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  1. Squidbilly

    Top Feed Strawberries

    ...the're not really psychadelic That made me laugh, cool experiment!
  2. Squidbilly

    abundance, deficiency or some sort of nutrient lock out?

    That's exactly the sugar I use for everything! Already have a pantry stocked with it
  3. Squidbilly

    abundance, deficiency or some sort of nutrient lock out?

    haha, so it's the other way around! I kinda know it's over priced sugar water but the artificial flavoring in it keeps people coming back for more, enough that it apparently seperates my product from many others. Thing is, you can taste it in every strain-and when you know what that 'essense'...
  4. Squidbilly

    abundance, deficiency or some sort of nutrient lock out?

    The product I'm using actually has raw can sugar and sulfured molasses in it, I just thought the raw cane sugar was them being cheap, like filling half the product with sugar water, lol. It's the GH sweetener didn't know the raw cane sugar had a benefit
  5. Squidbilly

    My Carbon Filter Sucks.

    I find replacing your filter frequently a small expense to pay for little to no smell. Phresh and Phat are both good brands. I really like my 6x24 Phat filter, absolutely no smell from my Jack, Bubba OG, and Headband and it's all ducted right into my basement. Make sure you have negative...
  6. Squidbilly

    abundance, deficiency or some sort of nutrient lock out?

    The sulfur in molasses really kicks resin production into overdrive, so it's not just for feeding the microbal life. Either way, I only use it(or a sweetener with sulfur and molasses in it) during flowering as well.
  7. Squidbilly

    abundance, deficiency or some sort of nutrient lock out?

    If your clones rooted aggresively they may need to be transplanted. I notice those exact same symptoms when I leave rooted clones in party cups too long, or when I leave any plant in any container too long. Can you see roots sticking out of the bottom of the cups?
  8. Squidbilly

    paranoid in Texas

    I'm pretty sure those stealth packages are just red flags to the customs agents. Your either lucky enough to get an idiot on the job or they just didn't check it. Anyone who has done that job for more then a month can spot the t-shirts and bead sets immediately. I've always had better luck...
  9. Squidbilly

    paranoid in Texas

    Don't order from overseas and you'll have better luck. Dr. Greenthumb gets you gear in less then week of placing the order. No stealth shipping required, comes in an envelope to your house like mail.
  10. Squidbilly

    THE SpACE CaB : STEALTH CFL / Home Depot Cabinet / Kerala x Skunk #1 & Bag Seed Grow

    Hey just stoped in, nice grow. Pitty about the mold : / My tip for dealing with mold is to train your plant for more, smaller colas, rather then big fat ones. I know the big ones look awesome, but unless you have your rh under control they are a disaster. Try some lst, bending, and...
  11. Squidbilly

    Real Dr. Greenthumb Genetics

    I'm getting some nice dark green/purple on the very edges of the leaves, giving the buds a slight purple tint. Also, my one pheno has a very potent sweet bubblegumish lemon smell like nothing else i've ever had. Super frosty and mine is producing almost baseball sized kush style nugs at the...
  12. Squidbilly

    Real Dr. Greenthumb Genetics

    I'm growing his bubba og right now and OMG...
  13. Squidbilly

    Nitrogen toxicity in veg

    1 tsp a gal is kinda heavy with the floranova. I never go above 4tsp/per 5 gallons-and that's with much bigger plants late in veg. I never take the floranova bloom over 1tsp/gal. and when I run the Koolbloom with it I drop it down to 3-4tsp/gal. You can flush, but I don't think you have to...
  14. Squidbilly

    Troubles Dabbing and Getting "Dabbed Out"- Please Help

    BHO always makes me cough and hurts the shit out of my throat. Even the bud run shatter I make and vac purge myself. I've even vac purged and winterized it and I feel like that makes it worse. If I only smoke dabs for a day or two I get depressed. I think a lot of the terpenes and...
  15. Squidbilly

    Troubles Dabbing and Getting "Dabbed Out"- Please Help

    I find 90% of what I smoke makes me feel the same way. It's a generic kush/indica narcotic stone that hits you hard at first but just leaves you tired within an hour. I've been getting depressed thinking that 'something was wrong' with me...Then I tried switching it up a little bit and started...
  16. Squidbilly

    How to tell male from female when they are seeds?

    If you swallow your seeds then gather them from your scat-garunteed females
  17. Squidbilly

    small holes in fan leaves, bugs? disease? p.h? nutes?

    Gnats won't do damage like that. I initally thought insects just by reading the title of the post, but after looking at the pics I'm not totally sure. As long as growth is steady and it's not spreading rapidly, just keep an eye on them. I would scope them at least a few times a week.
  18. Squidbilly

    Cloning a fruit tree -

    Sorry for chiming in but a guy up the street from me has an apple tree with 5 different types of apples on it from grafting, pretty cool stuff.
  19. Squidbilly

    height at 4 months veg

    Totally strain/plant dependent. 4 months is a long veg so expect a pretty big plant, then expect that plant to at least double in size during flower.
  20. Squidbilly

    Consistently too tall Seedlings

    Yup, get the light closer.