roots?

    Its critical that your buckets are light proof and theres no light getting in to where the roots will be growing.As has been said,dont go digging around in the hydroton,make sure the water level is just below the rockwool and let your plants do their thing.Where there is light no roots will grow
  5. snoyl

    New help

    Youll just need one fan for outtake although youll want to have one or two desk type fans inside for good air movement.Id go for the 300w,keep things neat and simple.Depending on the size of your box you may not necesarily need an out take fan but I would cause its good practice and gets rid of...
  6. snoyl

    Strain Question

    Hey guys I dont know why everyone always bumps my threads but Id really like someone who knows whats up to tell me if I can safely assume this is the Super Skunk or if theres a certain amount of time or whatever I should wait.For people who are wondering why Im wanting to know,its because shes...
  7. snoyl

    Growing in Egypt (from Socal tho) need help ASAP PLEASE

    For the moment,put them back under the cfls and dont water for 3 days,then post pics in 3 days and take it from there.Those plants are too small to be under a 600w hps atm.Also you may want to add a layer of soil on top of whats there to bury those stems a bit,and put your fan so its blowing on...
  8. snoyl

    How Much Light?

    Is this your first grow or have you grown before?If its your first Id highly recommend not opting for a 1000w and going for a 250-the amount of wasted light/energy I see on this forum is crazy!People growing one small plant under a 600 and the like.Its one thing having a big powerful light but...
  9. snoyl

    Strain Question

    I had a bit of a mix up when I planted new seeds and this lady is either Super Skunk or a Bubbleicious auto.She sprouted 20th Feb' and theres no sign of flowering so do you think I can safely say its not an auto? :joint:
  10. snoyl

    Remove leaves for light penitration ?

    I have a plant growing just now that had one cola that was away to shoot up in front of the others,I did some light defoliation and thats it,problem solved.Whether that cola produces more or less bud than the others remains to be seen but its better than leaving it to grow and having to raise my...
  11. snoyl

    update on my lone lady test in 2g pot

    Yeah the more light the better,but only to a certain extent!
  12. snoyl

    update on my lone lady test in 2g pot

    Is that lamp a 600?Thats a crazy amount of light for one plant that size,thats alot of light going to waste and alot to be spending on electricity for one plant.If youve any beans lying around Id get them in some dirt and grow them 12/12 from seed,just to make use of the light,you can still get...
  13. snoyl

    Remove leaves for light penitration ?

    You shouldnt really remove fan leaves,it stunts the plants growth in veg and the plant needs them for bud production in flower.There are some exceptions,like if theyre covering a bud site and theres nowhere to tuck tbem,or you may want to slow growth for whatever reason and trimming leaves is a...
  14. snoyl

    Planning my first grow in a 4x4x7

    Yeah just leave the fan leaves on,the plant needs them for bud production,also taking leaves off duringveg slows growth.I will rarely remove fan leaves unless theres nowhere to tuck them and theyre covering a bud site,or if one top starts growing way above the rest Ill strip some leaves just to...
  15. snoyl

    update on my lone lady test in 2g pot

    Ime clawings down to either heat or if the leaves are a really dark green color then its Nitrogen toxicity.Your lady looks ok,if anything the clawing may just be a bit of heat stress but it looks good.Youre well on your way to getting buds,any day now by the looks of things,sometimes its best...
  16. snoyl

    Planning my first grow in a 4x4x7

    A 600w light is plenty for four plants,you could grow 4 monsters with that.The led panels,they wont do any harm but they wont do much good either,better than nothing I suppose but youre better using lst to make sure your plants bud sites are getting full exposure to the 600,although I would say...
  17. snoyl

    update on my lone lady test in 2g pot

    Youve not got that carbon filter running sitting there have you?!It wont be doing anything sitting there,heat rises,you want it hanging in the space above your light. Your plant looks fine,just be patient.Also,its best not to take clones from your plant once shes flowering,not only is it not...
  18. snoyl

    yield result

    Lol I dont think youll need cfls if youve got a 600w per plant.What are you vegging under?Theres no point vegging under cfl if youre giving them that much light in flower,youll want to veg under at least a 250 mh. Good luck bro. Ps.Shoot for a quarter g per watt of light and anything else is a...
  19. snoyl

    Do you suggest topping plants?

    Only top and shit in veg,and let your plant recover back to growing normally before putting in to flower.Once theyre flowering just leave them to get on with it
  20. snoyl

    Need help basic things for the most part

    Your plants are looking fine dude but whats with the 1000w hps thats just fucking mental,you could grow those 4 girls under a 400!And your temps must be sky fucking high,you need an exhaust fan pulling that hot air out.Im not trying to be a prick Im just telling you as it is,but you say its a...