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  1. workinit

    White spots in center of leaves, stunted growth. Using Earth Juice. Whats wrong?

    Actually we don't agree. I don't agree that adding phosphoric acid to my soil is a good thing. Over time it will lower the ph of your soil and therefore give you a real PH problem. Not the catch all PH problem that people like to use to explain their stupidity. PH is soooo misunderstood in...
  2. workinit

    White spots in center of leaves, stunted growth. Using Earth Juice. Whats wrong?

    Stolen pic? Straight pistils? Those straight enough for you? LMFAO, I guess I'll DO(not read someone elses) a grow journal with the next run to shut your dumb ass up.
  3. workinit

    White spots in center of leaves, stunted growth. Using Earth Juice. Whats wrong?

    Yea, 400g + out of a 4x4 tent with a 600w = $500 to $750?. First pic is a few weeks ago. Last three today Had a calcium issue eary that was related to those damn fish tank drops. They bind calcium and make it unavailable. Notice how it has not progressed from the first pic? A little...
  4. workinit

    White spots in center of leaves, stunted growth. Using Earth Juice. Whats wrong?

    Say whatever you want about PH and organic soil but I don't and know some who never PH and everything is just peachy. Easy peasy lemon squeezy. As for the Knats I personally have wiped out a very large infestation in less than two weeks. The key is keeping the very top layer of soil dry and...
  5. workinit

    White spots in center of leaves, stunted growth. Using Earth Juice. Whats wrong?

    Oh, get some bug strips and let your medium dry out. Keep airflow on the pots. Bugs gone in two weeks guaranteed.
  6. workinit

    White spots in center of leaves, stunted growth. Using Earth Juice. Whats wrong?

    I have rid myself of Man I'm trying to be nice here but your info is plain wrong on many levels. Why don't you call the makers of promix and ask them why they don't recommend ph'ing when using their mix. It's on their website. They clearly state that the medium buffers PH, NOT THE SOLUTION...
  7. workinit

    White spots in center of leaves, stunted growth. Using Earth Juice. Whats wrong?

    It's chlorine and chloramine that will kill your bennies. If it's chlorine just let your water set out for a day or so and it will evaporate. From my understanding chloramine is a bit more problamatic. I've heard of people using the fishtank drops. I tried those once and it didn't end well...
  8. workinit

    First grow problems

    This times 1000. The bloom doesn't have enough nitrogen. Now before you feed keep in mind you have been loading up on P. I would consider something like Dynagro Foliage pro 9-3-6 which has a higher N value.
  9. workinit

    White spots in center of leaves, stunted growth. Using Earth Juice. Whats wrong?

    Go to the organic forums and post this advice. Then duck! Organic growers who compost spend months preparing soil full juicy microbial goodness and would NEVER add peroxide to a soil. I do agree that PH is important, but keep in mind an organic soil controls it's own PH not water or solution...
  10. workinit

    Leaves going red in the middle of my Bay 11 ??

    The plants seem to be doing well. Personlly, I wouldn't worry about it. There's no necrosis going. Could be genetics or a deficiency, but doesn't look serious really.
  11. workinit

    White spots in center of leaves, stunted growth. Using Earth Juice. Whats wrong?

    First, your growing organic. FORGET ABOUT PH! It is not necessary and can actually cause problems. Also, NO peroxide. It will kill all your beneficial bacteria and then you will have a dead soil. Try it and watch your soil foam. Keep in mind nature seems to do a fine job without PH...
  12. workinit

    Yellow leaves

  13. workinit

    Help needed. Never seen this before

    Not to be a dick but you would be better off starting over. That plant will take forever to recover if at all.
  14. workinit

    One plant of 4 .. multiple problems

    They don't look bad at all. Could probably use some more light as they seem to be stretching a bit. Nute mix is pretty high in N. I would use a more balanced fertilizer. If you want simple just get some Dyna gro Foliage Pro 9-3-6 and forget about it. It will grow beautiful plants from start...
  15. workinit

    Leaves going red in the middle of my Bay 11 ??

    He was growing organic, correct? The very last thing I would recommend is using peroxide. Will completely destroy your soil. Peroxide will KILL all your beneficial bacteria. PH shouldn't matter if you have a good organic medium. When growing in dirt adjusting your PH will actually cause...
  16. workinit

    Cali Connection LA AFFIE 52 much longer?

    Here are a couple upper bud shots
  17. workinit

    Cali Connection LA AFFIE 52 much longer?

    Hello all, I've got an LA AFFIE that is at 52 days. Please take a look and tell me how long I've probably got to go. I'm going on trichomes so the picture is of a lower bud because I was able to get the best shots from there. I would appreciate any input THANKS!!!
  18. workinit

    the c99 story

    Just flat out not true on both counts. C99 was famous for not turning and never a nanner. Her buds were long and running. Fat she was not, not a great candidate for bud rot.
  19. workinit

    First Time Grow / Hawaii Maui Waui / Indoor

    Hey man looks great so far. If you don't mind I'd like to offer a bit of advice. I HIGHLY recommend two things if your using mineral based nutrients. First and IMHO most important is a TDS/EC/PPM meter. If you just follow the directions on the bottle your most likely headed for disaster...