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  1. Squidbilly

    Made my own fem beans but they won't germ???

    Ditch the paper towels. Have you tried going right into a root riot or other starting mix, then into your heated propagator? Paper towels only waste time and add an extra dangerous step at the most vunerable point in the plants life. Even if you've used the method for years, I've seen the...
  2. Squidbilly

    Seedbank Reports and Confiscated Shipments

    Dr. G's website actually makes me want to order from him, lol. It's been the same forever, and when I visit other sites I feel like i'm being sold something-flashy ads/fancy pics/crazy descriptions. I also like that you can call and speak to him directly. All that combined with the fact it...
  3. Squidbilly

    Would this work as a grow box ?

    4 plants in 5 gals? That seams excessive in such a small space, you could fill that with one plant in a 5 gal, and if you vegged long enough to fill the medium with roots you'll have some BIG plants. I'd say more like 2 in 5 gal. or if you wanted to do 4 plants, I would suggest something...
  4. Squidbilly

    Would this work as a grow box ?

    Make sure it's COMPLETELY light proof, especially if it's going to be in a room that you use. Even a pin-hole can cause a major issues/hermies. If it's going to be in a room you don't use, I would black out the window and do your best not to go in the room when the grow lights are off. It's...
  5. Squidbilly

    Any one want to visit longwood garden?

    Sounds good to me : )
  6. Squidbilly

    Ecig nicotine as a natural pesticide.....

    Soap and water spray is a very effective preventative for pests and many many many growers have been using it for years. It even kills spider mites. Just use 1-2 oz of soap like dawn(not concentrated and not a detergent) or Dr. Brohmers per gal of water. Spray the entire plant, underside of...
  7. Squidbilly

    Ecig nicotine as a natural pesticide..... Check out that link, scroll down a little bit and they explain just how to make the nicotine spray your talking about. There a bunch of other 'home' remedies for plant pests as well.
  8. Squidbilly

    Burn Or Def? quick diagnosis plz

    I shouldn't say def. it could be lock-out. Unless it's genetic, your stems shouldn't be purple or red. When I get purple stems like that it's from over feeding and lock-out. I'd keep feeding them at a lower ppm then you were.
  9. Squidbilly

    Burn Or Def? quick diagnosis plz

    Looks like a slight cal def to me. Brown tips and spots are a give away. It's hard to tell because like you said, they are showing some nute burn too. The begining of cal can look like the begining of burn. Burn usually makes the edges crispy. Cal always shows up as spots like that for me.
  10. Squidbilly

    Butane Free Way To Blow Wax!! Where has this been??

    If you want to blow wax with out butane go suck on a candle... Or purge and/or winterize your bho?
  11. Squidbilly

    Best Nutrient Line???

    The small bottle of flora, the big ones are a pain in the arse to shake lol. Either way it's much cheaper then H & G I meant just the a + b is close to 80 bucks where the nova grow and bloom costs me 40. The nova is a little sludgy and I wouldn't recommend it for a recirc set-up, but many...
  12. Squidbilly

    Best Nutrient Line???

    Flora nova is one bottle for about 20 bucks. H & G is pricey shiz and their a + b never performed as well on any strain for me. At least where I live they rape you for the H&G, the a and b (grow and bloom) would cost over $80 bucks and nova costs half that.
  13. Squidbilly

    Any one want to visit longwood garden?

    lol, I got excited seeing someone close to me on these forums and didn't even read any of the thread : )
  14. Squidbilly

    Any one want to visit longwood garden?

    YESSSS I'm right by there, my hydro store is a block away!
  15. Squidbilly

    Best Nutrient Line???

    I've been hearing this from some pretty incredible growers who have been growing longer then I've been alive. I'm considering using it when my GH runs out.
  16. Squidbilly

    Best Nutrient Line???

    I just use all my pots instead of a toilet. GH FloraNova is some pretty amazing stuff, it has always given me the healthiest plants with the best taste(although others that pay more for other nutes always say gh doesn't taste good-I think the complete opposite-flavor blows h&g and some other...
  17. Squidbilly

    is this too hot?

    Don't let the low humidity in flower scare you. In fact, it's really hard to get your humidity below 50 without a dehumidifier. I've always keep it at or under 60% and never had it in years of growing. Again, it's fluctuations in temp and humidty and spores, NOT humidity itself that causes...
  18. Squidbilly

    is this too hot?

    The humidity in your tent should be almost exactly what your intake humidity is if you have enough air exchange.
  19. Squidbilly

    is this too hot?

    ^ I find with proper air exchange plants BARELY raise the humidity, maybe by 5% max. And that's with my waste rez sitting open in my tent.
  20. Squidbilly

    is this too hot?

    If humidity caused mold or pm then every plant and tree in my neck of the woods would be infected, lol. We as canna growers like to keep it below 40-50% in flower because mold can't grow at those numbers(50% it can happen, but once you get to 40% it can't), it doesn't mean that is what's best...